El uso de ReadEasy como herramienta para desarrollar la capacidad lectora en nios con niveles A1


The use of ReadEasy as a tool to develop reading skills in children with A1 levels


A utilizao do ReadEasy como ferramenta para desenvolver competncias de leitura em crianas do nvel A1


Ingrid Alina Urgils-Armendariz I
Wendy Maria Solrzano-Parrales II











Correspondencia: iurgilesa@unemi.edu.ec



Ciencias de la Educacin

Artculo de Investigacin



* Recibido: 19 de abril de 2024 *Aceptado: 11 de mayo de 2024 * Publicado: 04 de junio de 2024


        I.            Magster en Pedagoga de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros mencin en Enseanza de Ingls, Universidad Casa Grande, Universidad Estatal de Milagro, Ecuador.

      II.            Mster Universitario en Direccin e Ingeniera en Sitios Web, Universidad Internacional de la Rioja, Universidad Estatal de Milagro, Ecuador.


Este artculo explora el uso eficaz de ReadEasy, una herramienta basada en inteligencia artificial diseada para apoyar el desarrollo de habilidades de lectura en nios con niveles A1. Ante los desafos que enfrentan los estudiantes jvenes para dominar la comprensin lectora, la adquisicin de vocabulario y la pronunciacin precisa, ReadEasy emerge como una herramienta prometedora que ofrece un enfoque revolucionario. Adoptando un diseo de mtodos mixtos, la investigacin se centra en evaluar la eficacia del uso de ReadEasy como herramienta til para desarrollar habilidades de lectura. En el estudio participaron veinticinco estudiantes. Participando activamente en actividades de lectura cuidadosamente integradas en el plan de estudios regular durante un perodo educativo, con un seguimiento adicional para medir el efecto a largo plazo del desarrollo de habilidades de lectura. Los resultados evidenciaron un aumento promedio del 35.77% en la mejora de las habilidades lectoras y como resultado de esta mejora, factores claves como la adquisicin de nuevo vocabulario, la pronunciacin adecuada y la motivacin aumentaron simultneamente, demostrando la eficacia de ReadEasy como herramienta esencial en el Contexto educativo ecuatoriano. Estos hallazgos enfatizan el potencial de ReadEasy para mejorar la enseanza del idioma ingls, particularmente en entornos que requieren enfoques modernos y atractivos. Este estudio presenta conocimientos renovados sobre la aplicacin de herramientas de apoyo como ReadEasy en la enseanza del ingls y recomienda posibilidades para futuras investigaciones en reas educativas similares.

Palabras clave: ReadEasy; inteligencia artificial; habilidades de lectura; lecturas de audio; comprensin lectora.



This article explores the effective use of ReadEasy, an AI-based tool designed to support the development of reading skills in children with A1 levels. Over the challenges faced by young learners in mastering reading comprehension, vocabulary acquisition, and accurate pronunciation, ReadEasy surfaces as a promising tool offering a revolutionary approach. Adopting a mixed-methods design, the research focuses on evaluating the effectiveness of the use of ReadEasy as a helpful tool for developing reading skills. Twenty-five learners participated in the study. Actively participating in reading activities carefully integrated into the regular curriculum during an educational period, with additional follow-up to measure the long-term effect of reading skill development. The results evidenced an average increase of 35.77% in enhancing reading skills and as a result of this improvement, key factors such as the acquisition of new vocabulary, proper pronunciation, and motivation increased simultaneously, demonstrating the efficacy of ReadEasy as an essential tool in the Ecuadorian educational context. These findings emphasize the potential of ReadEasy in enhancing English language teaching, particularly in settings requiring modern and engaging approaches. This study presents renewed insights into the application of supporting tools such as ReadEasy in English teaching and recommends possibilities for future research in similar educational areas.

Keywords: ReadEasy; artificial intelligence; reading skills; audio readings; reading comprehension.



Este artigo explora o uso eficaz do ReadEasy, uma ferramenta baseada em inteligncia artificial projetada para apoiar o desenvolvimento de habilidades de leitura em crianas dos nveis A1. Dados os desafios que os jovens alunos enfrentam para dominar a compreenso da leitura, a aquisio de vocabulrio e a pronncia precisa, o ReadEasy surge como uma ferramenta promissora que oferece uma abordagem revolucionria. Adotando um desenho de mtodos mistos, a investigao centra-se na avaliao da eficcia da utilizao do ReadEasy como uma ferramenta til para o desenvolvimento de competncias de leitura. Vinte e cinco estudantes participaram do estudo. Participar ativamente em atividades de leitura cuidadosamente integradas no currculo regular durante um perodo educativo, com acompanhamento adicional para medir o efeito a longo prazo do desenvolvimento das competncias de leitura. Os resultados mostraram um aumento mdio de 35,77% na melhoria das competncias de leitura e como resultado dessa melhoria, fatores-chave como a aquisio de novo vocabulrio, pronncia adequada e motivao aumentaram simultaneamente, demonstrando a eficcia do ReadEasy como ferramenta essencial na o contexto educacional equatoriano. Estas descobertas enfatizam o potencial do ReadEasy para melhorar o ensino da lngua inglesa, particularmente em ambientes que exigem abordagens modernas e envolventes. Este estudo apresenta conhecimentos renovados sobre a aplicao de ferramentas de apoio como o ReadEasy no ensino de ingls e recomenda possibilidades para pesquisas futuras em reas educacionais semelhantes.

Palavras-chave: ReadEasy; inteligncia artificial; habilidades de leitura; leituras de udio; compreenso de leitura.



In Ecuador, the teaching of English as a foreign language (EFL) presents great challenges that prevail in the lack of resources and the limited importance that has been given to its learning until now. Within the context of skills-based English teaching, the development of reading skills is crucial, this being one of the most important since through it the student absorbs new vocabulary, word writing, and sentence structure naturally. (Basheer Nomass, 2013) stands out that reading is an understanding process where the learner can interpret a written text. The mentioned reading process allows learners to absorb fundamental aspects such as vocabulary, process information, and thus improve their real-world knowledge. Therefore, it is worth highlighting the importance of developing good reading skills in learners from their earliest levels and without a doubt in the teaching of English, this skill plays a crucial role.

According to (Amin, 2019) reading is a supreme and vital skill since it is necessary not only to be successful in school but for life. Learners who struggle with reading encounter a variety of challenges such as restricted access to information, decreased academic chances, and therefore a low level of job and salary opportunities (Kirsch et al., 1996). Thus, educators must focus on an effective developing reading skills approach to ensure the success of learners in all academic and personal lives. Taking all these points into account and with all the research work carried out throughout history on how to develop true reading skills, it is important to capture the best of each of these concepts and improve them using new ways of teaching.

In recent years, important technological advances have created new paradigms in education, particularly in the field of language learning, new and effective ways of learning have been incorporated. Among all these improvements, artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful tool that can support and improve traditional teaching methods. Given the need to find improvements in teaching methods through the adoption of new approaches within the context of learning English, the ReadEasy support tool arises, which represents a change in the way of practicing reading lessons, since it takes advantage of algorithms of artificial intelligence to automatically generate the audio of texts written completely personalized by the teacher, providing auditory support as they navigate through reading materials. Thus, facilitating accessibility and more effective understanding for learners.

Artificial intelligence (AI)aims to develop computer software or hardware systems that simulate human-like thought or show features conventionally connected with human intelligence (Campesato, 2020). In the teaching English context (AI) is characterized by integrating properties of human intelligence such as text understanding, language awareness, decision-making, and visual insight. According to (Fitria, 2022) Teaching and learning English also has been easier with the development of technology and digital platforms because (AI) allows us to work in collaboration with the teaching of the English process. Similarly, (Wang, 2019) points out that the process of English teaching enhances effectively through artificial intelligence since it facilitates natural language processing. The effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence in EFL reading teaching has been demonstrated by empirical studies like those of (Hidayat, 2024) and (Fitria, 2022) which found that applying artificial intelligence to reading practices significantly improves reading comprehension and acquisition of new words by involving learners in a friendly context where learners can listen correctly to pronunciation and understand short readings according to their level. As such, educators should think about implementing the use of platforms (AI) based on their teaching practices.

In Ecuador, the application of artificial intelligence in the educational field is relatively new. However, we must take advantage of technological advances and day by day improve the ways of teaching English using the new tools that technology offers. According to (the Ministry of Culture and Heritage [MCYP],2019) in its latest 2022 survey, the device or support most used for reading is the cell phone with 56.7%, followed by printed material with 33.9%. A very important result to consider is that through digital channels we can capture the interest of the student effectively not only because today it is easy to access but also because of the contextual characteristics it offers, unlike traditional methods.

The present study proposes to evaluate the use of the ReadEasy tool based on artificial intelligence, in enhancing reading skills in learners with A1 level proficiency in Ecuador by evaluating its impact on reading comprehension, accurate pronunciation, and engagement within the classroom setting. Given those points, by integrating the potential benefits that artificial intelligence offers today within reading lessons in the field of English teaching, this study has the possibility of showing new and effective approaches that can be applied to enhance reading skills in learners who consider reading as a difficult skill to develop.


Literature review

Nowadays, Artificial Intelligence has gained widespread recognition in the modern world and refers to a variety of positive attributes that apply to several fields, including education. According to (Chen et al., 2020) Artificial intelligence represents an innovative advancement in technology and communication that enables computers or other electronic devices to perform tasks as human beings do. In recent years, these relevant innovations have been adopted in education especially.  (Ahmadi, 2018) emphasizes the use of technology in education has become a key point in the learning-teaching process, and one of the most important recent innovations used to enhance learning English skills is known as Artificial Intelligence. Currently, some applications integrate artificial intelligence into their practices and within the teaching of English this can be aimed at teaching some or all the skills necessary for the acquisition of the target language.

In a world of constant change and evolution, English teaching has also been evolving. As a result of a lot of research, various effective teaching practices are known today to foster positive engagement with learners and to make English no longer the difficult and tedious subject of the past. (Basheer Nomass, 2013) highlights that the integration of technology into language learning is currently a necessity and that English teachers must encourage their learners to use technology as an additional tool to develop language skills. By including technology in teaching English practices learners will have extra opportunities to practice not only in school during the English class hour but also as an extra resource where learners can practice anywhere and anytime outside the school.

One of the most essential skills in the English teaching process is reading because it is a receptive skill. Working on this skill allows learners to naturally acquire grammatical structures, new vocabulary, and spelling through reading lessons from even the most basic levels. According to (Jones & Brown, 2011), reading skills are an essential ability to achieve academic and personal growth success in learners. Similarly, having the opportunity to develop English literacy, especially reading skills, opens the world of knowledge and provides learners with an effective way to acquire language patterns that allow using English as an international language.

Developing reading skills is crucial for learning a second language, teachers must look for additional tools with which they can support themselves and capture the attention and interest of learners. As (Dwipayana, 2021) pointed out, to improve reading comprehension and promote the growth of English literacy, teachers must use new teaching resources in addition to the print books that learners are required to use in class. English teaching in Ecuador is based on developing the four important skills which are reading, speaking, writing, and listening. This research will focus on how to improve the development of reading skills using a ReadEasy tool based on artificial intelligence as a support to develop reading skills in learners with A1 level. ReadEasy is an application that allows teachers to enter short readings and automatically generate the audio of that reading.

(As Sabiq, 2018) argue that learning media is essential, particularly while learning a language, and for a long-time audio has been an effective media that had been implemented in readings, According to (Ayunda, 2015) books with audio were created for visually impaired people. Nonetheless, as it has grown over decades, its user base has grown, and these media learnings have been applied in different approaches. Through time, researchers have highlighted the impact of using audio as media learning. (Serafini, 2004) pointed out that reading aloud fosters linguistic skills by linking sounds with every word and intonation. Similarly, listening is a skill that enables engagement with the text promoting reading, vocabulary development, and language acquisition naturally. (Cunningham, 2005).

In the present time, some technological applications seek to improve learners' reading skills. According to (Krish, 2020) the actual resources to develop reading skills that integrate technology are electronic books, web reading programs, audio pens, etc. All these have achieved positive results because they include audio for reading lessons. However, most of the applications are expensive and come with reading lessons defined for defects. (Lestari et al., 2022) stated that an effective technique to improve learners' reading skills is to use artificial intelligence and the range of positive properties it offers such as the generation of personalized content and the practice of correct pronunciation. The mentioned properties provide the advantage of obtaining an approach much more adapted to the reality and needs of the Ecuadorian student.

In the Ecuadorian context, English language teaching faces different challenges, especially in public schools, teachers must struggle with different social problems that still maintain a large gap. However, with technological advances and the increase of technological devices, teachers could enhance their teaching practices and offer learners different and relevant activities to learn the target language, especially in reading lessons. Based on the research it is crucial to implement new mechanics to enhance the development of reading skills. According to (Imawan & Ashadi, 2019) the process of developing the best reading skills in learners involves other skills such as writing, listening, and speaking. Consequently, using customized applications to generate reading lessons based on artificial intelligence allows for fostering the phonemic awareness process through connections of the sound of written language and at the same time internalizes the structure of written language. (Serafini, 2004)




The present study is conducted to Evaluate the effectiveness of the use of the ReadEasy tool based on artificial intelligence as a support to develop reading skills in learners with A1 level. The sample consisted of 25 learners who were attending a vacation English program in Manta, Manabi, Ecuador. Being an extracurricular course, it is notable to find learners committed and willing to learn English and develop their reading skills more dynamically and effectively using ReadEasy as a complementary tool. As mentioned earlier, the overall English level of the participants is in the range of A1 to early stages of A2, according to the Common European Framework of References or Languages. The present level of proficiencies from the participants allows this research to enrich the process and find out the present weaknesses and the strengths to be developed regardless of whether the participants are at the lowest levels of English.

The vacation English program has a computing center with an internet connection. Additionally, each participant counts on their own technological devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops at home. The mentioned technological resources are needed to carry out the application of the proposed tool as support to develop reading skills. (Basheer Nomass, 2013) stated that teachers should encourage their learners to use technology in developing language skills. Effective tools for assisting children learn to read are critical, and one important technological tool is reading that automatically generates audio and includes important properties to help develop reading comprehension (Serafini, 2004). Under those circumstances, the participants who brought this project to life showed great interest in learning English since they have decided to enroll in a vacation English program in search of improving their English skills and the fact of using technology and innovative methods encourages them more to take the mentioned program. The course teacher oversaw the selection process, based mainly on her observation and background of the student, identifying those who have enrolled in the course to improve and those who struggle with learning English but who have the predisposition to learn differently. The selection approach guaranteed effective participant engagement in the project. Similarly, the different linguistic skills and backgrounds of participants ensured a variety and equitable group participation. Participants were chosen and grouped according to their interests and goals in language learning. The researcher used for reading practices a combination of short readings and artificial intelligence to generate audio, using images to introduce new vocabulary and specific reading questions to foster reading comprehension.

Particularly, as ReadEasy is an application developed in a technological environment, it is aligned with the principles of connectivism and very important aspects must be considered such as prior knowledge and appropriate use of technology to ensure diversity and group commitment. (Siemens et al., 2005) stated that Connectivism, provides insight into learning skills and tasks needed for learners to flourish in a digital era. ReadEasy, within the framework of connectivism, is developed to link text, audio, and personalized compression connections through artificial intelligence. Additionally, this approach allows iteration and exchange of knowledge through collaborative activities. Regarding the data collected, these include quantitative metrics and qualitative feedback to evaluate the results and improvements which yielded significant insight to measure the effectiveness of the intervention within the context of connectivist. Thus, managing to demonstrate how technology and social interactions can enhance learning experiences and promote the development of reading skills in children with A1 levels.

The application of this project was for 3 months, a time when participants are on vacation and looking for specific programs to practice and improve specific abilities, in this case, English improvement. The proposed project applied short reading activities based on artificial intelligence to take advantage of automatically generating audio with the specific purpose of developing true reading skills. The monthly tasks are listed in detail below:

The first month of application of the study began with an introduction and familiarization to what artificial intelligence is and its application to the teaching of English with a special focus on reading skills. At the same time, the necessary vocabulary and commands were introduced to be internalized and to be able to be used easily during practice moments. To capture the interest of the learners, Easy Read began to be applied with short sentences made by them. These first notions allowed the student to learn how to use the application and to know that they could use it as a means of learning and audio reading at any time and place. These tasks organized from basic notions to short practices of the tool allowed the participant to become familiar with the tool and learn the advantages of using it in their daily learning. 

The second month had a specific focus on the development of skills through practices, integrating short readings of interest with AI-generated audio, to achieve effective understanding the lessons began with the introduction of the main vocabulary of the reading listening to its correct pronunciation relating the new knowledge with images to achieve long-term storage in memory, then they were provided with a short paragraph on a simple topic according to their level of English, which the participants had to enter into the ReadEasy to auto-generate the audio and begin an assisted reading with the generated audio to achieve not only listening with correct pronunciation but also with the appropriate intonation and indirectly absorbing patterns, structures, and grammar. Reading comprehension exercises were then applied as formative evaluations and thus kept a periodic record of the participants' progress using ReadEasy. This month, the joint development of other important skills in English is also prioritized. Brown (2007) stated that effective development of reading skills can be achieved by integrating activities that include listening, speaking, and writing. To gradually build listening and speaking skills, the participant was exposed to a diverse vocabulary and language structures.

The third month was one of review and consolidation, the application of reading exercises was intensified, increasing the number of reading paragraphs and with more complex grammatical structures which not only allowed the student's reading comprehension to be measured but also allowed him to extract the main idea and be able to explain it orally to their classmates. This last period also played an important role in the preparation of the final evaluation. Additionally, strategies were consolidated for analyzing and comprehending the story such as visualization, asking questions, outlining inferences, summarizing, and predicting. Consequently, applying correct strategies provided participants with solid reading comprehension to be able to answer questions, discuss the topic, and extract the main idea. Integrating ReadEasy into conventional reading lessons improved the process of immersion in the language since they not only learned memory vocabulary but also read supported by a tool that provided audio generated by native speakers, which allowed them to internalize structures and patterns as they read, grammar and at the same time be able to use them to express yourself correctly, with fluency, with good pronunciation making connections and stimulating critical thinking.

After three months of ReadEasy implementation, an extra follow-up is carried out on the participants to measure the progress of participants in learning the target language through reading practices and thus evaluate the effectiveness of the tool applied together with the strategies taught. In this Evaluation and Reflection stage, formal evaluations were conducted that evaluated the progress of reading, listening, and speaking skills. Learners were encouraged to reflect on their learning journey and highlight their achievements and areas for further improvement.

This progressive and structured approach, which encompasses the development of reading skills through the ReadEasy tool, allows personalized readings to be implemented, considering the individual needs of the participants, completely designed by the facilitator, and guarantees an effective, fun, and different learning experience. In fact, by the end of the study period participants developed improved reading, speaking, and listening skills using the systematic application of AI-generated audio materials in reading lessons. (Salam et al., 2023) pointed out that artificial intelligence can provide interesting and significant learning content to each participant, thus creating a student-centered learning environment. 




At the beginning of the program, a standardized test was applied that sought to measure the reading proficiency level of the participants. This evaluation was practically based on reading a short paragraph conventionally, focusing the evaluation on reading ability and comprehension. The main objective of the test was to measure the basic reading comprehension skills that the participants had at the beginning of the course to provide valuable data to evaluate the impact of the implementation of ReadEasy. By applying a pretest, teaching strategies can be adjusted and designed that match the specific needs of the participants (Macis & Schmitt, 2017).


Post- Assessment

The results showed significant improvements in reading skills and the most important aspects that it covers, such as understanding the main ideas, making inferences, identifying key details, and vocabulary comprehension, with an average increase of 30%. The motivation of the participant when reading and practicing with ReadEasy increases significantly, showing a 28% increase. The motivational aspects were evaluated through surveys after the intervention. At the end of the intervention period applying ReadEasy, a follow-up evaluation is applied to ensure that the test items evaluate the same reading comprehension skills targeted in the pre-test to measure the progress of learners validly and reliably with the use of the technological tool. The contrast of the results obtained before and after the intervention provided valuable information about the effectiveness of using the ReadEasy application as a complementary tool for developing authentic reading skills.



By implementing surveys as a complementary tool to quantitative assessments, the researcher collected valuable qualitative data that showed deeper insights into participants' experiences and perceptions, improving the overall validity and robustness of the research findings. The survey questions were based on aspects of motivation and preferences concerning the way of receiving reading lessons and on a general point of view about ReadEasy as a complementary tool to develop and improve reading skills. The results highlight the effectiveness of using the ReadEasy tool based on artificial intelligence as a support to develop reading skills and open new avenues for future research in innovative educational approaches based on artificial intelligence.

Design, Procedure, and Data Analysis:

Study Design:

The study was launched for a period of one quarter, plus an additional month of monitoring and evaluation to ensure improvement in reading proficiency over the long term. During this period, the learners actively participated in each of the reading activities proposed according to the teaching planning. The reading activities applied in ReadEasy were developed to capture student interest and activate prior knowledge since reading topics familiar to learners are included, emphasizing reading comprehension as examples of effective progress in the development of reading skills.


The participants were recruited to participate in a 3-month vacation course, and the legal tutors were informed of the study plan based on the use of innovative technologies to learn English, and among them, ReadEasy stands out. Before the intervention, consent was obtained by informing both the participants and their legal tutor to always ensure the confidentiality and privacy of the participants. The teacher taught reading lessons during regular English classes, designating 20 minutes daily for reading practices with ReadEsay, thus achieving an efficient adaptation of this new methodology to the educational field. Similarly, the focus was to guarantee friendly, accessible, and attractive reading lessons for learners, knowing that the level of English with which they started was basic.

Data Analysis:

For accurate data analysis, statistical methods were used to quantify improvements in reading skills before and after the intervention of the ReadEasy tool as complementary support in reading lessons. This analysis was developed between comparisons with the results of the pre and post-test using standardized tests to specify whether the results showed significant differences in the learners reading performance. At the same time, a qualitative analysis was applied to interpret the responses of a survey and achieve a deep understanding of the perceptions, experiences, and attitudes of the learners when interacting with ReadEasy as a tool for reading lessons. All the findings that resulted in these analyses were compared with previous research that includes the development of reading lessons using technology to contrast the effectiveness, innovation, and relevance of the strategies applied in this present study. 

Conclusions of the Design and Procedure:

The design and procedure of this study were delicately structured to analyze the effective use of the ReadEasy application as a tool to develop reading skills in children with level A1. Using a pre-test and post-test design, progress in reading ability before and after the intervention was evident, providing valuable information on the positive impact of the Read Easy application. At the same time, the recruitment process ensures the inclusion of a diverse sample of participants. In addition, consent processes and socialization of the technological tools to be used will be processed to guarantee the ethical treatment of participants throughout the study.

The intervention procedure was designed to maximize the potential benefits of ReadEasy, with participants engaging in regular reading sessions using the application. The efficient structure of the intervention allowed for reliable implementation across learners, minimizing variability in the treatment received. Data collection methods were accurate, with standardized pre-test and post-test assessments administered to all participants. Applying established measures of reading comprehension enabled us to obtain reliable and valid data on learners' reading skills.

In addition to quantitative assessments, qualitative data were collected through a survey to gather learners' perceptions of the ReadEasy application. This holistic approach allowed it to gain a comprehensive understanding of the impact of ReadEasy on reading skills and learners' experiences. To conclude, the design and procedure of this study develop a solid foundation for the subsequent analysis and interpretation of results. By accurately planning and executing each step of the research process, the present study provides robust and valuable evidence regarding the efficacy of ReadEasy in improving reading skills in children with A1 levels. Equally important is to emphasize the necessity for educators to tailor educational tools according to the context of learners to ensure engaged, effective, and meaningful learning.



The following section presents the key outcomes of our study exploring the efficacy of ReadEasy, an AI-based application designed to enhance reading skills in children with a basic A1 level. The intervention was conducted with 25 learners and employed a combination of pre and post-test assessments to identify the effect of the implementation of this new tool in the English teaching process, as well as a survey to measure learners' perceptions of the application's utility, impact, and motivation to use.

The fundamental objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of ReadEasy with the use of the tool; in developing critical reading abilities, such as comprehension, vocabulary acquisition, and pronunciation accuracy, in children at the A1 level. By analyzing both quantitative and qualitative data, the findings provide a comprehensive understanding of the outcomes and implications of incorporating ReadEasy into language learning programs for this demographic.


Pre and Post Test scores

Table 1 provides a summary of the study comparing the effectiveness of using ReadEasy AI-based to enhance reading skills. The table shows the total number of 25 learners and that there were no missing cases. The present data denotes that all cases were valid and contained in the analysis. This evidence is important to ensure the reliability and validity of the study's results.





Study processing summary.


Increase in reading comprehension scores


Figure 1:

Improvement in Reading Comprehension



The graph titled "Increase in reading comprehension scores" shows a clear visual interpretation of the tangible effects of incorporating ReadEasy to enhance the teaching reading practice among learners. It presents a significant average increase of 35.77% in learners' reading comprehension following the ReadEasy intervention. This solid improvement emphasizes the effectiveness of using ReadEasy as a support and an additional teaching strategy for developing reading skills.


The 25% increase is a significant improvement, which shows how the inclusion of ReaEasy in the teaching reading practices enhances reading comprehension and this aspect impacts at the same time the motivation and willingness of the learners at the moment to learn English. The graph highlights not only the importance of implementing new and interactive methods in teaching English but also the positive results that open the doors to the inclusion of AI in different educational fields, presenting this study as clear evidence of the potential benefits of applying it.


Improvement in vocabulary knowledge and enhancement in pronunciation accuracy


Figure 2:

Increase vocabulary and improve pronunciation



This graph shows promising progress in crucial aspects to be able to understand reading such as the acquisition of new vocabulary accompanied by correct pronunciation. Firstly, the results show a 30% increase in vocabulary and secondly, there is also a 31% improvement in appropriate pronunciation after the intervention. Results empower this research, with vocabulary acquisition being a key piece for the development of the language and therefore in reading understanding and, as an additional progress, they improve their pronunciation thanks to the integration of audio in their readings with ReadEasy.


The notable increase indicates that including ReadEasy to develop reading lessons increases vocabulary and correct pronunciation as well, factors that play a critical role in achieving effective reading comprehension. Consequently, it facilitates the recognition of new words, applying their meaning in a known context, improving retention and memory, promoting fluency, and thus developing effective communication skills.




Survey results: Learners motivation


Figure 3:

Learners Motivacin

A graph of a student motivation

Description automatically generated



The graph shows an increase of 28% in learners and aspects of motivation after the intervention. This important increase shows the positive effect of using ReadEasy for reading practices in learners and guaranteeing, thanks to motivation, effective participation, concentration, and enthusiasm to notice an important advance in their reading skills. 


It is known that motivation plays an important role in learning English and this significant increase indicates that ReadEasy has the potential to increase student motivation, improving accessibility, including readings on topics of interest, engagement, and interactivity. By taking advantage of these motivational aspects ReadEasy can encourage learners to develop as good readers by fostering new learning and love of reading following the intervention.


Comparison between Pre and Post-test Reading Comprehension 



Study processing summary.


Descripcin generada automticamente


Figure 4:

Overall Pre and Post-test score

A blue squares with white text

Description automatically generated


Graph Description:

Table 2 gives descriptive statistics to compare the results of the pre and post-test given by the learners before and after implementing an AI-based ReadEasy.The main objective of this study is founded on the effectiveness of using the application of the ReadEasy tool as a complementary support in learners' reading practices. The Table shows the average score percentage of 5.48% in the pre-test and 7.44% in the post-test followed by the intervention.


The graph shows a valuable increase in the learners' reading skills, moving from 5.48% in average grades obtained in the pre-test to 7.44% in the post-test obtained after the intervention. Shows a percentage increase of 35.77%, a result that proves the effectiveness of the use of ReadEasy to promote the development of reading skills and through them achieve success in learning the English language. 


The graph shows the positive progress of the learners through reading practices throughout the intervention quarter, evidencing a clear improvement from the starting point, which was the pre-test, to the final point, which was the post-test. This promising result proves that ReadEasy can be a powerful tool for improving reading skills, focusing on developing them through an innovative method that includes personalized readings along with audio format so that the student can practice reading in an interactive, different, and effective way. This graphic's representation highlights the positive effect of involving interactive learning methods in an educational context


Comparison between Pre and Post-test motivation


Figure 5:

Summary of student motivation before and after ReadEasy

A graph with blue squares

Description automatically generated


Graph Description:

The graph highlights the notable change in the learners' motivational attitude before and after the integration of ReadEasy into their educational environment. At the beginning of the quarter, it began with a percentage of 50% student motivation towards reading practices and throughout this quarter, at the end of the process, 78% of student motivation was achieved.


The graph represents the substantial increase in motivational aspects in the learners following the intervention. It is notable to note that it started with 50% which increased by 28% after the intervention indicating a potential change. This clear improvement demonstrates the effectiveness of the use of ReadEasy in promoting student motivation. 


The increase from 50% to 78% provides clear evidence of the positive effect of integrating useful technological tools in the educational field. Motivation is a key aspect of success in any area of learning. The graph highlights that ReadEasy has the potential to positively impact student motivation, increase accessibility, align with student preferences, improve comprehension and confidence that developing vocabulary provides, provide interactive features, and promote independent learning. These motivational benefits can lead to greater enthusiasm, commitment, and persistence in reading activities, fostering a love of reading and lifelong learning.



The results of this study emphasize the favorable role of using ReadEasy as a valuable tool for enhancing reading skills in children with A1 levels. This tool integrates an innovative approach to transform meaningful readings into audio format. ReadEasy offers a multifaceted solution to address various challenges that learners commonly face, especially those at basic levels such as A1. One of the key advantages evidenced in this study was the significant improvement in reading comprehension among learners with an average increase of 35.77%. By providing audio automatically and visual input, ReadEasy enables a more immersive and meaningful reading experience, allowing learners to acquire the meaning of the text naturally and effectively. This finding is consistent with previous research indicating that audio assistance can enhance comprehension, specifically for learners with limited proficiency levels based on including audio media that stimulate learners to open their minds and share their ideas. Thus, learners become more familiar with the composition of narrative text, and they can acquire their reading skills. (As Sabiq, 2018)

It is important to highlight that this study revealed a notable improvement of 30% in the acquisition of new level A1 vocabulary in the children who used ReadEsay. Exposure to audio readings along with text not only facilitated the comprehension of unknown words but also reinforced their pronunciation and use in context. This finding highlights the potential of ReadEsay not only to improve reading comprehension but also to gain an important foundation of vocabulary necessary for learners in their initial levels of English, a key component in the development of language proficiency. (Cunningham, 2005) also observed that the simple act of listening to someone read interesting texts, with good speech and enthusiasm, is motivating and beneficial for reading and therefore for the development of vocabulary. As has been noted, this study demonstrates the importance of the integration of AI in current times to take in the great benefits it offers to enhance reading skills particularly.

In like manner, the impact of ReadEsay goes beyond understanding and increasing vocabulary with correct pronunciation. Learners demonstrated a 31% increase in correct pronunciation using ReadEasy. These findings align with research suggesting that hearing the correct pronunciation of words while reading helps learners improve pronunciation (Kartal & Simsek, 2017). Therefore, Read Easy is an excellent option since the texts are converted into audio using native pronunciation and intonation, an extra point that greatly improves the correct acquisition of the language, avoiding fossilization. About the comparative analysis with traditional reading methods, this study revealed several advantages when using ReadEasy. The results on the rise in motivation in the learners increased by 28%, demonstrating high levels of commitment and motivation when using the tool in comparison to their previous perceptions when using traditional reading materials. Thanks to the personalized nature of ReadEasy it allowed learners to progress at their own pace, be able to generate personalized texts known to them, and notice their progressive improvement in comprehension. These findings are consistent with the findings of (Jones & Brown, 2011) that stated motivation and engagement in reading improve when learners have the option to choose the reading material or even better if these stories are related to their culture and environment.

Under these circumstances, the results obtained in this study are promising, however, certain limitations must be recognized, such as the sample size, which was relatively small, and that the learners were from a single geographic location, which limits the generalization of the findings. Furthermore, the duration of the intervention was for a short period, and more extensive research is needed to reveal a sustained impact of ReadEsay as a tool to assist in developing reading tools. In a final analysis, ReadEsay emerges as a promising tool to support the development of reading skills in learners with level A1. This special combination of audio, vocabulary reinforcement, and pronunciation improvements offers a complete solution in response to the diverse needs of learners according to their level of proficiency. Future studies suggest aiming to replicate and expand these findings, covering the way for more effective interventions in English as a second language education. 



In conclusion, this study demonstrates the positive impact of using ReadEasy as a tool to develop reading skills in children at the basic level of English A1. Through an innovative approach that allows the text of previously chosen readings to be converted into audio format using artificial intelligence. The results indicate that the group to which the intervention was applied, who previously struggled with reading comprehension, improved significantly and additionally expanded their vocabulary and improved their pronunciation. This present research study shows the potential of ReadEasy as a promising tool, evidencing the tangible benefits obtained by learners who used it. Under these circumstances, and with the improvement results presented by learners who struggled with reading difficulties, this study has valuable implications for educators seeking to improve their learners' reading skills.

The results showed notable improvements in three key points for the acquisition of English naturally, which are reading comprehension, increased vocabulary, and good pronunciation. Reading comprehension being the basis for the development of reading skills, the learners who will use ReadEasy increased this ability by 35.77% after the intervention. Next, another important aspect was the increase in vocabulary by 30% and finally a 31% improvement in precise pronunciation. As a result of improving these three key aspects, the learners improved their ability to understand because they naturally absorbed the vocabulary and activated their prior knowledge by implementing readings from their environment, they developed their critical thinking because they internalized basic structures of the language and therefore improved their fluency by listening to the reading with correct pronunciation while reading. Consequently, they developed confidence in their knowledge, and thus their motivation inspired them to continue using ReadEsay in their reading lessons because they were noticing a progressive improvement in their reading skills.

Additionally, this research clearly illustrates the potential of technology to improve reading instruction. Given that, this study provides a solid foundation for the use of artificial intelligence to assist reading lessons through ReadEasy in A1-level children. Future research could investigate its effectiveness in learners of other levels and ages as well as in other educational contexts and finally explore its long-term effect. Looking forward and with the positive results of this research, the use of ReadEasy stands out as a support tool in reading practices, which allows us as researchers to continuously improve and increase the functionalities of the tool to empower its effectiveness and adapt it. to the constant changes of young learners.

In essence, this study supports the proactive implementation of technological tools based on artificial intelligence in a scholarly environment, particularly ReadEasy, which was the tool developed for the intervention, recognizing it given the positive results collected as a crucial component to promote contemporary educational practices and improve results in the development of reading skills on learners from their most basic level and early ages.






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