Uso de la plataforma Make Beliefs Comix para mejorar la construcción de oraciones en las habilidades de escritura
Using Make Beliefs Comix Platform to Improve Sentences Construction in Writing Skills
Usando a plataforma Make Beliefs Comix para melhorar a construção de frases nas habilidades de escrita
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Ciencias de la Educación
Artículo de Investigación
*Recibido: 01 de febrero de 2022 *Aceptado: 10 de febrero de 2022 * Publicado: 07 marzo de 2022
I. Magister en Planificación Evaluación y Acreditación de la Educación Superior, Magister en Pedagogía de Los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros Mención en Enseñanza de Inglés, Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación Mención Lengua Inglesa y Lingüística, Profesor de Segunda Enseñanza, Profesor de Segunda Enseñanza Especialización: Lengua Inglesa y Lingüística, Universidad Agraria del Ecuador, Ecuador.
II. Magister en Educación Superior, Magister en Enseñanza del Idioma Ingles, Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación Especialización: Lengua Inglesa y Lingüística, Profesora de Segunda Enseñanza Especialización Lengua Inglesa y Lingüística, Ecuador.
Hoy en día, la mayoría de la gente utiliza dispositivos electrónicos, y la tecnología es un fantástico regalo desarrollado por los genios de la informática. Por lo tanto, el inglés se convirtió en una de las lenguas extranjeras más populares a nivel mundial. (Raja & Nagasubramani, 2018) Comunicar, escribir es una habilidad que la gente utiliza en su vida diaria para comunicarse. Sin embargo, algunas personas no quieren expresar lo mismo en el lenguaje hablado para expresar sus pensamientos, sentimientos, experiencias y emociones, dar sentido a ideas complejas y abstractas, y aprender a comunicarse con otras personas en el día a día.
Palabras clave: Dispositivos electrónicos; tecnología; habilidad; lenguas extranjeras
Nowadays, most people use electronic devices, and technology is a fantastic gift developed by computer geniuses. Therefore, English became one of the most popular foreign languages globally. (Raja & Nagasubramani, 2018) Communicate, writing is a skill that people use in their daily lives to communicate. However, some people do not want to express the same thing in spoken language to express their thoughts, feelings, experiences, and emotions, make sense of complex and abstract ideas, and learn to communicate with other people on a day-to-day basis.
Keywords: Electronic devices; technology; skill; foreing languages
Hoje em dia, a maioria da gente utiliza dispositivos eletrônicos, e a tecnologia é um fantástico regalo desarrollado por los genios de la informática. Por isso, o inglês se converte em uma das línguas estrangeiras mais populares no nível mundial. (Raja & Nagasubramani, 2018) Comunicar, escribir es una habilidad que la gente utiliza en su vida diaria para comunicarse. Sem embargo, algunas personas no quieren expresar lo mismo en el lenguaje hablado para expresar suspensaientos, sentimientos, experiencias y emociones, dar sentido a ideias complejas e abstractas, y a comunicarse com outras personas en el día a día.
Palavras-chave: Dispositivos eletrônicos; tecnologia; habilitação; línguas estranhas
The objective of this research, called the use of a "Make Beliefs Comix" platform, will be to improve sentence construction in students' writing. Therefore, the teacher will use a digital method to improve their students' writing skills; This digital platform allows students to develop this skill creatively and interactively to achieve the objective, allowing students to review the second language.
The methodology used to develop this research will be cognitive, which will help both teachers and students learn better writing skills. In addition, the application of this methodology will help students with writing difficulties. Technology is a modern tool with positive potential. In addition, some teachers will use these videos as a methodology, digital platforms, games, photos, flashcards, stories, short films, songs, natural objects, cartoons and movies; In other words, the main objective of using this type of activity is to help students improve their writing skills. In essence, using these creative activities allows students to improve the second language process; for example, when students write, they feel confident to express themselves through the use of these tools, using theirs initially in the learning process (Oksana V. & Yakimenko, 2015).
Definition of the Research Problem
Most of the Agrarian University of Ecuador (EAU) students face writing difficulties. (Guangming, et al., 2021) "Sometimes students do not feel motivated to express ideas and feelings of their peers." Also, students get low marks in their quizzes in writing skills because they make mistakes when they write in this part of the test; it is essential to point out that people do not understand what they want to express with others.
Also, students get bored or do not like to do different writing activities. Therefore, the teacher should try to engage students in improving their writing skills. As a result, teachers have to prepare some methods. For example, one of the methods students can use is an innovative platform, "Make Beliefs Comix" to improve sentence-building in writing skills. Likewise, this digital platform is easy, fun, free and teaches writing to enjoy writing.
Definition of the Research Problem
Today English has become widespread and indispensable in many social, educational and personal interest relationships, and it is because many people have begun to put it into practice in daily lives. However, they find it challenging to write in order to express themselves. For this reason, this project will review how a platform can help improve writing, in this case for the students of the Agrarian University of Ecuador, where the study is carried out to the students while they carry out activities such as writing and creating comics.
According to (Harmer, 2007) "there are many reasons to get students to write, in and out of class". Some people have difficulty communicating face to face; however, they feel more comfortable connecting writing, it could be: writing letters, songs, emails, chats. For this reason, it is essential to find a way to transmit what a person wants to communicate to others.
The most famous international language is English because it is easy, and most students want to learn English to get a degree and travel the world and be a language spoken in almost every country. However, it is prevalent among young people, adults, and other people regardless of age, and it is, for this reason, it is essential that people can express their thoughts or ideas with this language. So according to (Tilley & Weiner, 2016), the use of comics in formal instruction scenarios, although some examples and discussions touch on elements of non-traditional and informal learning scenarios. The use of comics can create a friendlier environment for constructing sentences in English.
These days, there are many different types of apps that people chat with or exchange personal information, especially if they want to have friends all over the world; As a consequence, it is necessary to write correctly so that people use these tools to be able to communicate correctly., they might get confused, and the message cannot be received clearly. According to (Song, 2020), the research showed that students use the digital comic platform to develop and improve their ability to write narrative texts.
Students feel stressed because they do not feel confident to express their ideas in front of confronting; therefore, some people prefer to write and express their ideas using other tools. According to (Wallner, 2016), the use of dialogue and thought balloons in a classroom literacy project involving comics; in such a way, the Agrarian University of Ecuador has increased five hours in its schedule. As a result, students must obtain an international certification in English to graduate.
The skill and technology of writing
At this time, most people want to learn another language, for this reason, some beginners, when they finish their studies, continue studies in academies or a college because they like to brush up on their English. English has four skills; however, writing is different when students have difficulty expressing their ideas according to the topics because it is not their mother tongue. According to Servetus (2020), the most common problem is when non-native English speakers (NENE), in this case, students show their essays in the English language.
All over the world, people are going through difficult times because the world is facing Covid-19, and they are not the same conditions if people were to compare three years ago, the education system is not the same, and now all students have access to virtual education and study their subjects online. According to (Gómez-Arteta, 2020), some people have privilege over others who do not have economic conditions and technology.
In addition, the use of technology is essential in education. According to (Suhardi & Mustadi., 2020), the practice of comics increases creativity in this 21st-century learning. Also, (Goodbrey 2013) mention that students can use any screen to write on the platform, and they will write engaging comics, movies, games and other different types of interactive visual media that students can practice anywhere.
Using the comic platform writing
Artopulos et al. (2020) indicate that "online digital platforms have grown to dominate social interaction on the Internet". So today, even though many students are afraid to demonstrate their ideas. However, it is possible to realize these ideas; teachers need to use a different method to engage their students in writing development. Also, having good writing habits could improve your writing ability during your academic life. Teachers are currently trying to innovate new tools to engage their students. According to (Ana, 2015), young students get bored quickly; for this reason, teachers need to be more creative and make an exciting class for the students.
Many teachers around the world have used comics. According to (Novitasari, 2020), the comic strip's primary purpose is to simplify students to develop three areas: cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. In addition, comic strips mixed with the students will help them learn expressively.
In addition, students know how to handle different types of devices. For example, according to (Dewana, 2016), the comic book platform increases and improves writing skills in narrative text, so it will benefit when they want to write an essay.
Make Beliefs Comix
The Make Beliefs Comix platform allows you to build a comic even without drawing or painting. Some educators have found the medium to be an excellent way to engage children in creative writing. Thanks to various applications, you can make your digital comics on a smartphone, tablet, computer, or even a simple sheet of paper. (Biersdorf, 2020)
It is making writing interaction easier through digital templates that can be done from any mobile device, to which the Agrarian University of Ecuador students do have access. In addition to that, the platform provides tutorials, ideas, features, even figure material just to get started with writing comics. Furthermore, it has tools for teachers, writing activities, family entertainment, etc.
This platform gives way to the imagination of anyone who makes use of it. This platform makes it a comforting material for many who wish to improve their writing construction in English. The primary purpose of this web tool is that people generally use it, and even more benefits are obtained from it if the professors of the Agrarian University of Ecuador incorporate it into their academic methodologies. In addition to this, the platform provides entertaining and creative tools that create more interest in writing sentences in English.
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Ilustration 1: Make Beliefs Comix Platform Home Section (Make Beliefs Comix, 2021)
Recently, virtual platforms have been shown to impact student learning positively and have been incorporated as the basis of educational strategies teachers use in the classroom.
The most crucial reason for designing a course using technology is so that students can gain knowledge and at the same time have an enjoyable experience. Students can share, shape, and develop meaningful life skills. Such is the case of the Agrarian University of Ecuador; this state institution currently offers its students a high-impact learning modality due to the health situation that exists in the country. Therefore, as a sample of the population selected for this project, the project selected students from the last semesters between February 2021 and August 2021. Therefore, the sample focused on 70 students with no interest in grammar but who wanted to learn English. In support of the famous social construction theory of Piaget, Krashen, and Vygotsky, the research hopes that students will improve their grammatical skills.
The method that this project will use to carry out this project will be a pilot survey design to allow data collection, survey and analysis of data input and results at output.
This research project is descriptive as researchers use this method to analyze phenomena and how their components appear in this study. In addition, the descriptive method allows delving into the phenomenon studied.
Likewise, knowledge and purpose will be deepened; in turn, this will be:
● Set key characteristics of variables
● Identify the morphology and behaviour of the people in this survey (social behaviour, preferences)
● Establish solutions
● Relate the possible relevance of the variables in this survey, analyze the learning process, determine the gender, and identify the factors.
This study also used a descriptive method. It focuses on the causal relationship between educational strategies and resources to improve writing skills.
It is important to remember that in this project, the students will be evaluated before, during and after the intervention using the methods and techniques described above. This survey used Excel Statistical Software to collect all data analysis results and graphs. The main idea of data analysis with this software is to improve the sample results before and after the test.
Study population
The subjects studied for this project are 70 postgraduate students of the third semester of the Agricultural Engineering mentioned Agroindustrial belonging to the Agrarian University of Ecuador, located in Guayaquil. Therefore, the sample will be selected considering diversity, age, sex and number of students. In addition, there will be the predisposition of the directors and teachers of the institution; these are part of the sample.
Table 1: Sample description.
Item |
Concerned parties |
People |
1 |
Main coordinator |
2 |
2 |
English teachers |
2 |
3 |
Students (women and men) |
70 |
Total |
74 |
Fuente: Universidad Agraria del Ecuador. Briones (2021).
Sample size
In this research, a percentage of university students will be selected. This project will focus on the two main coordinators of the institution, two English professors and seventy students in the third semester. The population is small, with a total of 74 participants. So, you do not need to use formulas. This survey will cover the entire population.
Data collection techniques
The data collection tool used for this study is designed for this project. These are experimental types. Researchers apply the most appropriate tool to obtain well-structured information and reliable findings and results.
The first tool used in this study is observation. The researchers observe the class and explain the behaviour of teachers and students in a virtual classroom. In this project, an interview with the director will be carried out with about ten questions. This interview will be based on the experience details and survey qualifications. In addition, the evaluators will design a separate survey to help English teachers gain experience in this learning process and gain a clear understanding of their work. This interview is an extension. The interviewer will then record the interview as evidence.
Likewise, the survey will be designed based on the Likert Scale questionnaire, which includes ten questions, to provide concise and precise information on the aspects that researchers need to know in this survey.
Finally, the research team will design a satisfaction survey to measure the interest and orientation of the students on the subject interviewed. Study population
Data Processing (Details of the Procedures)
Based on the analysis and results of this research project, the following evaluation tools can be developed:
Observation. The checklist consists of five sections, including Part 1 describing the organization, Part 2 focusing on introductions, Part 3 on interactions, Part 4 on deciding skills grammar, and Part 5 on Problem resolution.
Likewise, within the verification, the class will have 15 elements. The evaluated parameters are distributed as follows: (4 = advanced, 3 = regular, 2 = needs improvement, one = does not meet the established criteria); The purpose of designing the checklist is to analyze and determine the strengths and weaknesses of teachers in education.
The second method used in this survey is the 10-question questionnaire interview created for secondary school principals and English teachers to obtain information on how to teach in the learning process until the next term.
The third tool developed by this project is a survey of students and teachers. This survey uses a Likert scale questionnaire so that teachers will receive five surveys, and students will use ten questions. Use this device to analyze responses and get better results. Also, identify the problem in the learning process. For example, to write skills, it is expected to discover the real problem when learning English and to measure the interests and preferences of the students and the resources and activities that the teachers use in the classroom.
- From the interview with the director, it was possible to obtain his opinion regarding the "Make Beliefs Comix" platform. The director indicated as a general criterion to the interview: "The professors of the institution and the students should make use of the digital platform, and even that it would be discussed to add the use of the platform in the academic methods of the Agrarian University from Ecuador.
- From the questionnaire that was made to the teachers, a general opinion was generated according to the portal. Where they indicated that the platform would create a relationship of trust between the teacher, platform and student, emphasizing that its use would contribute to the better formation of grammatical writing and expressions of students when expressing their ideas and wishes through the use of "Make Beliefs Comix", given that there are difficulties in writing sentences when expressing ideas. In addition to them, they indicated that it could arouse more interest in learning the English language with the use of these interactive tools.
- The questionnaire applied to the 70 postgraduate students of the third semester of the Agricultural Engineering mention Agroindustrial of the Agrarian University of Ecuador, located in Guayaquil.
- Of the ten questions asked in the questionnaires to the 70 students, 5 of the most relevant were chosen, where the following graphs were obtained.
Table 2: Would you make use of the "Make Beliefs Comix" platform?
Note: Data obtained from the questionnaire given to the students of the Agrarian University of Ecuador in Guayaquil (2021)
Created by: Lcda. Mariana Briones
For the students of the (UAE), most of the respondents with a total of 64% indicated that they agree to use the platform; 6% of those surveyed stated that they totally agree; 21% indicated that they neither agreed nor disagreed, implying that the use of the portal did not matter to them; and the other remaining percentage indicated that they disagree or totally disagree.
Table 3: Are you willing to create comics on the platform?
Note: Data obtained from the questionnaire given to the students of the Agrarian University of Ecuador in Guayaquil (2021)
Created by: Lcda. Mariana Briones
Of the students surveyed, 29% indicated that they agree with creating comics on the platform; 43% indicated that they agree; For 20% of those surveyed, I denote that neither agree nor disagree; while 9% disagree; and finally, no one indicated that they strongly disagreed.
Table 4: Would you use the platform for entertainment?
Note: Data obtained from the questionnaire given to the students of the Agrarian University of Ecuador in Guayaquil (2021)
Created by: Lcda. Mariana Briones
Of the total of the students surveyed from the (UAE) 7% indicated that they totally agreed to use the platform to entertain themselves; 41% indicated that they agree; 40% stated that they neither agree nor disagree with the use of the platform for entertainment purposes; 3% indicated to be in disagreement; while 9% stated that they totally disagree.
Table 5: Would you use the platform for educational purposes?
Note: Data obtained from the questionnaire given to the students of the Agrarian University of Ecuador in Guayaquil (2021)
Created by: Lcda. Mariana Briones
In the question asked to the students surveyed, 19% indicated that they totally agreed to use the platform for educational purposes, while 70% of them indicated to agree; 9% neither agree nor disagree in using it for educational purposes, and 3% disagree.
Table 6: Would you like the use of the "Make Beliefs Comix" platform to be applied in theoretical methods?
Note: Data obtained from the questionnaire given to the students of the Agrarian University of Ecuador in Guayaquil (2021)
Created by: Lcda. Mariana Briones
For the surveyed students of the (UAE), 4% of them indicated that they totally agree that the use of the platform is applied in the theoretical methods of the institution; 81% indicated that they agree; in turn, 13% of the students indicated that they neither agree nor disagree; and finally, 1% indicated that they totally disagree with the use of the platform as "Make Beliefs Comix" in the theoretical methods of the institution.
From the results obtained by the surveys carried out on managers, professors and students of the Agrarian University of Ecuador in Guayaquil, it was possible to observe the different interpretations for the use of the "Make Beliefs Comix" platform and how it could contribute to improving the construction of sentences in English.
It can be concluded that the methodology exposed in this research project applies to the learning system. Likewise, you will obtain positive results, with promising results in the language in the students' courses of the third semester of the Agrarian University of Ecuador. Therefore, from the survey that was carried out, it was possible to determine that it would have a level of acceptance by the directors and professors of the University, given that this learning technique is of great academic, social and contribution importance. Inclusive to students; therefore, it is concluded that the projection of this work is optimistic for its use and at the same time continue to adapt to the academic institution for educational purposes, contributing in a better way to the construction and formation of English in students.
In addition, given the country's situation and the virtuality in which the education systems have had to face it; This platform will contribute to academic development from wherever the student is.
As a recommendation, the university uses the “Make Beliefs Comix” platform. The teachers receive access to this new digital platform, which has a single objective: to improve education in English. In addition, your application means of using this platform to provide more tools to improve the learning of a key skill of writing in English; the writing section states that the technique taught has high and clear perspectives making it a useful platform for college students.
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