Enfoque comunicativo de la enseanza de idiomas para mejorar la capacidad de expresin oral de los alumnos


Communicative Language Teaching Approach to improve students Speaking Skills


Abordagem Comunicativa do Ensino da Lngua para melhorar as Competncias de Falar do Estudante

Marco Antonio Aquino-Rojas I

,Evelyn Carolina Macas-Silva II
Mario Nicolas Salazar-Ramos III

,Jaime Ramiro Silva-Verdezoto IV

















Correspondencia: marcoaquino111@hotmail.com



Ciencias de la Educacin

Artculo de Investigacin


* Recibido: 23 de agosto de 2022 *Aceptado: 28 de septiembre de 2022 * Publicado: 06 de octubre de 2022


        I.            Magster en Enseanza del Ingls como Idioma Extranjero, Docente Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Riobamba, Ecuador.

      II.            Magster en Pedagoga para la Enseanza del Ingls como Lengua Extranjera, Docente Ocasional Escuela Superior Politcnica de Chimborazo, Riobamba, Ecuador.

   III.            Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educacin, Profesor de Idiomas Ingls, Docente de la Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Riobamba, Ecuador.

    IV.            Magster en Enseanza del Ingls como Idioma Extranjero, Docente del Centro de Idiomas de la Escuela Superior Politcnica de Chimborazo, Riobamba, Ecuador.






En las escuelas hay una tendencia creciente a utilizar un enfoque comunicativo de la enseanza de idiomas para mejorar la capacidad de hablar de los alumnos. Este enfoque utiliza la conversacin y los juegos de rol para ayudar a los estudiantes a desarrollar mejores habilidades comunicativas. Es una forma eficaz de ayudar a los alumnos a aprender a expresarse con precisin y confianza.

El enfoque comunicativo de la enseanza de la lengua (CLTA) es un mtodo de enseanza que se centra en la mejora de la capacidad de expresin oral de los alumnos. El CLTA ayuda a los alumnos a aprender a utilizar la lengua en diversos contextos y a desarrollar la fluidez y la precisin en la expresin oral. El CLTA se basa en la premisa de que la comunicacin es tanto constructiva como destructiva. Los alumnos deben ser capaces de construir sobre lo que han escuchado, as como de responder eficazmente cuando se les hace una pregunta. La CLTA pretende ayudar a los alumnos a lograr este objetivo ofrecindoles varias oportunidades para practicar sus habilidades orales. Por ejemplo, los estudiantes recibirn lecturas de diferentes gneros y se les pedir que las comenten en clase. Tambin se les pedir que participen en debates y discusiones de grupo. Al practicar estas habilidades fuera de clase, los alumnos estarn mejor preparados cuando se enfrenten a situaciones del mundo real.

Hay muchas estrategias y recursos que los profesores pueden utilizar para mejorar las habilidades orales de los alumnos. Una de ellas es hacer que los alumnos practiquen la expresin oral frente a un espejo. Esto les ayudar a ser mejores oradores y a aprender a afinar su discurso. Otra estrategia es hacer que los alumnos reciten poesas o relatos cortos. Esto les ayudar a mejorar su vocabulario y su pronunciacin. Tambin hay muchos recursos disponibles en Internet que los profesores pueden utilizar para mejorar las habilidades orales de los alumnos.

El objetivo de este estudio es determinar con qu frecuencia y en qu medida los profesores de ingls utilizan el mtodo de la enseanza comunicativa de la lengua y qu mtodos y materiales emplean para ayudar a sus alumnos a convertirse en oradores pblicos ms seguros y eficaces. El enfoque actual de la enseanza de las destrezas lingsticas orales hace hincapi en las actividades de lectura, escritura y escucha. Estos mtodos son eficaces para ensear estas habilidades acadmicas, pero no abordan la habilidad de hablar. Este documento sobre el Enfoque Comunicativo de la Enseanza de la Lengua (CLTA) presenta un enfoque comunicativo modificado para la enseanza de las destrezas de la lengua hablada que se centra en las capacidades de habla de los estudiantes y en sus necesidades e intereses. El objetivo es mejorar la capacidad de expresin oral de los alumnos para que se comuniquen de forma ms eficaz y productiva en el aula y fuera de ella.

Palabras clave: Enfoque; Enseanza; Idiomas, Capacidad; Expresin; Alumnos.



There is a growing trend in schools to use a communicative approach to language teaching to improve students' speaking ability. This approach uses conversation and role-playing to help students develop better communication skills. It is an effective way to help students learn to express themselves accurately and confidently. The Communicative Language Teaching Approach (CLTA) is a teaching method that focuses on improving students' speaking skills. The CLTA helps students learn to use the language in a variety of contexts and develop fluency and accuracy in oral expression. The CLTA is based on the premise that communication is both constructive and destructive. Students must be able to build on what they have heard as well as respond effectively when asked a question. The CLTA aims to help students achieve this goal by offering them various opportunities to practice their speaking skills. For example, students will be given readings from different genres and asked to discuss them in class. They will also be asked to participate in group discussions and debates. By practicing these skills outside of class, students will be better prepared when faced with real-world situations. There are many strategies and resources that teachers can use to improve students' speaking skills. One of them is to have students practice speaking in front of a mirror. This will help them become better speakers and learn how to fine-tune their speech. Another strategy is to have students recite poetry or short stories. This will help them improve their vocabulary and pronunciation. There are also many resources available on the Internet that teachers can use to improve students' speaking skills. The objective of this study is to determine how often and to what extent English teachers use the communicative language teaching method and what methods and materials they use to help their students become more confident and effective public speakers. The current approach to teaching oral language skills emphasizes reading, writing and listening activities. These methods are effective in teaching these academic skills, but they do not address speaking skills. This document on the Communicative Language Teaching Approach (CLTA) presents a modified communicative approach to teaching spoken language skills that focuses on students' speaking abilities and their needs and interests. The goal is to improve students' oral expression skills so that they can communicate more effectively and productively in the classroom and outside of it.

Keywords: Approach; Teaching; Languages, Capacity; Expression; Students.



H uma tendncia crescente nas escolas de usar uma abordagem comunicativa para o ensino de lnguas para melhorar a capacidade de fala dos alunos. Esta abordagem usa conversao e role-playing para ajudar os alunos a desenvolver melhores habilidades de comunicao. uma maneira eficaz de ajudar os alunos a aprender a se expressar com preciso e confiana. A Abordagem de Ensino de Lngua Comunicativa (CLTA) um mtodo de ensino que se concentra em melhorar as habilidades de fala dos alunos. O CLTA ajuda os alunos a aprender a usar a lngua em uma variedade de contextos e desenvolver fluncia e preciso na expresso oral. O CLTA baseia-se na premissa de que a comunicao construtiva e destrutiva. Os alunos devem ser capazes de construir sobre o que ouviram, bem como responder eficazmente a uma pergunta. O CLTA visa ajudar os alunos a atingir esse objetivo, oferecendo-lhes vrias oportunidades para praticar suas habilidades de fala. Por exemplo, os alunos recebero leituras de diferentes gneros e sero solicitados a discuti-los em sala de aula. Eles tambm sero convidados a participar de discusses e debates em grupo. Ao praticar essas habilidades fora da sala de aula, os alunos estaro mais bem preparados quando confrontados com situaes do mundo real. Existem muitas estratgias e recursos que os professores podem usar para melhorar as habilidades de fala dos alunos. Uma delas fazer com que os alunos pratiquem falar na frente de um espelho. Isso os ajudar a se tornarem melhores oradores e aprendero a ajustar sua fala. Outra estratgia fazer com que os alunos recitem poesia ou contos. Isso ir ajud-los a melhorar seu vocabulrio e pronncia. H tambm muitos recursos disponveis na Internet que os professores podem usar para melhorar as habilidades de fala dos alunos. O objetivo deste estudo determinar com que frequncia e em que medida os professores de ingls usam o mtodo de ensino de lngua comunicativa e quais mtodos e materiais eles usam para ajudar seus alunos a se tornarem oradores pblicos mais confiantes e eficazes. A abordagem atual para o ensino de habilidades de linguagem oral enfatiza atividades de leitura, escrita e audio. Esses mtodos so eficazes no ensino dessas habilidades acadmicas, mas no abordam as habilidades de fala. Este documento sobre a Abordagem de Ensino de Lnguas Comunicativas (CLTA) apresenta uma abordagem comunicativa modificada para ensinar habilidades de linguagem falada que se concentra nas habilidades de fala dos alunos e suas necessidades e interesses. O objetivo melhorar as habilidades de expresso oral dos alunos para que eles possam se comunicar de forma mais eficaz e produtiva na sala de aula e fora dela.

Palavras-chave: Abordagem; Ensino; Idiomas, Capacidade; Expresso; Alunos.



Many languages are spoken worldwide, but English is one of the most common. That is why it is so crucial for non-English speakers to work on their speaking skills. Inexperienced speakers often refrain from speaking up because they worry about seeming stupid or making an error in intonation or pronunciation. The CLT is a method that encourages students to practice their new language skills in authentic contexts. Students spend the bulk of their time in class engaging in meaningful conversations with one another in the target language. Using various methods improves conversation (Santhanasamy & Yunus, 2022). As part of this study, we adopted structured speaking activities, including interviews, comic strip stories, and role-plays over a school year, to help students with their speech difficulties. This study plans to use the Communicative Language Teaching method in a distance learning setting with students aged 16 from a public high school. The obtained results were reliable. Student's verbal abilities improve despite the distance between them and the instructor.

In order to improve their oral communication skills, a sizable portion of the world's language students focus their efforts on learning English. For effective communication with people from different cultural backgrounds and future career success, students and people must develop their speaking skills as one of the four primary linguistic abilities. Speaking is one of the four pillars of language acquisition, along with listening, reading, and writing. Researchers agree that the ability to communicate effectively through voice is an asset, just like the ability to write clearly and concisely (Toro et al., 2019). We may hone these and other aspects of a speaker's performance through consistent practice: fluency, pronunciation, grammatical accuracy, or body language. Another technique to convey information orally is through the use of spoken language. Using the language in meaningful contexts is critical to foster student-teacher communication.

Research has established that Speaking is the act of uttering words to have one's intentions understood by both the speaker and the listener. They must process the statements in order to understand the speaker's meaning. Speaking is a vital part of the English language, and there are many facets to mastering this skill. There are four facets to effective communication. The four components of fluency are correct pronunciation, proper grammar, and confident body language. For their part, Spratt et al. define fluency as the ability to communicate generally without stumbling over words or phrases, making unnecessary corrections to one's speech, and effectively using connected ideas. Accuracy in speech, nevertheless, refers to using the right words and pronouncing them correctly. Even though more powerful words may be more descriptive, shorter words are what researchers have found to be associated with fluency (Rahman & Pandian, 2018). The key to fluency is communicating slowly and clearly, not quickly and ambiguously. Gaining fluency is a function of vocabulary size, self-assurance, and the willingness to make a fool of one if necessary. Being able to express oneself clearly and entirely is also an essential aspect of fluency.

Meanwhile, precision entails avoiding blunders. We want our pupils to develop fluency, but we also care deeply that they improve their accuracy. Compared to a silent friend, an overconfident, inaccurate one is preferable.

In addition, one definition of fluency is the absence of hesitancy and pauses that might create barriers or a communication breakdown. By contrast, accurate language avoids faults in phonology, syntax, semantics, and discourse (Savignon, 2018). As seen from what has been said above, there is a strong connection between precision and fluency; both are required for effective communication. Teachers of English as a second language must prioritize helping their students improve their fluency and accuracy since these are the two most important language skills for future success in English.



Language learning is something that has been around for thousands of years. It is a beautiful art that can help us develop our communication skills and awareness of cultural values. However, the theory behind language development has not yet been translated into practical use in the modern world. Until recently, teachers relied on students to learn how to speak English, but now they are using technology such as mobile apps and chatbots to impart language learning skills through an interactive platform.

The communicative language teaching approach is a flexible and learner-centered instructional methodology that emphasizes using communication tasks in instruction. This methodology has proven to improve students' speaking skills, comprehension, and writing abilities. The communicative language teaching approach encourages teachers to create meaningful dialogue between students and themselves and between students and others (Halimovna et al., 2019). Additionally, the approach emphasizes using authentic materials and real-world contexts to help students develop fluency in speaking and understanding languages.

Additionally, Speaking is a fundamental language skill in which students must have a command of their language. In order to help students improve their speaking skills, teachers need to create a classroom environment that encourages conversation and allows students to practice speaking and listening skills. Speaking skills are essential for students because they enable them to communicate their ideas and feelings effectively. They also help students build relationships with others and learn how to participate in conversations.

There are several ways to help students improve their speaking skills in the classroom. One way is to have students practice speaking in groups. This can be done by having them work together on a project or take turns speaking in class. Another way to help students improve their speaking skills is to have them practice giving presentations. This can be done by giving them a presentation on a topic they know well or presenting the information they have learned for a test. Using these techniques, teachers can help students become better communicators and increase their chances of success in school and in careers.


Communicative Language teaching Approach

The communicative approach to learning a language is one strategy to help students become more confident public speakers. The method is geared toward improving students' comprehension and use of the language in realistic contexts. In order to accomplish this goal, it is necessary to instruct kids in proper sentence structure and the usage of a wide range of terminology. The communicative language teaching methodology is gaining popularity among educators who teach English as a second language (Byram & Wagner, 2018). The communicative language teaching method is based on conversing with people who speak English as their first language. This method is based on the theory that it is more effective for students to learn how to communicate with native speakers than to rely on textbooks or other instructional materials.

The communicative language teaching approach is effective in helping students improve their spoken skills. In one study, students taught using this approach improved their ability to speak clearly and effectively. They also improved their ability to understand and use complex vocabulary (Islam, Ahmad & Islam, 2022). The communicative language teaching approach is valuable for teachers who want to improve their students' speaking skills. It can help students learn how to construct sentences and use vocabulary effectively in everyday situations.


Benefits to Students of using Communicative Language teaching Approach in Classroom

The communicative language teaching approach has many benefits for students. It allows them to learn new languages more quickly and effectively, which reduces boredom and aids in developing critical thinking skills. Additionally, it helps students develop better communication skills and understand other cultures. One of the main techniques for teaching students a foreign language is the communicative method. It is based on the idea that one of the best ways to enjoy learning a new language is to use methods that the student already knows (Hanafiah et al., 2022). The main benefit of using this approach is that it helps learners to develop a strong foundation in their new language, which can be helpful when trying to communicate and work in a new country.

There are numerous benefits to using a communicative approach to language learning. First and foremost, communicative approaches offer students access to more resources and opportunities than traditional methods do. In addition, they promote fluency and comprehension by providing students with ample opportunities to practice their language skills in real-world contexts (Alibekova & Urinboyeva, 2020). Communicative approaches enable teachers better to connect grammar and vocabulary instruction with real-world applications.

Students learn how to use language in context. When they are taught to communicate the language, they can better understand what they are saying and use appropriate word choices. They learn how to build relationships with others. When students learn how to communicate effectively, they can build better relationships with classmates, family members, and other people they encounter daily. They improve their oral skills. When students are taught how to use language effectively, they become better at Speaking and listening. This skill is essential for successful communication in academic settings, networking, and job hunting later in life (Khaydarova, 2022). When implementing the communicative approach in the classroom, it is essential to remember that all students are different. Some prefer traditional teaching methods, while others prefer a more hands-on approach. Flexibility is also essential so all students can feel comfortable participating in the class.

The communicative language teaching approach is a great way to help students learn new languages quickly and effectively. It reduces boredom and assists in developing critical thinking skills as well as better communication skills.


To determine the use of the language teaching approach in the classroom

For many educators, adopting a particular language teaching approach can feel like a daunting task. Determining the adoption of a communicative language teaching (CLT) strategy in an English classroom can be even more challenging. There are many aspects to think about, including the age group being taught, the complexity of the subject being covered, and the student's history of language study. 

However, in the end, it is up to the teacher to determine which CLT strategy will work best in their classroom. However, some general guidelines can help guide this decision-making process. For example, CLT approaches are typically more effective when combined with other teaching methods, such as grammar instruction and comprehension exercises (Azimova, 2022). Additionally, CLT should be selected based on the needs of individual students rather than being forced upon them.

Ultimately, determining the use of a CLT approach in the English classroom will require careful consideration of all available information. However, by following some simple guidelines, teachers can ensure that they select the most effective approach for their students.


The Strategies used by teachers to improve the Students Oral Skills

The communicative language teaching approach is based on the premise that effective communication requires accurate and fluent use of oral language. This approach teaches students how to communicate effectively through listening and speaking. Teachers using this approach use a variety of strategies to help students improve their speaking skills. Oral communication is a fundamental skill in everyday life. In schools, students must know how to speak and write English.

One of the essential skills students need to develop is oral fluency. This can sometimes be a difficult skill for students to learn, so there are many steps teachers can take to help students improve their oral skills (Gacs, Goertler & Spasova, 2020). Frequently, students have difficulty speaking up if they are out of their comfort zone or nervous about what the teacher wants them to say.

Students' oral communication abilities are crucial in any career path they choose. Students need to develop their oral communication abilities for their entire lives. They are essential for learning how to communicate effectively and participate in group activities. In the classroom, oral skills are fundamental because they help students learn how to read and write.

There are several strategies that teachers can use to improve students' oral skills. One common strategy is providing opportunities for students to practice their oral skills. For example, teachers can have students read aloud from a text or answer questions orally. Another strategy is to have students practice speaking in different situations. For example, teachers can have students speak on a phone call or in a presentation. This will help them become more comfortable speaking in different settings and improve their oral communication skills.

Another strategy used by many teachers is practicing drills. These drills help students practice their speaking skills in a controlled setting. Another strategy used by many teachers is role-playing. In role-playing exercises, students are assigned specific roles in a conversation. They are then asked to practice speaking in that role and to use appropriate communication strategies. Visual aids are helpful when needed to illustrate points. For example, students can use slides to show photos or diagrams to illustrate points. Specific language is essential when talking to a group of people (MacIntyre, Gregersen & Mercer, 2020). Make sure that students use precise terms when discussing points. Humour is a great way to break the ice and connect with the audience. Try to make jokes relevant to the topic at hand. This will help to make the presentation more engaging for the audience.

Many teachers also use feedback to help students improve their speaking skills. They give feedback both formally and informally. Formal feedback is given judiciously, while informal feedback is given without regard to the situation or person receiving it (Paul, 2022). Feedback can be positive or negative, but its primary purpose is to help students improve their spoken language skills.


Resources used by teachers to improve students Oral Skills

Most communication teachers use various resources when teaching their students oral skills. This includes drills, exercises, games, videos, and more. Below is a list of some of the teachers' most popular resources to improve their students' speaking abilities.

Oral literacy is vital for two reasons. First, it is essential for people who want to be successful in today's world. In today's economy, a good command of oral literacy skills is key to success (Zhou & Wei, 2018). Second, oral literacy skills are essential for individuals who want healthy oral health.

There are many resources that teachers can use to improve their students' oral literacy skills. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is one of the most critical resources. NIST provides teachers with instructional materials and video tutorials to help students improve their reading and writing skills.

Another essential resource is the Oral Language Association (OLA). OLA provides teachers with online courses that focus on teaching oral language skills. These courses include lessons on how to teach reading, writing, and grammar using oral language. Teachers can also use online games to improve their students' oral literacy skills. Online games allow students to practice different reading strategies while they compete against other players.

1.      Drills: Drills are essential when teaching speaking skills to students. They help them improve their fluency, pronunciation, and ability to construct complete sentences (Fattohovich, 2022). Some standard drills that are used in classrooms include tongue twisters, dialogues, and word searches.

2.      Exercises: Exercises are also popular tools when it comes to teaching oral skills to students. They help them increase their vocabulary, comprehension skills, and ability to speak in public. Some joint classroom exercises include role-playing, group discussions, and persuasive arguments.

3.      Games: Games are another popular resource when it comes to teaching oral skills to students. They help them to stay motivated while learning new material, and they also help them practise speaking in a fun and engaging way (Yakubov, 2022). Familiar games in classrooms include charades, jigsaw puzzles, and word association games.



To conclude, in today's world, communication has become increasingly important. The Communicative Language Teaching methodology can better prepare students to communicate in a foreign language. This strategy emphasizes teaching students how to communicate effectively by incorporating communicative activities and resources into the classroom. As a bonus, it also helps to improve reading, writing, and listening abilities. Students will improve their written and verbal expression by employing these strategies.

The English language can be a complex subject to learn for many students. With that said, it is also crucial that our students communicate effectively to succeed in the classroom. Communicative language teaching is one strategy for improving intercultural communication (CLT). CLT is a way of teaching that encourages students to speak and write in their versions of English while they are learning it. By doing so, CLT helps students develop fluency and confidence when speaking and writing in English.

Additionally, Oral skills have been discussed as incredibly important for students of all ages. However, they are especially crucial for those working in customer service or interacting with others face-to-face. This article has outlined some of the top techniques that can help improve students' oral skills. From practicing proper chewing and swallowing to improving their vocabulary, these tips can help make interactions with others more comfortable and successful.



1.      Azimova, N. N. (2022). Communicative teaching of foreign language for specific purposes. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(Special Issue 4-2), 588-595.

2.      Alibekova, Z., & Urinboyeva, F. (2020). Methods of a communicative approach in teaching English. S. NO TITLE AUTHOR/S PAGES.

3.      Byram, M., & Wagner, M. (2018). Making a difference: Language teaching for intercultural and international dialogue. Foreign Language Annals, 51(1), 140-151.

4.      Fattohovich, D. F. (2022). The role of innovative technologies in teaching a foreign language in higher education. Integration of Pragmalinguistics, Functional Translation Studies and Language Teaching Processes, 241-244.

5.      Gacs, A., Goertler, S., & Spasova, S. (2020). Planned online language education versus crisis prompted online language teaching: Lessons for the future. Foreign Language Annals, 53(2), 380-392.

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11.  Paul, P. (2022). Communicative Language Teaching: Expectation vs Reality in the Bangladeshi Context. Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science, 10(4), 6469.

12.  Rahman, M. M., & Pandian, A. (2018). A critical investigation of English language teaching in Bangladesh: Unfulfilled expectations after two decades of communicative language teaching. English Today, 34(3), 43-49.

13.  Santhanasamy, C., & Yunus, M. M. (2022). A Systematic Review of Flipped Learning Approach in Improving Speaking Skills. European Journal of Educational Research, 11(1), 127 139.

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16.  Yakubov, F. U. (2022). Improving communicative language skills through a role-playing activity. Science and Education, 3(2), 1006-1010.

17.  Zhou, Y., & Wei, M. (2018). Strategies in technology-enhanced language learning. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 8(2), 471495.








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