Herramientas digitales y calidad educativa en ciencias naturales
Un estudio descriptivo
Digital tools and educational quality in natural sciences
A descriptive study
Ferramentas digitais e qualidade educacional em cincias naturais
Um estudo descritivo
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Correspondencia: fmartillo@utmachala.edu.ec
Ciencias de la Educacin
Artculo de Investigacin
* Recibido: 13 de enero de 2025 *Aceptado: 20 de febrero de 2025 * Publicado: 14 de marzo de 2025
I. Docente, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Carrera de Educacin Bsica, Universidad Tcnica de Machala, Machala, El Oro, Ecuador.
Educational quality is conceived as a dynamic and continuous process that integrates effectiveness, equity, and relevance (Edilma & Krpava, 2020). In contemporary society, guaranteeing quality education is an unavoidable priority, though multiple challenges persist for its consolidation. In this sense, the implementation of digital tools in educational environments has emerged as a fundamental strategy to strengthen teaching-learning processes, particularly in disciplines such as Natural Sciences.
The use of digital tools contributes significantly to enriching the educational process by providing interactive and visual didactic experiences that favor the understanding of complex concepts. These technologies also enable the personalization of learning, allowing students to progress at their own pace and access resources tailored to their interests and needs. The integration of these tools redefines teaching and learning methods, positively impacting student formation.
According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO, 2024), technology plays a key role in education by facilitating access to information, promoting equity, and developing essential competencies for the 21st century. In Latin America, recent studies show that the use of digital resources fosters active learning and student motivation.
In the Ecuadorian context, the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC, 2011) has implemented policies aimed at integrating technologies in the classroom to improve educational quality through interactive methodologies. However, the effective adoption of these initiatives is limited by factors such as infrastructure deficiencies and insufficient teacher training, which particularly affects rural areas.
Locally, Garzn et al. (2022) emphasize that access to digital tools is decisive in enhancing academic performance and strengthening students scientific and technological knowledge. In this regard, the implementation of educational technologies not only optimizes the learning process but also fosters the development of essential digital competencies in todays society.
Through preliminary observation, critical challenges in the integration of digital tools in education were identified, highlighting the limited use of digital platforms by teachers, which negatively impacts student motivation and active learning.
This study examines the impact of digital tools on the teaching-learning process of Natural Sciences in the seventh grade at General Manuel Serrano School (El Guabo, Ecuador, 20242025). The central problem lies in the restricted use of technologies due to a lack of teacher training, inadequate infrastructure, and traditional methodologies. The general objective is to analyze the impact of digital tools on educational quality, with an emphasis on platforms such as Google Classroom, Kahoot, and YouTube Kids. The relevance of the study lies in its contribution to the formulation of inclusive educational policies aligned with Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 4) (UNESCO, 2024).
Literature Review
Digital Tools in Education
Digital tools designed for learning development are software programs that foster both active and collaborative learning (Carcao, 2021). These applications optimize educational activities by providing resources previously available online, thereby reducing teachers workload and allowing better time management.
According to Peralta et al. (2022), among the most widely used digital tools in education are platforms integrated into Google Workspace, such as Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Slides, and Google Sites. These applications play an essential role in the teaching-learning process, as they promote inquiry-based and collaborative methodologies.
There are digital tools specialized in knowledge acquisition, such as Duolingo, Coursera, Edmodo, Wordwall, and Live Worksheets. These platforms offer online courses, interactive activities, and educational resources tailored to each students learning pace, thereby promoting autonomous and continuous learning.
On the other hand, content creation tools allow users to generate visual, written, or audiovisual materials in an accessible and professional manner. Among these, Canva, Adobe Spark, YouTube Kids, Educaplay, and iMovie stand out, as they have facilitated access to digital educational content production (Ccoa & Alvites, 2021).
Similarly, Walss (2021) notes that there are technological tools designed to facilitate teaching by enabling the planning of learning objectives, content development, and assessment of acquired knowledge. Among these, Edpuzzle, Genially, Quizlet, and Socrative stand out. These tools are easily accessible and usable for both teachers and students, with the advantage of being compatible with various devices.
The constant development of technology has driven the evolution of these digital tools, allowing their adaptation to societys changing demands. The correct selection and application of these technologies are fundamental to optimizing educational processes, facilitating innovative methodologies that enhance active and collaborative learning. Examples include platforms such as Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, and Moodle, which have revolutionized education by enabling virtual classroom management, resource distribution, and online assessments. Their versatility supports both in-person and remote education, ensuring accessibility to academic training.
Educational Quality
Digital technologies have proven to be key elements in improving educational quality, as their proper implementation significantly contributes to strengthening teaching and learning processes. The absence of strategies for integrating these tools could exacerbate deficiencies in academic training, affecting the development of digital competencies in teachers and students. The lack of teacher training in educational technologies could lead to traditional pedagogical practices that do not meet the demands of the knowledge society.
According to Ramrez & Arroyo (2022), educational quality is a dynamic process sustained by the interdependence of multiple factors, particularly the relationships among students, their families, and members of the educational community. Improving quality requires strengthening these bonds, as any deficiency in one of these elements directly affects the global structure of the educational system.
In this sense, educational quality should not be considered an isolated objective but a fundamental principle that permeates all dimensions of institutional activity. To this end, it is essential to foster a culture of cooperation and commitment among all actors in the educational system. Improvements in interactions and the resolution of difficulties at any level of the educational process generate a more harmonious and productive environment, thereby benefiting students and educational institutions.
For their part, Rojas, Snchez, and Gaona (2018) argue that educational quality is a determining factor in academic competitiveness, as it allows achieving standards of excellence in learning. However, its conceptualization is complex, as it involves not only the acquisition of theoretical knowledge but also the development of social, emotional, and civic skills that prepare students to face the challenges of the current context.
In this line, Edilma & Krpava (2020) propose that educational quality is defined through five key dimensions: effectiveness, efficiency, equity, relevance, and pertinence. Effectiveness is evaluated through the fulfillment of educational objectives, ensuring that students achieve meaningful learning. Efficiency is oriented toward the adequate distribution of educational resources, guaranteeing their impact on the development of the educational system. Equity seeks equality of opportunities in access to education, adapting to students individual needs. Relevance refers to the alignment of educational programs with sociocultural and economic realities, fostering inclusion and contextualized learning. Finally, pertinence implies the connection of the educational system with social demands and personal development, ensuring that curricular plans respond to contemporary challenges.
In Ecuador, educational quality is measured through standards defined by the Ministry of Education, which establish criteria for learning, school management, and teacher performance (lvaro, 2020). However, inequalities persist between urban and rural sectors, evidenced by infrastructure deficiencies and limited access to technology, which directly impacts the quality of education (Zambrano et al., 2020).
Legal Framework
The Ecuadorian legal framework recognizes education as a fundamental right and an inescapable duty of the State. The Constitution of Ecuador, in Articles 26 and 27, establishes education as a priority pillar of public policy and state investment, guaranteeing equality and social inclusion. In this regard, Article 346 stipulates the existence of an autonomous body responsible for the comprehensive evaluation of the educational system to promote continuous improvement of educational quality.
Similarly, Article 347 assigns the State the responsibility of incorporating information and communication technologies into educational processes, strengthening the link between teaching and productive and social dynamics. In accordance with this principle, the Organic Law of Intercultural Education (LOEI, 2020) underscores the importance of guaranteeing quality and warm education, adapted to contextual realities and with permanent evaluation mechanisms.
The Code of Childhood and Adolescence, in Article 35, establishes the right of children and adolescents to quality education, ensuring that they have trained teachers, adequate didactic materials, and appropriate infrastructure for optimal learning. However, the educational reality presents significant challenges in terms of equity and access to technology, limiting the effective implementation of inclusive and sustainable policies.
In this context, the adoption of digital tools represents a key strategy to strengthen education, reduce learning gaps, and promote innovative pedagogical models that respond to the needs of the 21st century.
This study adopts a mixed approach with an explanatory-descriptive level. It is classified as explanatory because it examines the cause-effect relationship between the dependent variable (digital tools) and the independent variable (educational quality). It is also descriptive because it characterizes the population, context, and study subject, providing a detailed and precise analysis of the investigated phenomenon.
The research is conducted under a documentary and field modality. A systematic review of previous studies and documents related to the topic is carried out, complemented by the application of data collection instruments in the specific context of General Manuel Serrano School. This strategy allows obtaining primary information directly linked to the study subject.
The units of analysis include teachers and students. The study universe consists of 139 seventh-grade students of Basic General Education (EGB) at the aforementioned educational institution, distributed into four groups: "A" (34 students), "B" (35 students), "C" (35 students), and "D" (35 students). The sample was selected probabilistically, ensuring representativeness and robustness in the results. Additionally, four teachers responsible for the mentioned groups participated, as they are part of the educational process of the selected students.
For data collection, three main instruments were used: surveys, interviews, and observation. The surveys consisted of structured questionnaires with closed-ended questions designed to obtain data on the frequency of use of digital tools and perceptions of their impact on learning. Semi-structured interviews with teachers allowed for an in-depth exploration of the benefits and challenges they face when integrating these technologies into the classroom. Finally, non-participant observation was conducted to record the actual use of technological resources in teaching practices and their influence on the educational process.
In data analysis, the quantitative information obtained through surveys was tabulated and graphically represented using Microsoft Excel, facilitating the identification of relevant trends and patterns. Qualitative data, extracted from interviews and observations, were analyzed through thematic coding using Atlas.ti software. This procedure enabled the identification of categories and the systematization of participants perceptions and experiences, providing a comprehensive understanding of the use of digital tools in education.
Results of the survey administered to seventh-grade students at "General Manuel Serrano Renda" School, El Guabo, 20242025 period.
Impact of Digital Tools on Educational Quality
Table 1. Impact of Digital Tools on Educational Quality
Impact of Digital Tools |
No. |
% |
Significant Impact |
24 |
23 |
Partial Impact |
44 |
43 |
No Impact |
35 |
34 |
Total |
103 |
It is highlighted that the majority of respondents (43%) believe digital tools have a partial impact on educational quality, while a significant number consider they have no impact. This may be due to students limited knowledge of technology use in education, inequality, or teachers lack of strategies to integrate these tools into teaching-learning processes.
Digital Tools Used in Classes
Table 2. Digital Tools Used in Class
Digital Tools Used in Classes |
No. |
% |
YouTube Kids |
24 |
23 |
Kahoot |
16 |
15 |
Quizizz |
1 |
1 |
Edmodo |
0 |
0 |
Google Classroom |
48 |
47 |
Padlet |
0 |
0 |
Canva |
4 |
4 |
Other (Specify): |
0 |
0 |
None |
10 |
10 |
Total |
103 |
100 |
The data reflect a clear trend in the use of digital tools in Natural Sciences classes, where the most used tool by students is Google Classroom (47%), notable for its organization and task management. YouTube Kids is used as a visual complement for learning. The limited use of other applications reflects a lack of motivation, highlighting the need to improve access and technological training in the classroom.
Benefits of Applying Digital Tools in Teaching-Learning
Table 3. Benefits of Applying Digital Tools in Teaching-Learning
Benefits of Digital Tools |
No. |
% |
Promote active learning |
48 |
47 |
Promote dynamic interaction |
22 |
22 |
Promote content personalization |
10 |
10 |
Promote access to visual/interactive |
23 |
21 |
Total |
103 |
100 |
The results show that the majority of respondents (47%) primarily value the benefit of digital tools in active learning. This demonstrates a positive perception of their ability to promote practical, visual, and personalized learning.
A total of 43% of respondents in this study believe digital tools improve the understanding of scientific concepts. This critical information confirms the necessity of incorporating them to enhance academic performance.
Impact of Digital Tools on Educational Quality
Table 4. Impact of Digital Tools on Educational Quality
Impact of Digital Tools |
No. |
% |
High |
72 |
70 |
Medium |
21 |
20 |
Low |
10 |
10 |
Total |
103 |
100 |
The table demonstrates a high impact (70%) of digital tools on educational quality, underscoring the importance of strengthening their integration to improve their level of influence.
Aspects Ensured by Implementing Digital Tools in Educational Quality
Table 5. Aspects Ensured by Implementing Digital Tools in Educational Quality
Aspects Ensured by Digital Tools |
No. |
% |
Integration into the knowledge society |
16 |
16 |
Access to information |
70 |
68 |
Learning personalization |
17 |
16 |
Total |
103 |
100 |
In coherence with the results, implementing digital tools in education ensures better access to information (68%) to improve educational quality.
Implementation of Technological Tools in Educational Standards
Table 6. Implementation of Technological Tools in Educational Standards
Implementation of Technological Tools |
No. |
% |
Improve student academic results |
64 |
62 |
Promote equity in access to quality education |
10 |
10 |
Facilitate monitoring and evaluation of progress |
15 |
14 |
Contribute to teacher professionalization |
8 |
8 |
Ensure structured and organized learning |
4 |
4 |
No significant influence on educational quality |
2 |
2 |
Total |
103 |
100 |
The data reveal that implementing these tools not only facilitates monitoring and evaluation but also promotes learning improvement (62%). Although a small percentage considers their impact limited, results indicate a favorable trend toward technology, acknowledging its potential to contribute significantly to educational quality.
Digital Tools to Implement for Improving Educational Quality
Table 7. Digital Tools to Implement for Improving Educational Quality
Digital Tools to Implement |
No. |
. % |
YouTube Kids |
28 |
27 |
Kahoot |
12 |
12 |
Quizizz |
4 |
4 |
Edmodo |
1 |
1 |
Google Classroom |
48 |
47 |
Padlet |
0 |
0 |
Canva |
5 |
5 |
Other (Specify): |
0 |
0 |
None |
5 |
5 |
Total |
103 |
100 |
The data indicate a growing affirmation of the importance of these tools, though they also show that Google Classroom (47%) should be prioritized for better teaching.
Benefits of the Kahoot Platform in Teaching-Learning
Table 8. Benefits of the Kahoot Platform in Teaching-Learning
Benefits of Kahoot |
No. |
% |
Quizzes |
60 |
58 |
Surveys |
28 |
27 |
Debates |
12 |
12 |
Other |
0 |
0 |
None |
3 |
3 |
Total |
103 |
100 |
The table highlights the relevance of integrating tools like Kahoot into the teaching-learning process, as quizzes and surveys (58% and 27%, respectively) are highly valued for their capacity to benefit learning.
Contribution of the Quizizz Platform
Table 9. Contribution of the Quizizz Platform
Contribution of Quizizz |
No. |
% |
Interactive Quizzes |
54 |
52 |
Gamified Activities |
44 |
43 |
Other |
2 |
2 |
None |
3 |
3 |
Total |
103 |
100 |
The data highlight Quizizz as a valuable educational tool, noted for enriching learning through interactive quizzes and gamified activities (52% and 43%, respectively), fostering interaction, engagement, and active learning.
Contribution of the Canva Platform
Table 10. Contribution of the Canva Platform
Contribution of Canva |
No. |
% |
Infographics |
12 |
12 |
Presentations |
20 |
19 |
Posters |
5 |
5 |
Maps |
24 |
23 |
Educational Materials |
40 |
39 |
Other |
0 |
0 |
None |
2 |
2 |
Total |
103 |
100 |
The data demonstrate Canvas efficiency and versatility as a key educational tool for improving the teaching-learning process. Its visual approach fosters creativity in maps, presentations, and infographics, valued for developing critical thinking, communication, and organization, adapting to diverse learning styles and needs while enhancing the learning experience.
Contribution of the YouTube Kids Platform
Table 11. Contribution of the YouTube Kids Platform
Contribution of YouTube Kids |
No. |
% |
Creative Content |
32 |
31 |
Safe Content |
12 |
12 |
Entertaining Content |
20 |
19 |
Educational Content |
39 |
38 |
Total |
103 |
100 |
The data underscore YouTube Kids as an educational tool that combines educational, creative, and entertaining content. Its ability to balance learning and entertainment makes it a significant resource for enriching educational experiences.
Digital Tools Benefiting Educational Quality in Teaching-Learning
Table 12. Digital Tools Benefiting Educational Quality in Teaching-Learning
Digital Tools Benefit Educational Quality |
No. |
% |
Yes |
72 |
70 |
No |
11 |
11 |
May be |
20 |
19 |
Total |
103 |
100 |
The data highlight the significant impact of digital tools on educational quality, as they facilitate personalized learning.
Results of Teacher Interviews
Impact of Digital Tools on Educational Quality
The interviews conducted with teachers reveal that all of them consider digital tools to have a positive impact on educational quality.
The results emphasize that teachers believe digital tools positively influence educational quality, as they enrich the teaching-learning process and contribute to student learning by making classes more dynamic, inclusive, and tailored to individual needs.
Digital Tools Currently Used by Teachers in Natural Sciences Classes
Regarding the digital tools currently used by teachers in seventh-grade Natural Sciences classes at General Manuel Serrano School (El Guabo, 20242025), teachers stated that they use digital tools to complement traditional resources and enhance the teaching-learning process. Mentioned tools include YouTube and LiveWorksheets, supported by a projector to present activities.
Benefits of Applying Digital Tools in Natural Sciences Teaching-Learning
Regarding the benefits of applying digital tools in Natural Sciences teaching-learning, teachers reported that these tools make classes more dynamic and interactive, foster autonomous learning, and improve content comprehension and retention.
Aspects Improved by Digital Tools in Teaching-Learning
Regarding aspects improved by digital tools in Natural Sciences teaching-learning, teachers stated that the tools enhance attention, concentration, and active student participation.
Level of Impact of Digital Tools on Educational Quality
Regarding the level of impact of digital tools on educational quality, teachers indicated that digital tools have a high or superior impact on educational quality, highlighting their positive effect on interactivity, active participation, and knowledge retention.
Aspects Ensured by Implementing Digital Tools in Educational Quality
Regarding aspects ensured by implementing digital tools in educational quality, teachers stated that digital tools guarantee autonomous, personalized, and interactive learning, along with continuous feedback.
Implementation of Technological Tools in Educational Standards in Natural Sciences
Regarding the implementation of technological tools in educational standards for seventh-grade Natural Sciences at General Manuel Serrano School (El Guabo, 20242025), teachers indicated that such implementation enhances equity and relevance by helping students learn new skills to navigate the digital world.
Digital Tools to Implement for Improving Educational Quality
When interviewed about tools to implement for improving educational quality, teachers suggested using visual resources such as videos, images, and activities accompanied by interactive platforms like Canva and YouTube.
Benefits of the Kahoot Platform in Teaching-Learning
Regarding the benefits of the Kahoot platform, teachers stated that it allows the creation of interactive learning games that help assess or reinforce specific topics covered in class.
Use of the Quizizz Platform in Natural Sciences
Regarding the use of the Quizizz platform, teachers mentioned that this tool significantly contributes to exploring and reinforcing student knowledge through interaction and leveraging prior knowledge.
Use of the Canva Platform in Natural Sciences
Regarding the use of Canva, teachers noted that this tool enhances students visual and linguistic creativity, motivating them to develop creativity, participation, and interaction skills.
Use of the YouTube Kids Platform in Natural Sciences
Regarding the use of YouTube Kids, teachers highlighted its ability to increase student concentration and motivation, considering it an innovative strategy for the subject.
Digital Tools Benefiting Educational Quality in Natural Sciences Teaching-Learning
When interviewed about the benefits of digital tools to educational quality, teachers stated that these tools significantly benefit education by adapting activities to each students needs.
Observation Guide Results
Title: Digital Tools Used in Natural Sciences Classes
Observation of the teaching-learning process shows very limited use of digital tools in seventh-grade Natural Sciences classes. In most courses, teachers do not use any digital tools to deliver their lessons, making it difficult for students to link theory with practice, reducing content comprehension and retention, and causing demotivation or frustration, particularly among certain students. However, it was noted that one teacher occasionally uses resources like YouTube Kids and Kahoot to make classes more dynamic and interactive. This result underscores the need to promote teacher training strategies and the use of digital tools to enrich the teaching-learning process in this subject.
Title: Digital Resources Used to Teach Natural Sciences Classes
Observation to verify the digital resources used by teachers to deliver seventh-grade Natural Sciences classes revealed that most teachers use cell phones, computers, and projectors, while televisions are not used at all. This reflects limited reliance on digital tools in the classroom, which may be due to device usage limitations or a lack of pedagogical integration of these resources. These data highlight the need to improve the availability and use of these tools to enrich and optimize learning, fostering dynamic interactions between teachers and students.
Based on data collected through field instruments such as surveys, interviews, and observation guides administered to seventh-grade teachers and students at General Manuel Serrano Renda School, the results are discussed below, supported by relevant documentary information.
According to research by Romo et al. (2023), which directly relates to the results obtained and presented in the 2023 issue of Polo del Conocimiento, the most used tool is Google Classroom, which offers benefits such as adapting learning to each student and fostering collaboration.
Thus, the use of Google Classroom in education helps tailor learning to individual students and encourages collaboration, making learning more flexible and personalized. As these authors suggest, we agree that digital tools should be implemented to improve educational quality in Natural Sciences, thereby enhancing academic performance and students holistic growth.
On the other hand, according to Molinero & Chvez (2019), which directly relates to results presented in the 2019 issue of Iberoamerican Journal for Research and Educational Development, the most used tool in their study was Canva.
Therefore, the use of Canva highlights its relevance in educational contexts, as its implementation improves aspects such as content presentation, creativity, and student motivation. As these authors argue, we concur that this tool should be implemented to enhance educational quality.
According to Bodero (2014), which directly relates to results presented in the 2014 article in Ciencia y Sociedad, recognizing whether an educational system or institution is of good quality is not only a theoretical issue but also a crucial part of professional work. Thus, teachers must use tools to facilitate student tasks.
In this way, educational quality lies in its capacity to transform society through personal development, serving as a fundamental pillar for individual and collective progress. Providing adequate tools and resources to facilitate student learning aligns with these authors views, and we agree that digital tools should be implemented to improve educational quality and teaching-learning processes.
According to Lpez F. (2021), teachers must maintain high motivation to achieve higher standards in educational institutions and sustain high-quality educational processes.
Therefore, teachers must act with dedication and commitment, not only to fulfill their duties but also to inspire students to reach their full potential. Teacher motivation is closely tied to educational quality, as motivated teachers tend to innovate their methods, pursue continuous training, and adapt to student needs. Thus, we agree with the authors that teacher training has a high impact on maintaining quality education.
According to Mainato et al. (2023), which directly relates to results presented in the 2023 issue of Journal of Pedagogical Science Dissemination, technological tools are fundamental for teaching-learning, enabling students to learn in a fun, dynamic, and interactive manner. Teachers play a vital role in guiding students to manage these tools, fostering mutual learning and improvement.
Thus, digital tools not only improve learning but also foster interest and active student participation. By integrating digital platforms or interactive resources, teachers can engage students and inspire them to explore knowledge from practical and appealing perspectives. Therefore, we agree with the authors that digital tools are essential for transforming education into a dynamic and interactive experience.
According to Cmara & Hernndez (2022), digital tools are a means to support teaching and learning strategies, changing how students and teachers interact and communicate, thereby influencing new forms of learning assessment.
Thus, digital tools not only enrich the educational process but also open doors to dynamic, personalized, and digitally adapted assessment methods. Therefore, we agree with the authors that digital tools are essential for strengthening teaching-learning in the classroom.
The results confirm that tools like Kahoot and YouTube Kids enhance motivation and autonomous learning, aligning with previous studies (Romo et al., 2023). However, gaps in teacher training limit their potential, consistent with findings by Rodrguez et al. (2021). Insufficient infrastructure reflects systemic challenges in Ecuadorian rural areas (Zambrano et al., 2020), demanding policies focused on teacher training and technological access.
1. The digital tools impacting the educational quality of seventh-grade Natural Sciences at General Manuel Serrano School (El Guabo, 20242025) are Google Classroom, YouTube Kids, and Kahoot.
2. The level of impact of digital tools on quality is high.
3. The digital tools to implement for influencing the educational quality of the Natural Sciences teaching-learning process at General Manuel Serrano School (El Guabo, 20242025) are Google Classroom, YouTube Kids, and Kahoot.
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Polo del Conocimiento
Revista Científico-Académica Multidisciplinaria
ISSN: 2550-682X
Casa Editora del Polo
Manta - Ecuador
Dirección: Ciudadela El Palmar, II Etapa, Manta - Manabí - Ecuador.
Código Postal: 130801
Teléfonos: 056051775/0991871420
Email: polodelconocimientorevista@gmail.com / director@polodelconocimiento.com
URL: https://www.polodelconocimiento.com/