Estudio de caso efectivo de la ESPE: Una Actividad Constructivista


Effective ESPE Case Study: A Constructivist Activity


Estudo de caso eficaz da ESPE: uma atividade construtivista

Luis Germnico Calero-Bonilla I

,Vernica Maribel Salazar-Silva II
Michelle Sofa Flores-Rojas III

,Wilson Gonzalo Rojas-Yumisaca IV














Ciencias de la Educacin

Artculo de Investigacin



* Recibido: 04 de junio de 2024 *Aceptado: 10 de julio de 2024 * Publicado: 05 de agosto de 2024


        I.            Magster en Educacin Mencin Innovacin y Liderazgo Educativo, Docente de la Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas, ESPE, Ambato, Ecuador.

      II.            Magster en Enseanza de Ingls como Lengua Extranjera, Docente de la Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas, ESPE, Ambato, Ecuador.

   III.            Magster en Enseanza de Ingls como Lengua Extranjera, Docente de Clase Lder, Riobamba, Ecuador.

   IV.            Magster en la Enseanza del Idioma Ingls como Lengua Extranjera, Docente de la Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas, ESPE, Ambato, Ecuador.



El examen complexivo tiene como objetivo evaluar exhaustivamente los conocimientos adquiridos durante el proceso de enseanza-aprendizaje, as como la correcta seleccin de enfoques, mtodos, estrategias y herramientas a utilizar en el aula durante la enseanza del idioma ingls por parte de los estudiantes de la Universidad. de las Fuerzas Armadas-ESPE (Escuela Politcnica del Ejrcito) en el programa de Pedagoga de Lenguas Nacionales y Extranjeras, a lo largo de ocho semestres de educacin en lnea. El examen complexivo consta de tres partes: en primer lugar, un banco de preguntas de opcin mltiple sobre tres materias como Mtodos Mixtos, Metodologa e English Vantage B2; en segundo lugar, el desarrollo de un estudio de caso; y, en tercer lugar, la presentacin de la propuesta por parte de los estudiantes. Dentro del desarrollo, el currculo educativo debe utilizarse como nica herramienta de apoyo, tomando en consideracin todos los aspectos relacionados con el contexto educativo, incluidos los estudiantes con diversas necesidades educativas que deben ser atendidas. Finalmente, en la segunda parte, el estudiante presentar una propuesta mejorada que incluir teoras, metodologas, herramientas y actividades utilizadas por el docente durante el desarrollo de una clase de ingls.

Palabras clave: Examen complexivo; Enfoques; Pedagoga; Educacin en lnea; Caso de estudio; Opcin mltiple; Plan de estudios.



The comprehensive exam aims to comprehensively assess the knowledge acquired during the teaching-learning process, as well as the correct selection of approaches, methods, strategies and tools to be used in the classroom during the teaching of the English language by students of the University of the Armed Forces-ESPE (Army Polytechnic School) in the Pedagogy of National and Foreign Languages ​​​​program, throughout eight semesters of online education. The comprehensive exam consists of three parts: firstly, a bank of multiple-choice questions on three subjects such as Mixed Methods, Methodology and English Vantage B2; secondly, the development of a case study; and, thirdly, the presentation of the proposal by the students. Within the development, the educational curriculum must be used as the only support tool, taking into consideration all aspects related to the educational context, including students with diverse educational needs that must be met. Finally, in the second part, the student will present an improved proposal that will include theories, methodologies, tools and activities used by the teacher during the development of an English class.

Keywords: Comprehensive exam; Approaches; Pedagogy; Online education; Case study; Multiple choice; Curriculum.



O exame complexo visa avaliar exaustivamente os conhecimentos adquiridos durante o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, bem como a correta seleo de abordagens, mtodos, estratgias e ferramentas a utilizar na sala de aula durante o ensino da lngua inglesa pelos estudantes da Universidade. das Foras Armadas-ESPE (Escola Politcnica do Exrcito) no curso de Pedagogia de Lnguas Nacionais e Estrangeiras, ao longo de oito semestres de ensino on-line. O exame complexo composto por trs partes: em primeiro lugar, um banco de questes de escolha mltipla sobre trs disciplinas como Mtodos Mistos, Metodologia e Ingls Vantage B2; em segundo lugar, o desenvolvimento de um estudo de caso; e, em terceiro lugar, a apresentao da proposta por parte dos alunos. No desenvolvimento, o currculo educativo deve ser utilizado como nica ferramenta de apoio, tendo em conta todos os aspetos relacionados com o contexto educativo, incluindo os alunos com diversas necessidades educativas que devem ser satisfeitas. Por fim, na segunda parte, o aluno apresentar uma proposta melhorada que incluir teorias, metodologias, ferramentas e atividades utilizadas pelo professor durante o desenvolvimento de uma aula de ingls.

Palavras-chave: Exame complexo; Abordagens; Pedagogia; Educao online; Caso de estudo; Escolha mltipla; Plano de estudos.




The people of Otavalo, often referred to as Otavaleos, belong to the indigenous kichwa ethnic group and are known for their culture, traditional clothing, and skilled craftsmanship. There are a lot of American foreigners who visit the place to buy handicrafts, in this way, Otavaleos have constant contact with English language. The general education English language curriculum focuses on ensuring the development of students communicative competences through active and creative learning activities and gaining basic knowledge of the landscape, culture and people of English-speaking countries and other countries in the world. The high schools have native speakers as volunteers to practice speaking; however, these institutions face challenges such as boosting reading and writer skills, and cultural understanding.


Description of the Case

This class belongs to a municipal high school. It has 45 students of second year of Bachillerato. 60% are female and 40% are male. In this group, there is a girl with 25% of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). English is taught three hours a week which is stated by Ministerio de Educacin, but as an internal policy, students must attend extracurricular English clubs. Most of the instruction is targeted at speaking with the content just related to English-speaking countries. However, when students are presented with a complex text, they have a high difficulty in understanding thought-provoking questions and developing the answers cohesively and coherently. There is a limited access to the internet. As for evaluation, students are mostly assessed in their speaking skills through informal test. Three 45-minute periods per week are allotted to the teaching of the English language.



English language acquisition within an indigenous ethnic group known as the 'Otavaleos'


Title of Proposal

The use of flash cards as a strategy to boost, reading and writing in English language acquisition to 45 students of second year of bachillerato, and a girl with 25% of ADHD, in a municipal high school in Otavalo.


Justification of the Proposal

In this proposal we consider that Integrating constructivist theory and the cooperative learning model are advantageous for English language acquisition specially in places where the majority belongs to an ethnic kichwa group of people. The use of this method will enhance active participation with American foreigners, in order to share construction of knowledge, not only facilitating deeper learning and understanding, but also fostering a supportive environment in which indigenous students learn from native speakers experiences and cultural backgrounds. This proposal is effective for individual learners, as well as for students who have special needs such as ADHD into the learning process. In today's globalized world, English language skills that promote cross-cultural communication and understanding are essential; additionally, the application of constructivism and collaborative learning directly addresses the practical challenge of improving language acquisition in indigenous students. Finally, the use of visual aids like flash cards as creative tools to interact between culture and people, advocates the adoption of learner-centered approach, encouraging students to promote collaborative tasks, and meaningful interaction in English language acquisition in a municipal school in Otavalo.


Theoretical Foundation of the Proposal



Description and main characteristics

Role of the Learner

Role of the teacher

How is learning achieved?


Is an epistemological view of knowledge acquisition emphasizing knowledge construction: rather than, knowledge transmission and the recording of information conveyed by others (Applefield J. Huber., 2000, pg. 87)

    Active -Participative

    Critical thinker











A productive, constructivist classroom, then, consists of learner-centered, active instruction. In such a classroom, the teacher provides students with experiences that allow them to predict, manipulate, pose questions, research, imagine, and invent (Audrey Gray, s.f., pg. 98)


Description and main characteristics

Role of the Learner

Role of the teacher

How is learning achieved?


Cooperative learning

Teaching method where students work together in small groups to achieve a common goal. This approach encourages interaction among students, fosters collaboration, and enhances learning through shared experiences and discussions.





                    Material supplier




                    Global Connector

Students work together in groups to be able to mastering the initial material that has been presented. The goal of cooperative learning is for students to help each other succeed academically (Olviani Cipta Ningsi Tarinje, 2018, pg. 58)



Description and main characteristics

Role of the Learner

Role of the teacher

How is learning achieved?


Cooperative learning

Teaching method where students work together in small groups to achieve a common goal. This approach encourages interaction among students, fosters collaboration, and enhances learning through shared experiences and discussions.





    Material supplier




    Global Connector

Students work together in groups to be able to mastering the initial material that has been presented. The goal of cooperative learning is for students to help each other succeed academically (Olviani Cipta Ningsi Tarinje, 2018, pg. 58)


General Objective:

Integrate written and spoken text in order to identify cultural differences and similarities within a range of local, national and global contexts familiar to the learner (Ministerio de Educacin del Ecuador, 2010, pg. 24)

Specific Objective:

Compare and contrast oral traditions, myths, folktales and literature from Ecuador and international regions and cultures and identify similarities and differences and universal cultural themes (Ministerio de Educacin del Ecuador, 2010, pg. 25)

Students objective: Compare and contrast culture, traditional clothing of people from ethnic groups, with American Foreigners, in order to boost students' cultural understanding, in a municipal high school in Otavalo.


Development of the Proposal

General Objective

Specific Objective


Skills and Performance Criteria

Evaluation Criteria


O.EFL 4.8 Integrate written and spoken text in order to identify cultural differences and similarities within a range of local, national and global contexts familiar to the learner (Ministerio de Educacin del Ecuador, 2010, pg. 24)










Compare and contrast culture, traditional clothing of people from ethnic group, with American Foreigners, in order to boost students' cultural understanding, in a municipal high school in Otavalo.

















EFL 4.1.1 Compare and contrast oral traditions, myths, folktales and literature from Ecuador and international regions and cultures and identify similarities and differences and universal cultural themes (Ministerio de Educacin del Ecuador, 2010, pg. 25)

CE.EFL.4.1. Compare and contrast oral traditions and literature from Ecuador

and beyond in order to manifest an understanding of the relationship between

cultural perspectives and practices and by sharing cross cultural experiences (Ministerio de Educacin del Ecuador, 2010, pg. 32)

EFL 4.1.10 Recognize and appreciate individual and group similarities and

differences by establishing and maintaining healthy and rewarding

online and face-to-face relationships based on communication

and cooperation (Ministerio de Educacin del Ecuador, 2010, pg. 41)




CE.EFL.4.3. Interact with others using self-monitoring and self-correcting strategies

as well as appropriate nonverbal and oral communication features (Ministerio de Educacin del Ecuador, 2010, pg. 36)







Methodological strategy


Cooperative learning: Involves students working in pairs or small groups to discuss concepts or find solutions to problems (Cornell University, 2024). Furthermore, enhance language development and create a supportive environment.

Role play: Can develop critical thinking by engaging students in different case scenarios to demonstrate the real-life situations (Sumaira Rashid & Shahzada Qaisar, 2017, pg. 198)

Flashcards: According to (University of Southern Maine, 2024) flashcards can be a very effective self-testing approach. Even the act of making flashcards is a way to work the information, challenging you to think about which information to have on one side and the related description on the other.




Teachers activities:


      Motivation (warm-up)

      Provide students theme and objective

      Provide students with essential information

      Make students focus on how to use/do it?

      Monitor the activity


Students Activities:

      Work in groups

      Listen and understand the instructions

      Identify some pictures and give an example.

      Collaborative work to create a story



      Make groups of three

      Choose three or four flashcards

      Create easy stories using the flash cards given

      Ask questions to each others to clarifying students doubts.


Just to reinforce:

      Complete a worksheet activity

      Work individually to reinforce comprehension

      Make comparisons




Teacher activities:


      Motivation (warm-up)

      Provide students theme and objective

      Provide students with essential information.

      Monitor the activity



Students Activities:

      Listen and understand the instructions

      Identify some pictures on the board

      Development memorization

      Apply knowledge and skills

      Improve communication skills



      Work in a horse-shoe position

      Paste a colorful flash card on the board

      Point out the picture, and ask student to repeat it

      Heads down heads up

      Remove one flash card

      Ask students heads up, and whats missing?

      Clarifying students doubts.


Just to reinforce:

      Invite a couple of students to work in from

      Give them a flash card

      To say stand back-to-back

      Move one step forward, two, and three steps.

      Turn around, the student has to say the name of the picture that he/she sees

      Whoever says it firs, gets an extra point.



Teacher activities:


      Motivation (warm-up)

      Provide students theme and objective

      Provide students with essential information.

      Monitor the activity

      Make an example how to do it?


Student activities:

      Listen and understand the instructions

      Collaborate with their group

      Student A: Ask student B to draw a square

Above the square draw a triangle

Above the triangle draw a flag

What the object is?

      Student B: Draw a school

      Expand communication skills


Development/ construction

      Work in a team-building activity, 2 teams of 4

      Sit students back-to-back, one of them, hand one blank piece of paper and pen

      The others, give a simple instruction to draw without saying the meaning


Just to reinforce:

      Give them a flash related to: my favorite food

      Give direct instructions

      Use imperatives

      Reinforce communication skills




Human resources






Physical resources

        Flash cards


        Overhead projector

        Web platform











Human resources






Physical resources

        Flash cards


        Overhead projector

        Web platform















Human resources







Physical resources

        Flash cards



        Blank sheet of paper

        Pen or pencil

Learning Environment

Create better learning environment, using of the horseshoe position will encourage discussion and interaction between students and teachers. Furthermore, it allows for easier eye contact facilitating more inclusive environment where students feel engaged and connected to the English lessons. Additionally, by using flashcards provides memory retention, attractive classroom stimulating students attention. As well, the visual aspect helps learners to associate words and concepts with images, making it easier to express and generate new knowledge. Similarly, in order to carry out an active class one of the principal aspects is environment because it plays a crucial role for students outcomes, through that teacher can motivate students by creating a supportive classroom environment where they feel valued and empowered to participate. Likewise, it permits to create suitable opportunities for students to show their skills or talents. Finally, by fostering a culture of motivation in class, teachers can inspire students to actively participate in class activities, which leads to a more dynamic and enriching learning experience for everyone involved.


Adapted proposal for students with special needs

Special Needs: ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, students have difficulty with attention and self-control.


Methodological strategy

Cooperative learning for ADHD Students:

It has a positive impact into the learning processes, because is considered as a suitable tool to include children from special education. Moreover, could be advantageous for all students, regardless of their race, ethnicity, disability, educational level, or other variables (Millis. B, 2020, pg. 17)


Flashcards for ADHD Students:

According to: (Hidalgo Pablo, 2015, pg. 25) These are effective memory-aid tools that can help students learn new material quickly. Although it may be tempting to associate flash-card learning with younger children who has special needs ADHD., because, it could be considered as a personal dictionary.

ADHD ACTIVITY: story building


Teachers activities:

      Motivation (warm-up)

      Provide students with essential and specific information

      Make students focus on how to use/do it?

      Give them exactly which materials theyll need.

      Provided them tools to create stories that are rapid and intense.

      Monitor the activity

Students Activities:

      Work in groups

      Listen and understand the instructions

      Identify some pictures and make an example.

      Create stories with fewer steps

      Collaborative work



      Choose three or four flashcards

      Create easy stories using the flash cards given

      Allow a student with ADHD frequent breaks

      Ask questions to each others to clarifying students doubts.


Just to reinforce:

      Invite a student who has ADHD to work in from

      Give his/her a flash card

      Tell his/her:

      to stand back-to-back

      Move one step forward, two, and three steps.

      Turn around

      the student has to say the name of the picture that his/her sees.

      Whoever says it first, gets an extra point.

      Let him/her plays a rubber ball or do something that doesnt make noise as an extra physical activity.





Human resources










Physical resources

        Flash cards



        Blank sheet of paper

        Pen or pencil

















Special Needs: DYSLEXIA

Learning disability that affects language-based activities, particularly reading and writing

Methodological strategy

Collaborative learning for Dyslexic students:

According to Sara Fadli, (2023), collaborative learning provides dyslexic students with a supportive environment conducive to peer interaction and varied perspectives. Working together enhances comprehension, exchange ideas and clarify concepts collectively. Moreover, collaborative tasks can mitigate the challenges dyslexic learners face with reading and writing.


Flashcards for Dyslexic students:

Effective tools for dyslexic students, offering multisensory learning experiences, to aid memory retention and alleviate reading challenges; Dyslexic learners benefit from enhanced vocabulary, spelling, increased confidence, fostering active participation and comprehension (Muhammad Barja Sanjaya, 2021, pg. 34)



Teachers activities:

      Motivation (warm-up)

      Provide students with essential and specific information

      Make students focus on how to use/do it?

      Give them exactly which materials theyll need. (Writing and reading)

      Provided them visual tools to create stories.

      Monitor the activity (to avoid confusions in writing)


Students Activities:

      Work in groups

      Listen and understand the instructions

      Identify some pictures and make an example.

      Create stories with visual aids



      Choose three or four flashcards

      Create easy stories using the flash cards given

      Allow a student with Dyslexia work by themselves

      Help every time to avoid writing confusions.


Just to reinforce:


      Give any flash cards to learners on pastel-colored paper to support learners with visual processing

      Make sure written stories are clear and dyslexic-friendly.

      Try to make sure that sentences dont run over

      Encourage dyslexic students to use a plain piece of paper to cover.






Human resources







Physical resources

        Flash cards



        Blank sheet of paper

        Pen or pencil


























Type of evaluation



Learning outcome





Students Activities:

      Work in groups

      Listen and understand the instructions

      Identify some pictures and give an example.

      Collaborative work to create a story




Students Activities:

      Listen and understand the instructions

      Identify some pictures on the board

      Development memorization

      Apply knowledge and skills

      Improve communication skills




Student activities:

      Listen and understand the instructions

      Collaborate with their group

      Student A: Ask student B to draw a square

      Above the square draw a triangle

      Above the triangle draw a flag

      What the object is?

      Student B: Draw a school

      Expand communication skills




Formative evaluation















Summative evaluation



Sharing in groups

Direct questions




















Story bird

Story board







Students will use AIDS to accurately and fluently talk about daily routines.


Students will enhance oral communication and comprehension by engaging flash cards activities.







Students will strengthen visual memory and association of images and words through the use of flashcards.


Students will demonstrate collaboration skills through successful completion of group tasks, as evidenced by their ability to effectively communicate.






Students will boot visual recognition skills identifying specified pictures displayed on the board













Adapted proposal for evaluation of students with special needs


General Objective

Specific Objective 1


Skills and Performance Criteria

Performance Indicators


O.EFL 4.8 Integrate written and spoken text in order to identify cultural differences and similarities within a range of local, national and global contexts familiar to the learner.

To compare and contrast culture, traditional clothing of people from ethnic group, with American Foreigners, in order to boost students' cultural understanding, in a municipal high school in Otavalo.

Sustain simple conversational exchange on a familiar, when carrying out a collaborative/paired learning activity in which there are specific instructions for a task. REF. EFL 4.2.10

I.EFL.4.10.1. Learners can effectively participate in familiar and predictable everyday conversational exchanges in order to complete a task, satisfy a need or handle a simple transaction, using a range of repair strategies. (Example: asking for clarification, etc.) (I.3, J.3, J.4

EFL 4.1.10 Recognize and appreciate individual and group similarities and

differences by establishing and maintaining healthy and rewarding

online and face-to-face relationships based on communication

and cooperation (Ministerio de Educacin del Ecuador, 2010, pg. 41)

CE.EFL.4.3. Interact with others using self-monitoring and self-correcting strategies

as well as appropriate nonverbal and oral communication features (Ministerio de Educacin del Ecuador, 2010, pg. 36)




Type of evaluation



Learning Outcomes





Students Activities:

Work in groups

Listen and understand the instructions

Identify some pictures and make an example.

Create stories with fewer steps

Collaborative work






Story Building

Students Activities:

Work in groups

Listen and understand the instructions

Identify some pictures and make an example.

Create stories with visual aids






Formative evaluation














Summative evaluation






Sharing in groups

Direct questions






















Story bird

Story board





By the end of the session ADHD Students:


Will demonstrate improved collaboration skills through successful completion of group tasks, as evidenced by their ability to effectively communicate.


Will enhance their listening and comprehension skills by accurately following instructions given orally or in written form






By the end of the session DYSLEXIC Students:


Will enhance their storytelling skills by simplifying narrative structures with fewer steps


Will demonstrate organization and clarity in their storytelling abilities, which will aid in maintaining attention and reducing cognitive overload during the creative process.



 In order to effectively implement the pedagogical proposal within the classroom setting, it is imperative to cultivate a learning environment that prioritizes the needs and contexts of the students. This entails paying careful attention to the unique cultural background of the Otavaleos people, ensuring that instruction is tailored to resonate with their experiences and perspectives

The right use of classroom management "environment", will be essential for ADHD and DYSLEXIC students because provide resources for independent learning to foster a collaborative, and inclusive atmosphere, promoting peer-to-peer learning and mutual support to each others.

The suitable selection of the methodologies, strategies, techniques, tools or resources according to the students' context, encourage active participation and engagement in the learning process.



Create a conducive learning environment by adopting the horseshoe seating arrangement to foster interaction between students and teachers. This layout encourages eye contact, promoting inclusivity and engagement in English lessons.

The use of flashcards enhances memory retention and grabs students' attention, aiding in associating words with visuals for easier comprehension and knowledge creation.

Implement a hybrid approach blending constructivist theory and cooperative learning for English language acquisition in an ethnically diverse context like Otavalo. This method fosters active participation, cultural exchange, and inclusive learning environments beneficial for both indigenous students and those with special needs.
















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Polo del Conocimiento              

Revista Científico-Académica Multidisciplinaria

ISSN: 2550-682X

Casa Editora del Polo                                                 

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