Flipped classroom for english learning in fourth-grade elementary students

Mónica Isabel Suntaxi Casamen, Tomás Fontaines Ruiz


This research focuses on assessing the impact of the flipped classroom on English language communication skills in fourth-grade students in elementary education. The study employs a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design with intact groups. The flipped classroom approach is implemented over four weeks with an experimental group of 35 fourth-grade students from Unidad Educativa Machachi, each having varying levels of language proficiency and facing difficulties in acquiring basic skills. The results demonstrate significant improvements in oral communication, reading proficiency, and appreciation for English. However, the writing skill does not have significant changes. While the methodology's effectiveness is highlighted, there is an appreciation of the need for improvements, considering factors such as students' age, exposure time to the approach, and external support for autonomous learning.

Palabras clave

Flipped classroom; Language skills; English language; Inclusive education; Autonomous learning.

Texto completo:



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