The link between waterfalls and biodiversity as a key element for sustainable development and tourism in Amazonian communities

Carlos Mestanza Ramón, José Luis Jiménez Caballero


The importance of waterfalls in the Ecuadorian Amazon is highlighted as a fundamental component for promoting sustainable development and boosting tourism in local communities. Indeed, it is emphasized that these natural spaces not only dazzle with their imposing scenic beauty, but also play a vital role in preserving the ecological balance and biological richness of the area. Consequently, their protection and care should be a priority in tourism development policies. It is also noted that nature tourism centered on waterfalls has enormous potential to generate significant economic benefits for the Amazonian populations. However, it should be noted that for these benefits to be truly sustainable over time, it is essential to implement conscious and responsible tourism initiatives that prevent the deterioration of ecosystems and ensure a fair and equitable distribution of the income generated. This research highlights the imperative need to embrace a holistic and multidisciplinary approach to protect and sustainably manage the waterfalls of the Ecuadorian Amazon, harmonising the optimisation of economic benefits for local communities, the application of responsible tourism practices and the enhancement of their ecological and cultural significance. Only through this holistic approach will it be possible to ensure the preservation of these natural treasures for future generations, while promoting equitable and environmentally friendly socio-economic development.

Palabras clave

Waterfalls; Biodiversity; Sustainable development; Amazon communities.

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