La gestin estratgica y su influencia en la situacin econmica y financiera de las Mypes del sector ferretero del distrito de Jess Mara, en tiempos de pandemia


Strategic management and its influence on the economic and financial situation of the MSEs in the hardware sector of the Jess Mara district, in times of pandemic


A gesto estratgica e a sua influncia na situao econmica e financeira das MPE do setor de hardware do distrito de Jess Mara, em tempos de pandemia




Norman Raul Ore-Olivera I










Ciencias Econmicas y Empresariales

Artculo de Investigacin



* Recibido: 08 de marzo de 2024 *Aceptado: 20 de abril de 2024 * Publicado: 17 de mayo de 2024


        I.            Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Per.


El objetivo de esta investigacin fue determinar la relacin entre la gestin estratgica y la situacin econmica y financiera de las micro y pequeas empresas (Mypes) del sector ferretero del distrito de Jess Mara durante la pandemia COVID-19 en el periodo 2020-2021. Se utiliz un enfoque cuantitativo y de alcance correlacional, con una muestra de 26 Mypes y la tcnica de recoleccin de datos fue una encuesta. Los resultados mostraron una correlacin positiva muy alta entre la gestin estratgica y la situacin econmica y financiera, respaldando la importancia de la gestin estratgica en la competitividad y el desarrollo econmico de las Mypes. Se concluy que la formulacin estratgica, la ejecucin estratgica y el control estratgico tambin estn relacionados con la situacin econmica y financiera de las Mypes. Estas conclusiones tienen importantes implicaciones para las empresas del sector ferretero, ya que resaltan la importancia de una gestin estratgica eficaz en tiempos de crisis. Los hallazgos respaldan la necesidad de planificar, ejecutar y controlar estrategias para enfrentar los desafos econmicos y financieros.

Palabras clave: gestin estratgica; micro y pequeas empresas (MYPE); situacin econmica y financiera; correlacin; pandemia.



The objective of this research was to determine the relationship between strategic management and the economic and financial situation of micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in the hardware sector of the Jess Mara district during the COVID-19 pandemic in the period 2020-2021. A quantitative approach and correlational scope were used, with a sample of 26 MSEs and the data collection technique was a survey. The results showed a very high positive correlation between strategic management and the economic and financial situation, supporting the importance of strategic management in the competitiveness and economic development of MSEs. It was concluded that strategic formulation, strategic execution, and strategic control are also related to the economic and financial situation of MSEs. These conclusions have significant implications for companies in the hardware sector, as they highlight the importance of effective strategic management in times of crisis. The findings support the need to plan, execute, and control strategies to face economic and financial challenges.

Keywords: strategic management; micro and small enterprises (MSEs); economic and financial situation; correlation; pandemic.



O objetivo desta pesquisa foi determinar a relao entre a gesto estratgica e a situao econmica e financeira das micro e pequenas empresas (MPE) do setor de hardware do distrito de Jess Mara durante a pandemia de COVID-19 no perodo 2020-2021. Foi utilizada abordagem quantitativa e escopo correlacional, com amostra de 26 MPEs e a tcnica de coleta de dados foi o levantamento. Os resultados mostraram uma correlao positiva muito elevada entre a gesto estratgica e a situao econmica e financeira, apoiando a importncia da gesto estratgica na competitividade e no desenvolvimento econmico das MPE. Concluiu-se que a formulao estratgica, a execuo estratgica e o controlo estratgico tambm esto relacionados com a situao econmica e financeira das MPE. Estas concluses tm implicaes significativas para as empresas do setor de hardware, pois destacam a importncia de uma gesto estratgica eficaz em tempos de crise. As concluses apoiam a necessidade de planear, executar e controlar estratgias para enfrentar os desafios econmicos e financeiros.

Palavras-chave: gesto estratgica; micro e pequenas empresas (MPE); situao econmica e financeira; correlao; pandemia.



Strategic management is a key aspect for organizations to face adverse situations and maintain their long-term viability. It involves formulating, implementing, and controlling strategies that help achieve organizational goals. However, it is unclear how strategic management has influenced the economic and financial situation of small and medium-sized hardware enterprises during the pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on micro and small enterprises worldwide, and the hardware sector is no exception. In the district of Jess Mara, hardware enterprises have been particularly affected by pandemic-related restrictions and closures.

This research aims to analyze the relationship between strategic management and the economic and financial situation of Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in the hardware sector of the district of Jess Mara during the period 2020-2021. It also aims to identify the most effective strategies to face crisis situations in the hardware sector, propose recommendations to improve the strategic management of hardware MSEs, marked by the health crisis of COVID-19. This will help understand to what extent proper strategic management can assist these companies in facing adverse situations.

This research consists of four chapters:

In the first chapter, the research problem is outlined by detailing how strategic management seeks to execute the action of controlling the resources used within the company. This is done to establish mechanisms for achieving the strategic objectives set by companies in order to reach and fulfill the organizational visions of the company. It is also essential for a company to strive for proper economic and financial development while preventing any risks that may directly impact the entity.

In the second chapter, the research provides a philosophical foundation for the variables involved, offering a solid theoretical basis and appropriate approaches that support the study. It also includes a comprehensive review of the previous literature from the last five years, both from national and international authors, to establish the background and context of the study. This review delves into the underlying theoretical foundations of the research variables, exploring key aspects to grasp their significance and relevance to the study.

The third chapter focuses on research methodology, addressing the operationalization of variables through indicators, scales, and levels. It also details the type and design of the study, as well as the technique and instrument used to collect the necessary data.

In the fourth chapter, the analysis of descriptive, inferential, and correlational results will be presented to reveal the degrees of influence between variables. The research will conclude with necessary recommendations for all micro and small enterprises in the hardware sector of the Jess Mara district.



This study is an applied research, with a quantitative approach, non-experimental cross-sectional design, and correlational scope.

According to Bernal (2010), applied research involves analyzing the problem already identified by the researcher in order to subsequently diagnose the specific responses of the study.

According to Hernandez, Fernandez & Baptista (2014), the quantitative approach involves collecting numerical information regarding the variables to be analyzed in the study. This approach focuses on studying the relationship between quantified information and data to enhance the respective diagnosis and interpretation.

According to Hernndez, Fernndez & Baptista (2014), non-experimental design involves categories and events that occur without the researcher's intervention to avoid altering the previous research. This design allows observing the events that take place to later conduct the respective analysis. It will be correlational in nature as it involves measuring the degree of relationship between two or more variables for subsequent quantification.

Study subject (unit of analysis)

This research focuses on analyzing Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in the hardware sector of the district of Jess Mara during the pandemic.

Population and Sample Determination

The present research focuses on a study population of 27 formal companies dedicated to the hardware industry in the district of Jess Mara. A quantitative approach and simple random sampling will be used to select the sample. By applying the simple random sampling formula, the calculated sample size is 26 companies. Therefore, the research will be based on a sample of 26 MSEs belonging to the hardware sector of said district. All staff members of the hardware MSEs in the district of Jess Mara will have an equal probability of being included in the study, as simple random sampling will be employed for sample selection.


Data Collection Instruments

Surveys are the primary tool for collecting research data, designed to explore the research objectives. Additionally, a questionnaire will be used as an instrument, containing items developed based on the indicators of the two variables, respectively, with questions and alternatives following the Likert scale.


Data analysis and interpretation

Data analysis and interpretation is a process where information gathered in research is examined, organized, and understood. Techniques and statistical procedures are used to extract significant conclusions from the data. In this instance, IBM SPSS 23 statistical software will be utilized to process, calculate, and analyze the research data. This software will enable diagnosing and interpreting the quantitative data of the variables, enhancing result comprehension. The ideas have been structured following the logical sequence of the analysis process.



Instrument Reliability Testing:


Table 1: Strategic Management Reliability


Descripcin generada automticamente


Table 2: Reliability of Economic and Financial Situation


Descripcin generada automticamente


The reliability of the instruments is confirmed by the high reliability of the strategic management instrument at 0.950 and the economic and financial situation instrument at 0.965.


Normality test


Table 3: Strategic Management Normality Test

Interfaz de usuario grfica, Texto, Aplicacin

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Table 4: Normality test of Economic and Financial Situation

Interfaz de usuario grfica

Descripcin generada automticamente con confianza media


The significance value (Sig) in both tests is lower than the expected value (0.5), indicating that the variable does not follow a normal curve. Therefore, non-parametric statistics will be used (Spearman's Rho).


Hypothesis testing

We will use the Spearman's Correlation coefficient to assess the relationship between the variables.

General Hypothesis

There is a relationship between strategic management and the economic and financial situation of small and medium-sized hardware businesses in the district of Jess Mara during the pandemic period of 2020-2021.

Level of Significance

The reliability level is 95%.

Test Function

It was deployed or developed through the Spearman test.



Table 5: General Hypothesis




The results obtained show that the Spearman's Rho correlation coefficient exhibits a value of 0.957, which, according to the Spearman correlation scale, reflects a very high positive correlation. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a connection between strategic management and the economic and financial situation.

Specific Hypothesis 1

There is a relationship between strategic formulation and the economic and financial situation of small and medium-sized hardware businesses in the district of Jess Mara during the pandemic period of 2020-2021.

Level of Significance

The reliability level is 95%.

Test Function

It was deployed or developed through the Spearman test.



Table 6: Specific Hypothesis 1



The results obtained show that the Spearman's Rho correlation coefficient exhibits a value of 0.535, which, according to the Spearman correlation scale, reflects a high positive correlation. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a connection between strategic formulation and the economic and financial situation.

Specific Hypothesis 2

There is a relationship between strategic execution and the economic and financial situation of small and medium-sized businesses in the Hardware sector of the district of Jess Mara during the pandemic period of 2020-2021.

Level of Significance

The reliability level is 95%.

Test Function

It was deployed or developed through the Spearman test.



Table 7: Specific Hypothesis 2



The results obtained show that the Spearman's Rho correlation coefficient exhibits a value of 0.556, which, according to the Spearman correlation scale, reflects a high positive correlation. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a connection between strategic performance and the economic and financial situation.

Specific Hypothesis 3

There is a connection between strategic control and the economic and financial situation of micro and small enterprises in the Hardware sector of the district of Jess Mara, during the pandemic, from 2020 to 2021.

Level of Significance

The reliability level is 95%.

Test Function

It was deployed or developed through the Spearman test.



Table 8: Specific Hypothesis 3



The obtained results show that the Spearman's Rho correlation coefficient exhibits a value of 0.789, which, according to the Spearman correlation scale, reflects a very high positive correlation. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a connection between strategic control and the economic and financial situation.



The main purpose of the research was to examine how strategic management is linked or related to the economic and financial situation of Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in the Hardware sector of the Jess Mara district, during the period 2020-2021, characterized by the presence of a pandemic. It was concluded that there is indeed a connection between strategic management and the economic and financial situation. This is supported by obtaining a value of 0.957 for the Spearman's Rho correlation coefficient. Following the classification categories of the Spearman correlation scale, a very high positive correlation is observed.

To verify the results, Melndez (2018) highlights that strategic management establishes that each executive of the organization must develop and create strategies within their management. This involves formulating anticipatory strategies to ensure survival and prominence in the competitive market, enabling optimal and favorable business development in the short, medium, and long terms. Based on both studies, it can be inferred that strategic management prioritizes the application of three fundamental phases within strategic management to achieve the set objectives for the benefit of the organization and focus on achieving results. Furthermore, Cervera (2019) emphasizes that the economic and financial situation of an organization is based on the high standards of profitable performance the company maintains in various contexts. It also involves the procedures used to thoroughly understand the company's position within a specific period to diagnose necessary improvements for future performance. From both studies, it is advantageous to identify the organization's economic and financial situation, as it is crucial for setting objectives and making necessary decisions to establish timely strategies and management practices for the company's benefit.

Regarding the first specific objective, the aim is to examine how strategic formulation is linked or related to the economic and financial situation of Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in the hardware sector in the district of Jess Mara. This analysis covers the period 2020-2021 and focuses on the context of the pandemic. It was determined that there is indeed a relationship between strategic formulation and the economic and financial situation. This is supported by a Spearman's Rho correlation coefficient of 0.535. Following the classification of the Spearman correlation scale, a high positive correlation is evident.

These findings are supported by Ataucusi's research (2016), as strategic formulation aims to utilize various tools to plan strategies and plans in order to gain significant advantages over competitors and meet market expectations. It is important to note that every organization must have a sound economic and financial situation to establish and formulate necessary strategies to achieve the expected results of the entity. This is further complemented by Naranjo's research (2017), which emphasizes that a company's financial situation is based on conducting the necessary diagnostics to ensure the financial objectives sought by the organization are achieved within feasible timeframes and resources. Thus, there is a relationship between strategic formulation and the economic and financial situation of MSEs, as it is an ongoing process to make appropriate decisions in the economic aspects of the entity to reach the goals.

Regarding the second specific objective, the aim is to examine how strategic execution is linked or related to the economic and financial situation of Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in the hardware sector in the district of Jess Mara. This analysis covers the period 2020-2021 and focuses on the context of the pandemic. It was determined that there is indeed a relationship between strategic execution and the economic and financial situation. This is supported by a Spearman's Rho correlation coefficient of 0.556. Following the classification of the Spearman correlation scale, a high positive correlation is evident.

The previously obtained results are complemented by what the author Gonzales (2017) mentioned, as strategic execution within Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) is carried out through procedures in which the entity's managers gather to channel and direct all firsthand updated information about the company, both internally and externally. A proper execution allows for the establishment of various strategic objectives to continue pursuing efficient guidelines. Moreover, a coherent execution within strategic management aims to understand the different structures and procedures to develop a company's economic policy. Furthermore, it is also complemented by the background from the author Pinto (2019), who states that to diagnose an organization's financial situation, the relevant processes must be directed, involving organizing and evaluating the resources available to the entity to achieve the company's goals optimally. In this regard, strategic execution within an optimal diagnosis of an entity's economic situation is based on the aspects of planning, organizing, evaluating, and following processes to implement the proposed strategies.

In relation to the third specific objective, the aim is to examine how strategic control is linked or related to the economic and financial situation of Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in the hardware sector in the district of Jess Mara. This analysis covers the period 2020-2021 and focuses on the context of the pandemic. It was determined that there is indeed a relationship between strategic control and the economic and financial situation. This is supported by a Spearman's Rho correlation coefficient of 0.789. Following the classification of the Spearman correlation scale, a very high positive correlation is evident.

These results are supported by Guerrero's (2015) concepts, which mention that strategic control allows for the implication and evaluation of the various strategies initially proposed within the organization. This is essential as unforeseen events and scenarios arise that need to be promptly addressed. Furthermore, it is necessary to reevaluate, monitor all elements within the entity, and, above all, enhance administrative management for accurate decision-making. The author indicates that strategic controls within the company are aligned with assessing and supervising the mechanisms used in business planning for the desired outcomes and expectations of the company. These concepts are also supported by Ruelas (2017), who emphasizes the significance of the company's financial situation based on its ability to generate favorable results, linked to the profitability the company achieves in the competitive market. Therefore, an organization is profitable when it executes appropriate procedures to yield results. Hence, strategic control should be applied initially to assess, monitor, and direct the actions taken to generate profitability in the company for the benefit of customers, executives, and employees, respectively.



First: The conclusion reached is that there is indeed a connection or relationship between strategic management and the economic and financial situation of Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in the hardware sector of the district of Jess Mara during the pandemic period, between 2020 and 2021. This is supported by the results obtained through the calculation of the Spearman's Correlation Coefficient, which revealed a very high positive association with a value of 0.957.

Second: The conclusion reached is that there is indeed a connection or relationship between strategic formulation and the economic and financial situation of Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in the hardware sector of the district of Jess Mara during the pandemic period, between 2020 and 2021. This is supported by the results obtained through the calculation of the Spearman's Correlation Coefficient, which revealed a high positive association with a value of 0.535.

Third: The conclusion reached is that there is indeed a connection or relationship between strategic execution and the economic and financial situation of Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in the hardware sector of the district of Jess Mara during the pandemic period, between 2020 and 2021. This is supported by the results obtained through the calculation of the Spearman's Correlation Coefficient, which revealed a high positive association with a value of 0.556.

Fourth: The conclusion reached is that there is indeed a connection between strategic control and the economic and financial situation of Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in the hardware sector of the district of Jess Mara during the pandemic period, between 2020 and 2021. This is derived from the results obtained through the calculation of the Spearman's Correlation Coefficient, which revealed a very high positive association with a value of 0.789.



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