Enhancing English Language Proficiency at the A1 Level: A Comprehensive Study Integrating Interactive Websites and Listening Development for Effective Learning

Enrique Jesús Guambo Yerovi, Luis Francisco Mantilla Cabrera, Mauricio Leonardo Martínez Paredes


This research explores innovative approaches to increasing English language proficiency at A1 level by integrating interactive websites and guided listening exercises. With a focus on creating a dynamic and engaging learning environment, the study aims to identify the impact of this combined approach on language acquisition. The research design includes an analysis of existing language learning platforms, exploration of personalized interactive websites, and implementation of selected listening activities. A diverse sample of English learners at the A1 level will participate in the study, undergoing before and after assessments to measure the effectiveness of the integrated methodology. It is hoped that the key findings will shed light on the benefits of incorporating interactive elements and focused listening activities for language learners at the beginner level. The research highlights the importance of adaptive and technology-enhanced strategies to cater to diverse learning styles and foster a more comprehensive language learning experience.

Palabras clave

English language proficiency; Level A1; interactive websites; Listening development.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.23857/pc.v9i2.6598

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