El uso de la plataforma Web read theory para mejorar la destreza de la lectura en ingls
The use of Read theory web platform to improve reading english skill
O uso da plataforma "Web read theory" para melhorar as habilidades de leitura em ingls
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Correspondencia: cintriago2900@utm.edu.ec
Ciencias de la Educacin
Artculo de Investigacin
* Recibido: 13 de octubre de 2022 *Aceptado: 28 de noviembre de 2022 * Publicado: 30 de diciembre de 2022
I. Universidad Tcnica de Manab, Portoviejo, Ecuador.
II. Universidad Tcnica de Manab, Portoviejo, Ecuador.
La presente investigacin fue El uso de la plataforma web Reading Theory para mejorar la habilidad de lectura en ingls. Diecisiete estudiantes del tercer ao de bachillerato del Colegio Pblico Pedro Balda Cucaln de Manta fueron seleccionados para participar en este estudio. Se aplicaron instrumentos cuantitativos para la recoleccin de datos. Los instrumentos incluyeron la aplicacin de pruebas previas, posteriores y encuestas. En el anlisis de la rbrica por categoras, los postests superaron los datos de los pretests en categoras. La investigacin mostr que el uso de la Plataforma Web Teora de la Lectura tuvo un impacto importante en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Adems, la adquisicin de conocimientos sobre la plataforma web antes mencionada ayud a mejorar la comprensin lectora de los participantes. Este estudio contribuye al campo de la enseanza del ingls y es una referencia para futuros estudios para mejorar la habilidad lectora en el idioma Ingls.
Palabras claves: Enseanza de ingls; Habilidades de lectura; Plataforma web.
The present investigation was the use of the web platform "Reading Theory" to improve the ability to read in English. Seventeen third-year high school students from the "Pedro Balda Cucaln" Public School in Manta were selected to participate in this study. Quantitative instruments were applied for data collection. The instruments included the application of pre-tests, post-tests and surveys. In the analysis of the rubric by categories, the posttests surpassed the data of the pretests in categories. The research showed that the use of the Reading Theory Web Platform had a significant impact on student learning. In addition, the acquisition of knowledge about the aforementioned web platform helped to improve the reading comprehension of the participants. This study contributes to the field of English teaching and is a reference for future studies to improve reading ability in the English language.
Keywords: Teaching English;
reading skills; Web platform.
A presente investigao consistiu na utilizao da plataforma web Reading Theory para melhorar a capacidade de leitura em ingls. Dezessete alunos do terceiro ano do ensino mdio da Escola Pblica "Pedro Balda Cucaln" de Manta foram selecionados para participar deste estudo. Foram aplicados instrumentos quantitativos para a coleta de dados. Os instrumentos incluram a aplicao de pr-testes, ps-testes e questionrios. Na anlise da rubrica por categorias, os ps-testes superaram os dados dos pr-testes em categorias. A pesquisa mostrou que o uso da Plataforma Web Reading Theory teve um impacto significativo na aprendizagem dos alunos. Alm disso, a aquisio de conhecimento sobre a referida plataforma web ajudou a melhorar a compreenso de leitura dos participantes. Este estudo contribui para o campo do ensino de ingls e uma referncia para estudos futuros para melhorar a capacidade de leitura na lngua inglesa.
Palavras-chave: Ensino de Ingls;
habilidades de leitura; Plataforma web.
The importance of the English language has spread around the world, and most of the non- English speakers are interested in learning it for its value and role as an international language for the sake of acquiring the modern science, education and technology (Mouili Fatiha, Bouhamidi Sliman, Bakader Mustapha and Maameri Yahia, 2014) Learning English as a second or foreign language has become a scencial part in our life, Shaik Riyaz Ahmad (2016) mention that, English has become the language of international affairs and international correspondence. It has become a language of International commerce and trade, a language of status and symbol.
Nowadays, the learning of English through digital or web platforms has increased in recent years, which offer different benefits for teachers and students to experience English language teaching and learning activities beyond their traditional classrooms; that is, through online learning. Literature on the use of technology in EFL classrooms has suggested a number of benefits from using online learning modes, such as the Web, wikis, blogs and other online learning platforms, on the development of students language skills Alshumaimeri, 2011; Jung, Kudo, & Choi, 2012; Sun & Yang, 2015).
According to Ortega & Fernndez (2017), For many years, the teaching of English has been included in the curriculum of Ecuador. The teaching-learning process of the English language is in a phase of gradual recovery; it should be noted that prior to the educational reform of 1969 the teaching of English was considered as a matter of filling in the plans of the third cycle and class even in the universities. From this reform the Ministry of Education includes within its program of study of basic and intermediate education, considering compulsory teaching a foreign language in these levels is determined to be taught the English due to the cultural influence, economic and social environment that the United States has in our country; replacing French that was the foreign language that is pursued in high school.
But in 1992, the Ministry of Education of Ecuador and the British Council signed an agreement in order to get better results in this field. Afterwards, the Ministry of Education announced that English became an essential subject for secondary schools (British Council, 2015). Students at schools and high schools are receiving a few periods of classes of English education, but when they end the third year of baccalaureate, the English level is not appropriate. In order to overcome this problem, teachers must be prepared and know that technological learning materials should be used to encourage students' English skills because learning how to improve the level of a second language is an essential skill to learn the English language and offers advantages and benefits to educational and personal level. The improvement of the productive skills, emphasized on speaking, has had a slow pace until today (Ortega & Fernndez, 2017).
In addition, One of the productive skills in English learning is Reading. Taking this into account, when reading is free and voluntary, it results in better reading comprehension. It also improves writing style, vocabulary, spelling, and grammar development (Krashen, 2004). Reading is a skill that students enjoy and especially in English. Also, in this research strategies for the good development of reading with the objective of motivating students to read in English were presented.
Also, the use of technological tools allow us to find different web platforms. As a result, the implementation of the web platform Reading Theory for teachers and students is suitable to the proposal because it involves some techniques and strategies to develop reading skill. In that way, with the completion of this research, students, teachers and authors are benefited since self-preparation helps other persons to continue their education by themselves and then to take advantage over others who do not practice this kind of teaching-learning.
In Pedro Balda Cucalon High School the researcher of this work was able to observe that the technological teaching resources in this establishment are very scarce and do not facilitate the teaching and learning within the educational context. Therefore all teachers must be prepared and know how to choose the most adequate technological resources to teach and the students. This study aimed to use the web platform Read Theoryto improve reading English skill. The teaching-learning method of this research implied the principles of reading comprehension using the web platform and was essential to look for related studies on, and students' views on their use.
On the other hand, today, the use of technology platforms is immersed in the educational field to support teachers practices. This study integrated Read Theory as a basic technological tool to assist students reading comprehension and generate interest in reading within the classroom. This web platform is an online reading comprehension assessment tool for students. It allows students to read narrative, informative, or informational literary passages and answer corresponding comprehension questions, while tracking student performance and reporting progress to teachers. It is free for all users
A pre-test about the comprehension of texts was taken to students from the high school. The results showed a lack of vocabulary, and they have problems primarily with those words relevant to their field of study. It is a problem since learners must get a B1 English level at the end of their last scholar year. However, participants of this study held an A1-A2 level, according to a proficiency test taken. These antecedents promoted this innovation. It involves individual and group work to learn new words by reading. These components were taken into account to motivate students to learn English as a foreign language and in specific fields or purposes.
Literature review
This research involves a theoretical framework in which concepts and theories related to reading and the use of the web platform Read Theory to improve reading skill.
Web Platforms in Education
On the web, there are excellent technological teaching tools that can help a teacher to impart its class, improve it or they can serve to support them in the work. These tools can be selected from a large number of them made by publishers or those that each teacher with the experience comes to draw up. However at present, teachers have neglected this aspect which is so important, on the grounds of a lack of time, the economic crisis, etc. and have limited the use of educational resources to more traditional, as are the posters, books, supporting documents, neglecting the research and innovation in this field.
According to Chapelle (2003), the use of computer technology in the classroom should bring benefit to learners through enhanced linguistic input. The three types of language input suggested by Chappelle are salience (e.g. interaction with a grammar application), modification (providing any means that help learners to arrive at the meaning, such as through images), and elaboration (providing explanations). Read Theory addresses these types of enhanced learning input.
A wide variety of technological platforms are important instruments used in the learning process of a foreign language. Nowadays, there are different web platforms that allow students to participate and engage in language learning. For example Reading Theory is a suitable tool to practice english reading skills. For example, teachers can develop learning materials that are enriched by visual and audio media, such as text with illustration, images, videos or other multimedia resources. In order to do this, teachers can employ the multimedia tools available in lesson and assessment menus.
The advanced development of Information and Communication Technology has provided excellent opportunities for teachers and students to experience English language teaching and learning activities beyond their traditional classrooms; that is, through online learning.
Furthermore, many ELT (English Language Teaching) professionals and ICT (Information and Communications Technology) practitioners have written reviews about technology for classroom use to help teachers to keep updated with information about types of technology suitable for language teaching and learning. In the Teaching English with Technology Journal, I noted four interesting reviews, namely those by Ciaffaroni (2003); Elturki and Hussein (2011); Kilikaya (2007); and Michalak (2015).
Read Theory Web Platform
ReadTheory is an online reading comprehension assessment tool for students. It allows students to read narrative, informative, or informational literary passages and answer corresponding comprehension questions, while tracking student performance and reporting progress to teachers. It is free for all users. Teachers start using ReadTheory by going to the website and creating an account. Once they have created a teacher account, they create a class and follow prompts to create accounts for each of their students by entering in their name, email, a username, and a password.
Students begin using ReadTheory by logging in to their teacher-created student accounts. They are then prompted to take a pretest, which consists of reading ReadTheory passage examples and answering reading comprehension questions. ReadTheory assesses a students reading level and presents them with reading content based off of this performance. Students then continually use ReadTheory by logging on and reading ReadTheory-written literature passages and answering corresponding reading comprehension questions. For correct answers, students earn points which they can view in their earn points page on their menu bar.
ReadTheory tracks student progress on the assessments and reports it back to teachers and the students. From the progress page on their menu bar, teachers can view ReadTheory generated graphics that track student progress, performance on questions, and aggregate class performance statistics.
Read Theory is a powerful educational tool that offers online reading activities for all ages and ability levels. Their custom web application adapts to students individual ability levels and presents them with thousands of skill-building exercises that suit their needs. Their quizzes span the full range of reading levels, beginning with elementary school reading and ending with the most demanding college-level passages.Their program meets national benchmarks and is aligned with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). According to Richards and Rodgers (2014), teachers need to know how to manage ICT well inside and outside the classroom. For that reason, using a web platform like Read Theory will be more interactive and engaging in the language classroom.
English Skill
Students need to learn four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing for their success. According to Vasilika RrakuI 2013, Reading is one of the four main skills that students of foreign languages need to master in order to successfully learn the language. Many researchers carry out their studies in reading activities because this is a basic activity to open ones perspective, especially the students', about new things (Kkoğlu, 2013; Dewi & Salmiah, 2019; Martika & Hermayawati, 2016; Ariandika & Kartikawati, 2018). No matter the theoretical position that researchers take when they talk about second language acquisition (SLA), in the end, all of them conclude that input is an essential condition to second language learning (Lessard-Clouston, 2018).
Krashen (2004) mentioned that language is acquired when we understand messages when we know what people are saying, and last but not least, when we understand what we read. The acquisition of the language in this innovation will be handled through reading activities where learners feel free to choose different texts to create an extensive reading (ER) environment. Research on ER has shown many benefits, such as vocabulary acquisition (Senoo & Yonemoto, 2014).
For example, teachers can develop learning materials that are enriched by visual and audio media, such as text with illustration, images, videos or other multimedia resources. In order to do this, teachers can employ the multimedia tools available in lesson and assessment menus.
Reading Comprehension
Reading is one of the four main skills that students of foreign languages need to master in order to successfully learn the language. Also, reading is one of the main activities of our everyday life as every one of us is engaged in reading in a way or another, be it just reading a newspaper article or taking a glimpse at the main headlines, reading a book or the label of a bottle of medicine. Apart from that reading is one of the most significant ways of acquiring knowledge and successful reading, not only improves the quality and quantity of our knowledge, but also our use of time whether it is applied in different study contexts or learning of various academic subjects. For this reason, due to the ever increasing importance of reading in every aspect of our everyday life, it is essential to find ways or methods to improve our reading skills. To this purpose a great emphasis is laid on the use of reading strategies as the best way so far to improve our reading skills.
On the reading comprehension aspect, the findings that researchers like Slavin et al. (2009) have encountered suggest that there is potential for technology to improve reading outcomes. The authors state that technology can maximize student engagement by providing them with metacognitive strategies for text comprehension, as well as strengthening other skills. Also, besides being a great support in the learning process, technology promotes creativity, and technological and cultural advancements; thus, leading to the development of a society of knowledge (Chvez & Caicedo, 2014).
Reading is one of the principal means for learning a language, although there are other support resources as flash cards, reading is the most economical way to access a foreign language to provide us with an additional benefit, allowing the reader in an objective and effective way to expand your vocabulary.
Reading in English has great social importance, educational and practical, it is one of the most important skills but many times by a lack of motivation, strategies and techniques, it becomes boring for the student and teacher.
Strategies of the reading in foreign language
In the process of language acquisition by the students in English as a second language would not be sufficient to teach them the techniques of reading. The teacher should be included in his activity program exercises that facilitate the consolidation of the solid knowledge of the language.
Clarke (1979) studies, on the reading proficiency in Spanish and English for adult students, show that, even where there is a transfer of skills from one language to another as far as reading is concerned, the Group of good readers in their first language, but with low knowledge of the second, is poor in the foreign language readers. Taking into account that the academic English courses have a dual purpose: the deepening of the knowledge of the English language and the mastery of the strategies of reading and writing required in the academic area, the professor has also practice other complementary, reading exercises based on it, they will help students to increase their vocabulary and mastering certain structures of the language that you will be useful.
Reading aloud
. Reading aloud is a good technique to help children, teenagers and all people discover the pleasure of reading. All people, even kids and teens, can benefit from listening to you read aloud. Also reading aloud you can improve your grammatical mistakes and learn new vocabulary. Birch (2002) mentions that, students can be distracted by English spelling and make errors in the pronunciation of words they know orally When you read aloud, the process engages the senses. For example, seeing and hearing can enable you to pick up on mistakes you may have missed if only one of your senses were engaged.
Reading fast and slow reading
Reading fast is a technique used to develop the ability to read fast. So, slow reading is the intentional reduction in the speed reading, carried out to increase comprehension or pleasure. This technique is more fully comprehend and appreciate a complex text. Therefore, there has been increased interest in slow reading as result of the slow movement and its focus on decelerating the pace of modern life. Grabe and Stoller (2002) said that Reading slowly (fewer than 200 words per minute), whether aloud or silently, interferes with semantic proposition formation, therefore making it more difficult to understand what has been read
Silent reading
The ability to sit and silently read a text is a skill that all students will need as they move through secondary education and into college. Similar to learning an active reading strategy, students must have multiple opportunities each day to practice reading silently. And like all explicit instruction, we must make it clear to our students why this skill is important to them. Also silent reading can be fun, but more time must be spent learning how to comprehend ideas through silent, independent reading.
Importance of Reading in English
Today's reading is fundamental to learning English. That should be considered some benefits that bring reading in English.
Restanto (2016) reported a study on teaching reading by using picture books and found that it helps the students read and understand the text, especially in narrative texts. It is necessary that the teacher when teaching reading techniques include in his activity program exercises that help students to increase their knowledge and develop skills at the time of reading in English. Reading in English is a very rewarding activity, since it helps to increase vocabulary and influences to have a better language in each of the students.
At the time of reading is recommended read something that interests you, read in English makes it easy to extend the vocabulary. Reading makes our brain can deduce words or new phrases from the text before making use of a dictionary (this must be English). They not only learn new words they reviewed many that had learnt before and that read better consolidated in our own vocabulary.
To read not only structures identified as context, they reinforce the use of such structures. They understand a message through structures learnt in class, but in a smooth and natural way. Many times to study different grammatical structures we read only issues related to the objectives of a unit. Reading allows you to see how all the different structures achieve a harmony and made to form a unified message. They are times of past, present and future in action that are important to form a better fluidity.
In writing the majority of the students have difficulties, for this reason reading helps a lot in the writing since to read some sentences or contexts, brain takes them as models to be reproduced in the future. If you read for example business emails followed form, you will see that writing an e-mail it will be easier.
Certainly the reading is so important in the teaching and learning of English, because it helps students not only learning a second language but on improving fluency when talking and expressing ourselves. In addition, reading has benefits that are useful for students. These benefits are to extend a better vocabulary that allows students have greater knowledge, improve oral and written communication
Acquisition of new Vocabulary
Participants of this study belong to the high school. They usually find texts in English. Thus the necessity of learning and understanding phrases and words which are relevant to their field. Christopher Wallace (2007) said that both vocabulary breadth and vocabulary depth are of equal importance to reading performance. The use of cognates, teaching the meaning of basic words, and review and reinforcement are important steps in developing the vocabulary of students.
This study allowed 17 students to improve their reading vocabulary. The web platform Read Theory was chosen as e-learning tool to facilitate the process. When students logging in the aforementioned platform, they can read the different comprehensive readings that are assigned to them as a task and then do a small test by answering the correct questions.
During the first class, the materials required were only cell phones, computers and projectors to instruct students on the use of the web platform. The first sessions guided the students through the different steps to follow on the use of the web platform to familiarize the students with its use. The classes were explained in the English classroom of the Educational Institution, using slides and the web application to interact with the students and guide them in this pre-experimental study. In the same way, the participants were taught how to enter the application with their username and password.
The application also has the teacher's area in which you can see the results that each student has and if they improved their reading comprehension or not.
This study was carried out at a public school in Manta, a city located in the western part of the Province of Manab, in the Bay of Manta, on the Central Coast. According to the institution statistics, it was composed of a principal, a vice principal, 2241 students, and about 87 teachers. The English area staff include 8 teachers. All teachers are assigned different courses, levels and areas. The courses receive between 30 and 35 students. The areas are: Science, accountancy and technical baccalaureate. Quantitative instruments were applied to collect data. Instruments included the application of pre-tests, posttests, and surveys. In the analysis of the rubric by categories, posttests outperformed pretests data in categories.
This study was an action research. According to Ravid (2015), it is a cycle that identifies the problems that need to be improved, search for research-based practices, and implement them to report the results. Taking this into consideration, this research has included quantitative and qualitative instruments to answer the following research questions:
1. To what extent does the use of the web platform improve reading skills in students?
2. To what extent does the Read Theory web platform have facilitated the learning of new vocabulary using reading?
This study was conducted in a High School in Manta. There were 17 participants. Their ages were between 16 to 18. They were in A1-A2 level according to the Common European Framework (CEFR). According to a diagnostic test at first. Reading limitations were a common factor in most of them. For this reason, the researcher decided to implement the study in that class.
To answer the first question (To what extent does the use of the web platform improve reading skills in students?), a pre- and post-test (through the web platform) was applied. The pre-post tests were the same to see if there was an improvement or not. In the same way, it will help to know to what extent the students improved their reading skills.
Data Analysis
Pre-tests and post-tests
To answer the first research question, the pre- and post-tests provided statistical information on whether the use of the platform improved students' reading. Both the preliminary and subsequent tests consisted of a reading test carried out by the same platform already mentioned. The first reading test taken from the participants before treatment began served as preliminary tests. Likewise, at the end the students took a reading test which was considered a post-test.
The pre- and post-test data were registered and processed by the same web platform. This program ran descriptive statistics, minimum, maximum, mean.
These insights were compared and contrasted to determine the variance of the results. All these data were processed to obtain the results and verify if the use of this web platform had a positive effect on reading skills. After collecting the results, the data was presented in tables and statistical graphs, establishing percentages for analysis and interpretation.
Ethical Considerations
In order to carry this study permission was granted from the authorities of the high school as the first step to apply for this study. Students were also informed about the objectives of the research and the procedures. The instruments were examined and validated by experts to raise reliability. The instruments included a legend with the study's main purpose and a reminder to students that they were participating voluntarily. The instruments involved a heading describing the purpose of the research and emphasizing that their participation was voluntary.
This section describes the outcomes of the innovation. It is structured according to the study questions. Pertinent tables and graphs were added to interpret the results.
Figure 1: indicates the general mean scores of the pre and post test. Regarding the results of the pretest, the highest grade was 9 and the lowest 2.8. The general average obtained by the students was 6.95 (S.D= 2.8095) during the first test. However, in the post-tests, the general score had an important change in the qualifications, showing 10 as the highest and 6 as the lowest. The general average was 8.42 (S.D=1.3273), showing that there was an improvement of 1.47. This process had a large effect size (Cohens' d = 0.77), meaning that this innovation helped participants improve reading English skills using the web platform Read Theory.
Pre and posttest descriptive statistics |
N |
Mean |
Std. Deviation |
Effect size |
P-value |
Pre-test |
17 |
6.95 |
2.8095 |
0.77 |
0.01 |
Post-test |
17 |
8.45 |
1.3273 |
AQ2. To what extent does the Read Theory web platform have facilitated the learning of new vocabulary using reading?
A survey was taken at the end of the study to know how the web platform Read Theory impacted in the improve of reading skill of the participants. The results showed a good acceptation by participants to the web platform. These results are expressed in percentage in the table below.
1. Did the use of the Read Theory web platform encourage you to improve your English reading skill?
Figure 2
10 |
59 % |
4 |
23 % |
3 |
18 % |
0 |
0 % |
17 |
100 % |
Did you gain new English vocabulary using the web platform Rea theory?
Figure 3
2. Did you gain new English vocabulary using the web platform Read theory?
Figure 4
12 |
70 % |
3 |
18 % |
2 |
12 % |
0 |
0 % |
17 |
100 % |
Figure 5
3. How often did you use the new vocabulary acquired through the web platform in your daily life?
Figure 6
10 |
59 % |
4 |
23 % |
3 |
18 % |
0 |
0 % |
17 |
100 % |
Figure 7
4. Do you consider that your academic performance have improved with the use of the web platform in the process of learning the English language?
Figure 8
10 |
59 % |
NO |
0 |
0 % |
7 |
41 % |
17 |
100 % |
Figure 9
5. Do you think that the implementation of the web platform Read Theory have benefits the interaction between teacher and students?
Figure 10
15 |
88 % |
NO |
0 |
0 % |
2 |
12 % |
17 |
100 % |
Figure 11
The results presented in this study clearly show that the use of the web platform Read Theory helped students improve their reading skills. In addition, they were able to improve their understanding. According to Chapelle (2003), the incoporation of technology in the EFL classroom should promote learning tasks that afford a wide variety of opportunities for learners to produce the the target language. In addition, they generate an accurate and simple description from a large document.
According to the first research question: To what extent does the use of the web platform improve reading English skills in students? The results were positive since students had better results in the post-test than in the pre-test. The test was different readings where students have to summarize and understand the text and then choose the correct options according to the text. These results highlight what Al-Abdallah (2019, as cited in Abualigah et al., 2020) mentioned about text summarization. He said that it could also be interpreted to provide a shorter version of a text.
For the second question research question: To what extent does the use of the web platform improve reading skills in students? Participants answered a survey. Their responses showed a high percentage of participants who agreed that the web platform Read theory helped them improve reading English skill.Furthermore, it should be highlighted that the use of the web platform Read Theory encouraged the participants to be more motivated to improve their reading using the new vocabulary in their daily life, in the same way, to involve them in continuing to use other web platforms for learning the English language.
After 10 weeks of implementation, it can be concluded that the instruments used to improve reading in the participants showed positive results. They showed that most of the students had improved their reading skills. They also showed that the participants acquired new vocabulary related to different fields since they could recognize a wide range of these types of words at the end of the study. This statement was based on the post-test that they underwent, which was implemented as the final part of this study.
The selection of the web platform Read theory as the ICT made this intervention suitable for students in the educational unit in which it was implemented. In addition, this innovation served as a means for students to change their perspectives when reading in English such as reducing their anxiety, fear and promoting motivation to achieve their learning goals.
Despite the progress of the students, this innovation had some limitations. Most of the participants were not familiar with these learning tools, so it took them a while to get familiar with these platforms. Another limitation was the internet connection, since some participants had problems with the internet when working. This limitation also implies low monetary income in some families where the Internet connection is limited.
The level of English was another limitation as A2 students understand specific instructions faster than A1 students. In addition, the A2 students completed the activities more quickly. This limitation was present at the beginning of the implementation, but at the end of it, all the participants finished their activities almost at the same time.
Finally, the sample was small since it was expected to work with 35 students at the beginning of the innovation. Still, due to the circumstances, only 17 of them were able to work in this study.
After applying this innovation, for future studies, it is recommended to work for an extended period since taking this into account will help to develop in a better form the reading skills that participants need to achieve positive results.
It is also recommended to have a more extensive sample; this will help increase the study's reliability. At the same time, it would be recommended to apply different instruments to evaluate results in various stages of the study.
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Polo del Conocimiento
Revista Científico-Académica Multidisciplinaria
ISSN: 2550-682X
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