El sistema educativo ecuatoriano y los impactos generados por el coronavirus, una perspectiva del 2020


The Ecuadorian educational system and the impacts generated by the coronavirus, a perspective of 2020


O sistema educacional equatoriano e os impactos gerados pelo coronavrus, uma perspectiva de 2020

Elsa Amalia Basantes-Arias I

,Csar Augusto Narvez-Vilema II
Marienny Barroso-Leyva III

,Carolina Aracelly Caiza-Mora IV

,Olayis Vernica Cuero-Gonzlez V




















Correspondencia: elbasantes@espoch.edu.ec


Ciencias de la Educacin

Artculo de Investigacin


* Recibido: 23 de agosto de 2022 *Aceptado: 28 de septiembre de 2022 * Publicado: 12 de octubre de 2022


         I.            Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educacin Profesora de Idiomas, Ingls, Mster en Lenguas Extranjeras con Mencin Ingls, Facultad de Recursos Naturales, Escuela Superior Politcnica de Chimborazo Espoch, Ecuador.

       II.            Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educacin Profesor de Idiomas, Ingls, Mster en Gerencia y Liderazgo Educacional, Facultad de Ciencias de la Educacin Humanas y Tecnologas Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo Unach, Ecuador.

     III.            Licenciada en Lengua Francesa con Segunda Lengua Ingls, Departamento de Idiomas Universidad Estatal de Bolvar, Ecuador.

     IV.            Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educacin, Profesora de Idiomas Ingls, Departamento de Idiomas Universidad Estatal de Bolvar, Ecuador.

       V.            Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educacin, Profesora de Idiomas Ingls, Departamento de Idiomas Universidad Estatal de Bolvar, Ecuador.




El estudio titulado Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 y su impacto social en el sistema educativo ecuatoriano al inicio del primer semestre del 2020 fue desarrollado con el propsito de obtener y analizar informacin concerniente con el impacto social resultante de la pandemia llamada Coronavirus dentro del sistema educativo ecuatoriano. La muestra escogida consisti en 10 estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo y 5 profesores de la Escuela Superior Politcnica de Chimborazo, ambas instituciones ubicadas en la ciudad de Riobamba, provincia de Chimborazo-Ecuador. Para el desarrollo del estudio se usaron los mtodos cualitativo y cuantitativo, el primero para responder preguntas de cmo y por qu la gente siente o se comporta frente al fenmeno de estudio, mientras que el segundo para recolectar datos numricos que servirn para el anlisis estadstico de la informacin. El instrumento utilizado fue para esta investigacin const de una encuesta, la cual fue aplicada a los estudiantes y una entrevista a los profesores. La informacin recopilada fue categorizada de acuerdo a las dos variables de la investigacin y para el anlisis de los datos se realiz una triangulacin entre los datos obtenidos de los estudiantes, los profesores y el marco terico y de este modo se logr resaltar los aspectos ms relevantes obtenidos durante el estudio. Los resultados reflejaron algunas deficiencias estructurales y polticas en el Sistema Educativo Ecuatoriano, pero al mismo tiempo, se evidenci que los maestros y los estudiantes estn predispuestos por dar lo mejor de s para superar las adversidades resultantes de la pandemia.

Palabras Clave: Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2; Impacto social; Sistema educativo ecuatoriano.



The study entitled "Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and its social impact on the Ecuadorian educational system at the beginning of the first semester of 2020" was developed with the purpose of obtaining and analyzing information concerning the social impact resulting from the pandemic called Coronavirus within the Ecuadorian educational system. The chosen sample consisted of 10 students from the National University of Chimborazo and 5 professors from the Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo, both institutions located in the city of Riobamba, province of Chimborazo-Ecuador. For the development of the study, qualitative and quantitative methods were used, the first to answer questions about how and why people feel or behave in the face of the study phenomenon, while the second to collect numerical data that will serve for the statistical analysis of the study. information. The instrument used for this research consisted of a survey, which was applied to the students and an interview with the teachers. The information collected was categorized according to the two variables of the investigation and for the analysis of the data a triangulation was carried out between the data obtained from the students, the teachers and the theoretical framework and in this way it was possible to highlight the most relevant aspects. obtained during the study. The results reflected some structural and political deficiencies in the Ecuadorian Educational System, but at the same time, it was evident that teachers and students are predisposed to give their best to overcome the adversities resulting from the pandemic.

Keywords: Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2; Social impact; Ecuadorian educational system.



O estudo intitulado "Coronavrus SARS-CoV-2 e seu impacto social no sistema educacional equatoriano no incio do primeiro semestre de 2020" foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de obter e analisar informaes sobre o impacto social resultante da pandemia denominada Coronavrus dentro o sistema educacional equatoriano. A amostra escolhida foi composta por 10 alunos da Universidade Nacional de Chimborazo e 5 professores da Escola Superior Politcnica de Chimborazo, ambas instituies localizadas na cidade de Riobamba, provncia de Chimborazo-Equador. Para el desarrollo del estudio se usaron los mtodos cualitativo y cuantitativo, el primero para responder preguntas de cmo y por qu la gente siente o se comporta frente al fenmeno de estudio, mientras que el segundo para recolectar datos numricos que servirn para el anlisis estadstico de a informao. O instrumento utilizado para esta pesquisa consistiu em um questionrio, que foi aplicado aos alunos e uma entrevista com os professores. As informaes coletadas foram categorizadas de acordo com as duas variveis ​​da investigao e para a anlise dos dados foi realizada uma triangulao entre os dados obtidos dos alunos, dos professores e do referencial terico e desta forma foi possvel destacar as mais aspectos relevantes obtidos durante o estudo. Os resultados refletiram algumas deficincias estruturais e polticas do sistema educacional equatoriano, mas, ao mesmo tempo, ficou evidente que professores e alunos esto predispostos a dar o melhor de si para superar as adversidades decorrentes da pandemia.

Palavras-chave: Coronavrus SARS-CoV-2; Impacto social; Sistema educacional equatoriano.



The SARS-CoV-2 or Coronavirus pandemic, has drastically changed the social dynamics of people around the world. This pandemic has made people reflect on their roles within the family and the society, we can assure that after Coronavirus the world will never be the same. The social confinement helped to strengthen family relationships and to value and love our relatives while they are alive. This crisis helped to improve our health care habits and develop strategies to protect ourselves, our families and communities. These would be considered the positive aspects of Coronavirus, but we cannot diminish its negative impact, in the whole Ecuadorian educational system, where it was evidenced lots of weaknesses and anomalies that affected to students in all Ecuadorian regions, most of them who do not have access to technology and technological devices in their houses. In this scenario teachers have reinvented their methodology upon trendy informatics technologies and resources to help their students.

This research work is divided into three main chapters. The first chapter includes the theoretical basis regarding coronavirus, the Ecuadorian educational system, technologies for virtual education, and factors inherent to the English teaching and learning process. The second chapter contains information related to the setting, participants of the research study, the methods and, the instruments applied in this study. The third, and final chapter involves the description, analysis and the interpretation of results and furthermore the main conclusions accomplished in the study.

Multiple studies, both qualitative and quantitative, are being carried out worldwide to determine the real impact of Coronavirus in the educational process. A research developed by the World Health Organization with its acronym WHO (2020) affirms that about 1.3 billion students across the planet are affected by school and university closures due to the aforementioned pandemic outbreak.

It is important to highlight that teachers have worked too hard to rethink, redesign and revolute their teaching methodologies. The educational process due to the pandemic was forced to adopt a virtual modality. This fact evidenced new opportunities for education. For citing some examples, Luo, J., Boland, R., & Chan, C. (2020) argue that technology and web-based education facilitate collaboration in either real time or asynchronously since by the incorporation of rich multimedia and other visuals learning is more dynamic and attractive and further appraisal activities became easier to manage.

From the view of Melnyk (2015) technology permits teachers to make their classrooms more creative, interactive and interesting, and to collaborate with peers around the world to share-design different learning experiences for their students. In this sense, the teachers roles, the institutions visions and the curriculum have been modified with the aim to satisfy the students and society needs resulting from the pandemic outbreak and provide a better experience in learning.



The study entitled Coronavirus and its social impact in the Ecuadorian Educational system at the beginning of the first semester 2020, frames itself into the interpretative paradigm, the mixed (cuali-cuantitave) approach, and the descriptive level of scientific research.

This research aimed to gather information regarding the social impact factors resulting from the Coronavirus pandemic. From this target a survey and a semi-structured survey were applied to ten students from the Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo and five professors from the Escuela Superior Politcnica de Chimborazo respectively.

For the analysis and interpretation of the results the data collected was triangulated in a recurrent dynamic that consider what the professors, students and the scientific information state in the theoretical framework.

The principal findings accomplished from the study are described as follows:

When asking to the participants about their perspectives regarding to the importance of the English language and its teaching feasibility through virtual channels, 100% of the students agree that the language is very important since it offers better job, professional and academic opportunities. The professors shared the students perspectives, but 60% of them reported that this virtual modality has difficulted the teaching and learning process and in some way, they feel students do not like virtually. This fact must be taken into account by the professors because as stated by Branch, L. (2016); Pourhosein Gilakjani, Leong, and Saburi (2012): if students are not motivated, they will not accomplish the learning goals.

What was stated by the teachers was ratified by the 60% of students, who affirm that this new way of learning English presents many difficulties such as service connection problems and the extended periods of time in front of a computer in isolation, has provoked some physical and social complications.

On the other hand, both students and teachers, very conscious of the health and social problem we are living due to the pandemic, and egger to put their best for continuing with the process. This is evidenced in that 100% of professors affirm that they plan their classes in advance, considering activities to motivate students during the whole class as stated by Lamb, M. (2017), this fact is recognized by the 70% of students. The other 30% of students consider that their teachers would use different strategies since they feel stressed when talking in front of a camera. The method mostly used is the Communicative Language Teaching and the main resources for teaching in this modality are videos, virtual books, forums and social networks as reported by the 60% of teachers.

A 100% of teachers mentioned that the principal platforms used for teaching English in their institutions are Microsoft Teams, Moodle and Zoom because these platforms let teachers and students, maintain more varied and frequent interactions overcoming the temporo-spatial limitations of conventional education, furthermore integrate chats, meetings, files and apps live in a single workspace, facilitating the interaction, collaboration and sharing of the participants Martin, L., & Tapp, D. (2019). Another advantage of these platforms is that they are simple or very easy to use as mentioned by the 60% of students.

From the view of Jarus (2020) the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic changed the course of our history. In this scenario, technology shifted from being just a content dissemination tool to convert itself in the means for making it possible to maintain teachers and students relationships, work on personalized strategies, and foster students independence. According to Luo, J., Boland, R., & Chan, C. H. (2020). technology and web-based education facilitate collaboration in either real time or asynchronously, by the incorporation of rich multimedia and other visuals learning is more dynamic and attractive, and further appraisal activities became easier to manage. Establishing new opportunities to interact not only with teachers but with people in general around the world. The 60% of the students and 70% of teachers affirmed that in this quarantine they expanded their opportunities to practice English with native speakers and people who are studying or teaching this language.

In relation with the students performance, because of factor such as internet service, connectivity, technological devices, teaching methodology, didactic resources, etc. the 60% of them sustain that their work is being regular. In this regard, teaching has evolved to a complex and recurrent process with inter and transdisciplinary characteristics within a dialogic and reflective framework that leads teachers and students to develop skills on decision making, critical thinking, assertive communication, self-regulation, and autonomy Martnez, R., & Rondn, G. (2018).

Different processes have to be modified due to the pandemic, for instance the evaluation is carried out fully through multiple choice virtual tests, and the feedback is limited to short messages highlighting the most relevant issues to be reported, this is stated by the 80% of teachers. Furthermore, the emphasis in the skills development has been dramatically reduced, this is stated by 70% of the professors and besides the 80% of students consider that developing their communicative capabilities are more difficult than in a normal class. This factor can make us conclude that very important issues like: religion, culture, contextual particularities for an integral learning Vibulphol, J. (2016), are being omitted.

Finally, I would like to number the principal shortcomings and social-educational changes that the students and teachers who participated in this study have reported:



1.      Very poor internet service and connection

2.      Lack of electronic devices

3.      Lack of teachers training for virtual teaching modality

4.      A few opportunities to develop students communicative competences

5.      This virtual modality has widened the gap between the topics developed in class and the context students belong to.


Social Educational Changes

1.      Students and teachers have learnt to be more independent

2.      Students and teachers have learnt to work cooperatively

3.      Students and teachers have learnt to handle technologies more effectively

4.      Students and teachers have expanded their social based interaction spectrum with people who teach or study English.



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