Effectiveness of English Teaching with a Multiple Intelligences Approach “Rural Area at La Abundancia”

Daniel Olalla Chávez, Xavier Mosquera


In the context of the San Antonio de la Abundancia Campus in Pichincha, Ecuador, this study investigated the effectiveness of teaching English with a focus on Multiple Intelligences. The methodology adopted a qualitative descriptive approach, focusing on the collection of observational data and direct perceptions of students and teachers. The research was based on collecting observational data and direct perceptions of students and teachers. The generally positive reception, along with increased engagement linked to intrinsic motivation and emotional connection to the content, was evident. Although the introduction of new dynamics generated initial discomfort, the identified benefits suggest that these strategies not only improve linguistic skills, but also contribute to personal development. In conclusion, this study highlights the relevance and adaptability of strategies based on Multiple Intelligences in teaching English in rural contexts, providing a basis for future research and offering educators valuable tools to optimize learning in communities such as Recinto San Antonio of Abundance.

Palabras clave

Multiple intelligences; English proficiency; pedagogical strategies; educational inclusion.

Texto completo:



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