El uso de juegos en lnea en ingls para desarrollar las habilidades orales de los




The use of online games in English to develop students speaking skills



O uso de jogos online de ingls para desenvolver as habilidades orais dos alunos




Carlos Luis Garca-Prraga I  IKshoyocarlosluis1@hotmail.com












Correspondencia: Kshoyocarlosluis1@hotmail.com


Ciencias de la educacin

Artculo de investigacin

*Recibido: 23 de septiembre de 2022 *Aceptado: 18 de octubre 2022 * Publicado: 01 de noviembre de 2022


  1. Universidad Tcnica de Manab, Portoviejo, Ecuador.


Esta investigacin est diseada para identificar la importancia de los juegos en lnea en el desarrollo de las habilidades orales de los estudiantes. La mayora de los estudiantes reciben ingls, pero cuando terminan la escuela secundaria, las habilidades en ingls no estn al nivel adecuado. Para superar este problema, los docentes deben implementar diversas actividades como los juegos educativos en lnea, los cuales se definen como una tcnica participativa de enseanza encaminada a desarrollar en los estudiantes, mtodos de direccin y comportamiento adecuado, estimulando as la disciplina con un adecuado nivel de decisin y autodeterminacin-determinacin. Sin embargo, no cuentan con los recursos suficientes que les permitan utilizar ms metodologas, estrategias o enfoques relacionados con aumentar el dominio del idioma ingls de una manera divertida. Por tanto, el diseo de una gua didctica es una propuesta adecuada porque implica algunas de las claves para mejorar la expresin oral en ingls mencionadas anteriormente. As, con la realizacin de esta investigacin, estudiantes, docentes y autores se beneficiarn de la retroalimentacin y ayudarn a la comunidad a continuar con su educacin y luego podrn compartir su experiencia con otros que no practican este tipo de aprendizaje.

Palabras claves: Juegos en lnea; Habilidades en el idioma ingls; Aprendizaje formal; Motivacin; Tcnicas; Estrategias; Ldica.



This research is designed to identify the importance of online games in the development of students' oral skills. Most of the students receive English, but when they finish high school, the English skills are not at the right level. To overcome this problem, teachers must implement various activities such as online educational games, which are defined as a participatory teaching technique aimed at developing management methods and appropriate behavior in students, thus stimulating discipline with an adequate level. decision and self-determination-determination. However, they do not have enough resources to allow them to use more methodologies, strategies

or approaches related to increasing English proficiency in a fun way. Therefore, the design of a didactic guide is an appropriate proposal because it implies some of the keys to improve oral expression in English mentioned above. Thus, with the completion of this research, students, teachers and authors will benefit from the feedback and help the community to continue their education and then they will be able to share their experience with others who do not practice this

type of learning.

Keywords: Online games; English language skills; formal learning; Motivation; Techniques; Strategies; playful



Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar a importncia dos jogos online no desenvolvimento das habilidades orais dos alunos. A maioria dos alunos recebe ingls, mas quando terminam o ensino mdio, as habilidades em ingls no esto no nvel certo. Para superar este problema, os professores devem implementar diversas atividades como os jogos educativos online, que se definem como uma tcnica de ensino participativa que visa desenvolver mtodos de gesto e comportamento adequado nos alunos, estimulando assim a disciplina com um nvel adequado, deciso e autodeterminao. -determinao. No entanto, eles no tm recursos suficientes para permitir que usem mais metodologias, estratgias ou abordagens relacionadas ao aumento da proficincia em ingls de maneira divertida. Portanto, o desenho de um guia didtico uma proposta adequada porque implica algumas das chaves para melhorar a expresso oral em ingls mencionadas acima. Assim, com a realizao desta pesquisa, alunos, professores e autores se beneficiaro do feedback e ajudaro a comunidade a continuar sua formao e, assim, podero compartilhar sua experincia com outras pessoas que no praticam esse tipo de aprendizagem.

Palavras-chave: Jogos online; Competncias lingusticas de Ingls; aprendizagem formal; Motivao; Tcnicas; Estratgias; brincalho.



Currently, the acquisition of a second language is essential to achieve high levels of labor and social competitiveness. In the whole world the most studied foreign language is English due to the demands of today's society. During the school period, the child further develops his communication skills, as he will do so both in writing and verbally, using his body language at the same time. At this age, the child's brain is in a process of development, and it is ready to assimilate knowledge, from which it will benefit throughout its personal, academic and professional life (Ocaa et.al.,2022; Quinga et.al., 2022; Vega et.al., 2022). If a child from a very early age sings, plays, and repeats phrases and words in another language, his phonological development will increase, through playful activities and multisensory practices he will be able to acquire a vocabulary that he will never forget, not even in his childhood but in his adult life.

The fact that preschool children acquire a second language from their first years of life provides it with solid knowledge and lays the foundation for new learning. The correct pronunciation of phonemes, so difficult to acquire in adulthood, is simply an easy task, both for teachers and children, since it is taught and learned through the constant repetition of songs, phrases and appropriate words. This article aims to analyze the importance of the teaching English as a foreign language in children through the use of games so they will improve their speaking skills.


Theoretical framework

The familiarity with the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), in all its forms, as

well as the learning of different languages, have become an essential requirement for the training

of individuals capable of responding to the demands of today's society.

The currently lifestyle of a man, is linked to the use of ICT in almost all aspects of their development, especially in those related to teaching-learning processes. In this sense, its application in education environments that, in one way or another, seek to respond to the needs and interests of the population they serve is undeniable.

Therefore, regardless of the age of the group to which it is addressed, the implementation of ICT is considered valid and suitable as part of the methodological strategies contemplated within any educational curriculum, without forgetting the importance it maintains for the achievement of the objectives of any educational process, both within the context they are developed as the interests of the student population.

In this order of ideas, Muffoletto (1994) argues that the use of technology in the classroom should not be a mere collection of machines and devices used as distractions with no educational purpose. On the contrary, these resources should be used as a new way of approaching education in an increasingly digitized world (Ocaa et.al., 2019). Based on what has been argued, it becomes evident that both the success and the failure of technology in the classroom will depend on the use that is given to it, the significance of the chosen tasks and the content exposed to the students. This is how recreational activities appear as he appropriate route to link ICT with the educational process and, specifically, with the learning of other languages.

The game, in its various forms, is considered an innate activity for the human being and, therefore, is the unconscious means by which he discovers the world. Huizinga (2000, quoted by Labrador and Morote, 2008) affirms that the game, in fact, existed before any culture and it is through this activity that all culture arises, this situation justifies its implementation in the formation of students.

In the words of Vygotsky (1979), playing represents a privileged learning experience because the relationship with others allows the creation and improvement of the proximal development zone. In other words, the game is the ideal path that brings students closer to higher knowledge, taking as a reference the previous knowledge before they have encountered new experiences.

In Ecuador, the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) (2014), aware of the transcendental role of the game for the development of the human beings, places it as one of the recommended methodologies from the initial stages of learning, due to the flexibility that contributes to the scope and attention of the diversity in the classroom since it is one of the few activities applicable to all realities and, in addition, for being an agent that favors the integral well-being and the involvement of the student body.

By linking ludic activities with ICT, two significant realities converge for every human being in training. The game represents that innate activity by which a man acquires knowledge through the performance of tasks that produce fun and enjoyment. On the other hand, ICTs are shown with a trait of innovation and curiosity that, as in the game, can generate pleasant feelings (Albn Bedoya & Ocaa-Garzn, 2022). In both cases, learning occurs unconsciously, leaving aside the old educational practices characterized by a mere transfer of knowledge.

The combination of ludic activities and ICT gives rise to video games. For Pereira and Alonso (2016) video games are "electronic multimodal discourses in which static and moving images are the main vehicle for the transmission of meanings... it is an electronic discourse associated with leisure, entertainment and also education" (p. 61).

In this order of ideas, Prez, Postigo and Sedeo (2003) define educational videogames as programs that combine recreational activities with educational content and that, basically, have as their main objective the promotion of the acquisition of knowledge through fun activities, which makes this strategy one of the favorite activities for students. For this reason, and due to the mpact of using video games in the school context, the concern about the possible effects they have on the development of the individual's cognitive abilities arises. For Gmez, Esther and Turci (2003), educational video games enhance cognitive abilities,

the acquisition of skill, as well as the universality of ideas and values and, finally, the modeling of behaviors.

In contrast, there is vast research on the adverse effects for human development that could be related to the practice of video games, among which the possible addictive components of these stand out. These investigations suggest that video games generate addiction, in addition, they promote a sedentary lifestyle and thus inhibit the practice of outdoor activities including sports, reduce study hours and even develop violent attitudes in children and young people (Prez et al., 2003; Mendiz, Pintado, Ruiz and Pulido, 2003).

From the foregoing, it is clear to intuit that the effects, whether positive or negative, depend on the approach and the use given to video games in the school environment. For them, teachers must consider various requirements that ensure the proper use of resources such as, for example, content appropriate to the age group and the current educational curriculum, activities designed around the interests and motivations of the students, management of the appropriate time, among others.

Currently there are a number of resources both on the market and on the internet for teaching English. Therefore, it is necessary to select them properly in accordance with the comprehensive training of students in their cognitive, psychomotor and affective-social skills. Mastering two or three languages is not unusual in today's world; in fact, exposure to technological tools such as online videos expose children to different languages, accents, and idioms.

The researcher (Amante, 2007) advocates the selection of educational applications or games that not only comply with being graphically and visually very attractive, but also:

  • Encourage exploration and imagination, the active role of students
  • Friendly and intuitive, with icons easy-to-identify.
  • Flexible and adapted to various educational objectives.
  • With positive reinforcement and clues to guide the child.
  • Multisensory, attractive, interactive without becoming an amalgamation of sounds, music

and colors without connection with the educational objectives.

  • With activities or problems related to real life and the interests and needs of the students.
  • With multicultural values
  • With instructions for adults on objectives, age of the students and suggestions to guide the activity, as well as information on installing the program and solving problems

That is why the introduction of stories, rhymes and songs are very appropriate elements to introduce students to the learning a foreign language. That is why the introduction of stories, rhymes and songs are very appropriate elements to introduce students at an early age to learning a foreign language. The narration of children's stories is a very appropriate way of transmitting knowledge for the introduction of foreign culture. (Lpez, 2015). Among some of its functions are:

  • The first function is to entertain, since they include fantastic elements full of adventures, which respond to the needs of children.
  • They develop their imagination and awaken their appreciation for the new language.
  • Helps the child distinguish between fantasy and reality
  • Suggests moral lessons
  • They develop narrative competence influenced by the tales and stories that are part of their world of experiences.
  • Educate a future reader who will enjoy reading throughout life.

On the other hand, the same author refers that rhymes and songs have been used as tools for learning and socialization to improve the language, stimulate creativity and imagination, becoming an important source of learning. For the introduction of new vocabularies, it is necessary to have some visual resource. In this case, the vocabulary virtual cards allow to create a series of activities that are very interesting for students as they favor recognition as they generally involve a physical or verbal response of the yes/no type and production as it allows them to fix the vocabulary and pronunciation. A session with virtual flashcards can be done as follows: (Ramrez 2010)

  • Presentation of the vocabulary. The teacher takes into account the age of the children and the number of words to be taught to choose the appropriate cards. Then, in the first session, he shows the chosen cards pronouncing the word that appears written in English. Then, in the following sessions, the children repeat the words that the teacher pronounces.
  • Practice vocabulary using virtual flashcards. The teacher can use this resource to carry out different activities, such as the following: the teacher places the cards and the children carry out an activity called point to, in which they must point to the word pronounced by the teacher.

Video is another widely used resource in this type of teaching, as it allows the language heard to be associated with actions, stories, gestures, which helps students clarify its meaning and motivates them through the process of acquiring the content. For optimum use of this resource, it is essential to show students short film sequences using some interactivity techniques so that teachers can ensure their involvement and participation.

Children enjoy constructive online games. In addition to being motivating and fun, they provide good practice that involves improving the pronunciation of English words, grammar and the four language skills. In addition to making our students want to play these games to have fun, they will also learn more quickly and will try to quickly and well internalize the knowledge that must be acquired in order to play correctly with their other classmates. The benefits of playful learning of English are the following: (Molina, 2015)

  • They keep the class alive and interesting.
  • Students keep their motivation high during learning.
  • They help the teacher to be closer to his students in a pleasant way. As a result, they facilitate the teaching-learning process.

It is important to note that, if both the student and the teacher have a good time, it is a sign that the teacher is also looking for his own motivation and, by achieving it, it will be much easier to transmit any knowledge to the students. The possible disadvantages that teachers should take into account when teaching this type of class could be the following:

  • There will be situations in which students will want to measure up and play well, but will

find themselves with the possibility of failing. It is normal and the failure or error is respected.

  • In the game, if the student is showing interest and it is still difficult for him, he must be encouraged and given help so that he reaches that goal, which is learning.
  • There are also some important values to instill in our students, such as respect for others.
  • Teachers know that each student has a different capacity and therefore they will not all learn at the same time, and this must be made very clear to them.

Among the advantages of starting to study English as a foreign language in school are: (lvarez,


  • Development in the student of an activity and global understanding: The child in the first years that is in school is open to ideas of world understanding. In this way the study of English as a foreign language can serve as an important vehicle to broaden your views and reasoning from an intercultural point of view.
  • Improvement of communication skills: therefore, improvement of the pronunciation and intonation of the language being studied. Children who begin to study a English second language have more opportunities to develop a pronunciation and intonation very similar to the native speakers. The study of foreign languages has also been shown to have positive effects on memory and listening skills.
  • Improves cognitive skills: By learning a foreign language at an early age, cognitive development and the performance of basic skills will be favored in children, something that will have a positive impact both in the child's school stage and in his personal life, since he learns new skills necessary to be competent in that language and will help the child to prepare for a changing world every day and to face new challenges to be able to achieve their goals.
  • Contribution of numerous personal benefits: The study of a foreign language generates numerous benefits for the child on a personal level since they also learn about other cultures, thus improving their communicative competence and, in this case in other languages. The child acquires skills that prepare him better and better for a future in society, for a more qualified professional future, there is no doubt about that. But other types of advantages are also obtained in the socio-personal field since the child, while expanding his field of communication, is also contributing to his personal and social development because it increases his self-esteem and reaffirms his social values.

When planning the teaching of the foreign language in children education, it must be clear that the children's learning medium is the game and can be accompanied by rhyming words, the action, the interaction with others and that the game that most like is the one in which they are protagonists. This can also be adapted when using online games. That is why it is convenient to plan classes taking into account the following aspects that will support learning: (Rodrguez, 2003).

  • Provide an adequate platform to develop activities and games in the foreign language. It is important that children associate the new language with a space that, if possible, should be decorated with cultural representations of the foreign language.
  • Consider the individual characteristics and needs of children, their prior knowledge, learning rhythms and styles, abilities and preferences.
  • Use supports, resources and educational activities suitable for children.
  • Facilitate understanding by using understandable language.
  • Promote autonomous learning and self-assessment strategies. Children feel safe and happy when they are able to carry out routines autonomously.

General objective

Analyze the importance of online games to improve speaking skills in school students.

Specific objectives

  • Assess the existing background on education through the use of online games.
  • Analyze the definitions addressed by authors on the subject
  • Characterize the advantages of using online games to improve speaking skills.



This article was conceived by combining methods and techniques of the theoretical and empirical

level such as: analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, documentary analysis. For the preparation of this article, specific phrases were used in the search for information on English for specific purposes in databases such as: ERIC, Scielo, Scopus, and academic Google. Documents in both English and Spanish were selected to be analyzed that were in the date range up to 2022.



  • As a consequence of the foregoing in the report, it can be concluded that the learning of the English language in children is acquired more effectively if it is carried out with the help of didactic games which will allow this information to be fixed and not be forgotten or forgotten. Adulthood.
  • This learning is recommended to be done through games, songs and other motivating activities that allow them to feel comfortable, safe and fun, because the existence of activities that they like for the development of classes, motivates them to participate and provide an optimal environment for language acquisition.
  • The use of relevant material and the creation of innovative teaching activities and processes promote autonomy and interest in children to learn the English language, making use of games, art and literature.


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