La inteligencia verbal como fundamento teórico-práctico en el aprendizaje del inglés como L2 en estudiantes universitarios


Verbal intelligence as a theoretical-practical foundation in learning English as L2 in university students


Inteligência verbal como base teórico-prática na aprendizagem de inglês como L2 em estudantes universitários


Mary Thalía Cifuentes-Rojas III      

















Ciencias Técnicas y Aplicadas  

Artículo de Investigación




*Recibido: 30 de octubre de 2021 *Aceptado: 30 de Noviembre de 2021 * Publicado: 13 de Diciembre de 2021



  1. Licenciada en Idiomas, Master in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, docente de la Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Quevedo, Ecuador.
  2. Licenciada en Idiomas, Magister en Enseñanza del Idioma Inglés, Docente Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Quevedo, Ecuador.
  3. Magíster en Gerencia de Innovaciones Educativas, Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación Mención Idiomas (Inglés-Francés), Profesora de Segunda Enseñanza en Lenguas y Lingüística (Ingles -Francés), Docente de la Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo, Los Ríos, Ecuador.



Esta investigación abordó la incidencia de la inteligencia “lingüística verbal” múltiple en el proceso de aprendizaje del idioma inglés mediante la aplicación de técnicas metodológicas.

Con la aplicación de estrategias metodológicas en esta investigación, se puede concluir que el propósito radica en potenciar las habilidades y destrezas básicas como la memoria asociativa y gramatical, a partir del desarrollo de la inteligencia verbal lingüística como un proceso permanente para mejorar el aprendizaje de la Idioma en Inglés. Mediante la aplicación de herramientas, técnicas y actividades basadas en la inteligencia, los estudiantes de lingüística verbal mejoraron su aprendizaje del idioma inglés, siendo esta la inteligencia la que juega un papel importante para el razonamiento y la aplicación de reglas, la misma que permitió incrementar su conocimiento y comprensión del idioma.



This research dealt with the incidence of multiple “verbal linguistic” intelligence in the learning process of the English language through the application of methodological techniques.

With the application of methodological strategies in this research, it can be concluded that the purpose lies in potentiating the basic abilities and skills such as associative and grammatical memory, based on the development of linguistic verbal intelligence as a permanent process to improve the learning of the English language. Through the application of tools, techniques and activities based on intelligence Verbal linguistic students improved their learning of the English language, this being intelligence which plays an important role for reasoning and the application of rules, the same that allowed to increase their knowledge and understanding of the language.



Esta pesquisa tratou da incidência de múltiplas inteligências “lingüísticas verbais” no processo de aprendizagem da língua inglesa por meio da aplicação de técnicas metodológicas.

Com a aplicação de estratégias metodológicas nesta pesquisa, pode-se concluir que o objetivo está em potencializar as habilidades e competências básicas como a memória associativa e gramatical, a partir do desenvolvimento da inteligência verbal lingüística como um processo permanente de melhoria da aprendizagem dos Língua Inglesa. Através da aplicação de ferramentas, técnicas e atividades baseadas na inteligência os alunos de linguística verbal melhoraram a aprendizagem da língua inglesa, sendo esta a inteligência que desempenha um papel importante para o raciocínio e a aplicação de regras, a mesma que permitiu aumentar o seu conhecimento e compreensão da o idioma.



Linguistic intelligence is recognized as a human attitude of long study and is attributed "human" because it allows to differentiate mainly human beings from the animal species by being able to hold communicative conversations between people and by presenting a greater attention span when it comes to perceive information from the person who transmits it. (Narváez Sarango, 2021). The importance of intelligence is largely due to IQ tests, and they were created to predict academic success. That is, intelligence, testing and education, have been basic psychopedagogical references during the 20th century. Producing a multiplication of "intelligences" that has revitalized the discussion on the subject. Research on intelligence probably began with the studies (Broca, 1880) who were interested in measuring the human skull and its characteristics, and on the other hand discovered the location of the language area in the brain.

At present, the learning process through the development of multiple verbal linguistic intelligence allows improving abilities and skills of the English language, for a more successful development within current demands, as this topic occupies an important place in the life of the human being as means of communication and comprehensive training, which allows increasing educational quality. (Callacando & Macas, 2015). In Ecuador the learning of the English language as a second language presents problems in teaching methodology, these problems are notable due to the lack of application and use of techniques to improve and promote the development of linguistic verbal Intelligence, according to (Gardner, 1994) "Intelligence is an attitude where all the skills and abilities of problem solving that the human being possesses are mastered."


Materials and Methods


The theory of multiple intelligences If we inquire a bit into the etymology of the word itself, we find in its Latin origin intelligere, composed of intus (between) and legere (to choose). From what it can be deduced that being intelligent is knowing how to choose the best option among those that are offered to us to solve a problem. Most of the tests that measure the intelligence of a human being only take into account the logical-mathematical and linguistic abilities. ”We can distinguish different types of formal intelligence.

Multiple intelligence theory

Multiple Intelligences have been a real revolution in the field of education, because the traditional idea of ​​intelligence that had its correlation in academic brilliance, is no longer a guarantee to know how to function successfully in life. The reality, the interaction with others force us to give more complex answers than solving a mathematical problem or having notions of geography.

The traditional school has enthroned linguistic and mathematical intelligence and forgotten the others, which is why Gardner made the leap to the educational system. The basic idea is that if as educators we are able to develop a map of the intelligence of a student attending to the eight defined intelligences, we would be able to detect their strengths, their tastes, their learning style.

Multiple intelligence

One of the pioneers in this concept is Dr. Howard Gardner, who has proposed his theory of "Multiple Intelligences", Multiple Intelligence is the ability to solve problems or produce products that are valuable in one or more cultural contexts, a potential biosychological to process information that can be activated in a cultural framework to solve problems or create products that have value for a culture ”. From this scientific point of view, there is not just one intelligence, but several intelligences that allow the person to stand out according to their abilities. We meet people who excel in sports, science, art, politics, music, among others. We cannot affirm that one is more intelligent than another. Rather, they are all smart, but each excels in a specific ability.

Verbal-linguistic intelligence

It is the ability to use words effectively, manipulating the structure or syntax of language, phonetics, semantics, rhetoric, explanation, metalanguage and its practical dimensions ”. Multiple intelligence offers the teacher an indispensable tool that opens up the possibilities of creating different activities in a simple and easy way to capture knowledge. Books are used for reading, writing and in understanding words, the use of everyday language.

These intelligences are observed in poets and writers, but also in speakers and announcers in the media. The foundations of linguistic intelligence are established before birth, numerous studies indicate that babies who have been read, sung, and spoken before birth have an important basis for the development of verballinguistic intelligence.

Interest in learning increases when students feel safe enough to ask questions and exchange views. Finally, Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence is the ability to think in words and use language to understand, express and appreciate complex meanings.

Characteristics of linguistic verbal intelligence.

Linguistic intelligence has four components: to speak, to know how to listen, to learn to read and write. This intelligence includes the ability to syntax or structure of language, sounds of language. Includes rhetoric (using language to convince others to make a decision), mnemonics, (using language to remember information)

• They tend to be able to learn foreign languages.

• They can think verbally achieving good association of ideas.

Verbal linguistic learning process

To establish a learning environment, skills are usually taught in isolated ways, for this it should be noted that skills such as:

Verbal-linguistic learning areas.

• Listen to learn

• Keys to effective listening

• Listen and read stories aloud

• Listen to poetry

• The teacher as narrator

• Listen to lectures


• The student as narrator

• Class discussion

• Memorization


• Interviews


• Selection of material

• The word in the classroom

• Read to understand


• Writing categories

• Start writing

• The real task of writing

• Writing groups

Educator's role in the development of multiple intelligences

 The role of educator must be systematic, responsible for intellectual and academic development, the teacher is the one who is committed to transforming thinking into activities that lead to staying motivated in learning, teaching is linked to empowering the student in autonomous and responsible construction of knowledge, values ​​and professional skills in an environment of participation and dialogue.

Development techniques for Verbal Linguistic intelligence

It is a set of procedures of materials that are applied in a specific task that allows to develop the skills and abilities of a person for the process of learning English. The techniques that will be used within the teaching-learning process for the English language, will allow to promote student-teacher interaction, through applied methodologies that allow the student not only to have the ability to express themselves, read, sing, talk, exchange points of view among others: For this the following advantages are denoted:

• To communicate, clearly expressing thoughts and feelings.

• Relate the ideas and put them into words.

• Express and understand complex meanings, to debate and persuade.

• Write correctly, respecting grammar and spelling rules.

• Ease of understanding verbal texts.

• Taste for reading and ability to read fluently.

• Sensitivity towards phonological features.

• Includes visual and auditory memory to remember words, phrases and texts. Type of techniques

• Numerical vocabulary

•Specific vocabulary

• Dictation

•Word games

•Creative writing

• Flash Card

• Oral and written speeches

•Alphabet soup

• Dialogues (Role Play)

• Use of the Dictionary (Tuti fruti)

•The story

Technique: Vocabulary

Vocabulary is understood to be the more or less complex set of terms that make up a language or language. It varies for each language and has as a significant characteristic that of transforming over time according to the addition or abandonment of some words. Vocabulary is a social invention whose main objective is communication between individuals, individual vocabularies can also be generated that have to do with the generation of more or less personalized terms that only the subject in question can fully understand. "It is common to find in the specific vocabulary of the different disciplines technicalities from Greek and Latin (we must not forget that until not many years ago scientific treatises were written in Latin). Knowing the rules of composition and derivation of words and the meaning of the most frequent roots, we will facilitate the learning of many of these technicalities.

• NUMBER If we know the numbering, we will not have problems in deducing what quantity they refer to, that is why we only focus q on students knowing ordinal and cardinal numbers in order to learn.

• SPECIFIC It is a set of words and technical expressions that are most often named when dealing with a topic. Its purpose or priority of precision, for example, an activity of nouns and verbs which allows to identify the pronunciation of different words.

Specific vocabulary benefits

• Numerous studies relate a student's lexical competence to her academic performance.

• Language supports all forms of learning.

• Through it it is possible to interpret, represent and express the meanings that intervene in the teaching process.

Advantages: numerical and specific vocabulary.

• Learn the pronunciation of different words or numbers.

• Ease of counting quantities in the shortest time possible.

• Perform the four fundamental math operations in the English language.

• The vocabulary in a large number of terms helps for good communication in human beings.

• Understand lexicons with the same pronunciation, but with different meanings.

• Centralizes in daily practice with thematic motivations.

• Alternate letters and numbers to learn the two ways of learning.

Technique: The Dictate

The Dictation Technique. The practice of dictation is one of the most used school exercises to teach, evaluate and learn the proper use of graphemes, accents, the use of upper and lower case letters, among other formal aspects of the written language. It is used primarily for learning and evaluating spelling.


Dictation is considered a comprehensive, practical, and useful exercise; But in order to achieve these qualities, it is essential that the student listen, understand and write well, as this route is conceived as a technique to evaluate comprehension and spelling in students; as well as their learning, so we must put emphasis both on the work that the writer develops, on the process of understanding and transcribing the text, and on the teacher's selection of it. It is usually used both for the fixation of the spelling content and for the control. All dictation must:

• Prepare carefully.

• Adjusting to the level of the students.

• Respond to the objectives pursued: check or exercise.

Technique: Word Games

 The word games in word language teaching are the basis on which thousands of misunderstandings, enigmas, jokes or other kinds of manifestations that we find not only in literature, but in the most everyday speech acts are supported. word games are present in any linguistic manifestation. They are based on some kind of intentional manipulation of the language's own resources. The essence of these creations resides in a sought-after lexical ambiguity, and although there are no fixed linguistic paradigms to devise them, since different models can be used, it is observed that speakers have the possibility of using similar resources in languages ​​such as Spanish and English .



A game does not have to be complicated, quite the opposite. In fact, simple games are not only great for entertaining children, they are much more educational and help them develop their skills and creativity.

• This is the case of 'Hangman' or 'El colgado', a popular game that tests children's ingenuity, their knowledge of vocabulary and their handling of letters.


• In addition to stimulating intelligence and attention,

• Children review the letters of the alphabet, both their writing and their pronunciation,

• They learn new words.

• An attraction to their language,

• a motivation for word play

Technique: Creative Writing

It helps to reason to have criteria or to give points of view, in one way or another easy the initiative to be able to write correctly without making many mistakes, since writing helps to write simple and complex sentences or texts with an adequate spelling which stimulates imagination and original production.

Characteristics of Creative Writing

Creative writing is determined by the use of creative thinking (combinations of ideas) and inventiveness (willingness to create), and is based on the individual's own capacity for inspiration to create structured and original stories, real fiction, revealing talent and the imagination of its author. Creative writing is usually learned in workshops, including a literature seminar, where narrative talent is developed and the different literary genres are studied in depth. Advantages of creative writing Encouraging Creative Writing is an excellent way to develop creativity and artistic expression, the early start of this process opens to children a world of experiences and educational opportunities.

Creative Writing carries with it a number of benefits:

  • Development of thinking, learning, empathy and the ability to listen. Language and expression development.
  • Improves concentration and reflection.
  • Encourages the organization and development of ideas on a specific topic.
  • A fundamental element for the development of imagination and creativity
  • Element of relaxation and entertainment
  • Acquisition of a greater vocabulary, understanding of complex syntactic structures or the ability to order a narrative, in addition to working on appropriateness, cohesion or coherence.
  • They motivate children to learn and to independently search for information that satisfies their own curiosity. In short, it is a very good tool for intellectual development and personal knowledge, it provides a space for reflective thinking and is good for working on self-knowledge on many levels.

Technique: Flash Card

Flashcards, exceptionally called learning cards, are used for the learning of vocabulary, illustrative and mnemonic.


• Its operation consists of reading one side of the card and trying to translate the word (in the case of vocabulary learning), later turning the card to check it.

• In apps we can easily add learning cards, with the restriction of not being able to enter images, that is, illustrative learning.

• These cards that have a clue or question on one side, and the information that the clue has to evoke on the other. Advantages

• They are the most basic study technique used in the Challenging Horizons program, in which they are used, especially to learn definitions and vocabulary.

This technique seems especially useful for studying brief concepts, but it can have many applications:

• Learn definitions.

• Learn vocabulary in a foreign language.

• Learn the multiplication tables.

• Learn the squares of the numbers from 1 to 10, or larger amounts.

• Learn information with the structure A is B, such as the capitals of the countries



Technique: Written and Oral Speech

Speeches are oral or written texts, whose communicative function is to teach or convince an audience or audience about something. In them, the appellative function of language predominates. In a speech act, speech can manifest itself in two ways: individual or monologue, or interlocutory or dialogue. In this case, we will focus on those that are produced individually. This is characterized by focusing its attention on the issuer, its purpose and message. That is, it establishes a one-way communicative act. The sender does not expect to establish an explicit and direct dialogue with the public or audience to whom he directs his message. Some manifestations of individual speech may be the following:

Allocution: (from Latin allocutio, onis = public speaking). Short speech that is characterized by fulfilling an introductory function in certain events such as celebrations, acts, inaugurations, etc.

Arenga: (probably a term that comes from the Gothic = army meeting). Speech delivered in a solemn tone with the purpose of inflaming the spirits of those who listen.

Conference: (from Latin conferentia, Conferre = to carry along with). Dissertation in public on a topic of a political, literary, scientific nature, is characterized by the exhaustive preparation of the topic by the lecturer. Public specialized in the subject.

Dissertation: (from Latin: dissertatio, dissertare = interweave). Discourse or orderly exposition of a particular topic or point of a larger subject.

Talk: (probably from Italian: ciarlare). Relaxed and simple dissertation in order to disseminate a particular experience, a point of view on a topic. General public. Theatrical monologue: Expression of a speech to an audience in the context of a theatrical creation. The character expresses his reflections, feelings and thoughts, of an intimate, subjective nature and generally appeals to the poetic function of language. The character, a fictional entity, abandons the attitude of dialogue with the other characters involved in the play.


Written Speech

• Their learning requires will.

• Is frequently directed at a potential recipient (distant in time or space)

• It is indirect.

• Only the resources of the language are used.

• Requires prior conception.

• Accuracy.

• Repetition is avoided, it is a mistake.

• It is difficult or impossible to rectify once the written message has been received.

Speech characteristics

Entertain. Look in the audience for a response of pleasure, fun and complacency, with the predominant purpose of making everyday life forget with its small events and urges based on humor. It offers great advantages, both to the sender and to the receivers, due to the narration and the cultural expression that is used. Report. It pursues the clear understanding of a matter, theme or idea that resolves an uncertainty. Its main objective is to help members of the audience so that they seek to expand their field of knowledge. Its main characteristic of this speech is to carry out objectivity. Convincing- It is influencing listeners about clear and indisputable truths that can be tested and proven. Persuasion. Aspire for a response of adherence or action; where it is defined as a means of influencing behavior through appeals directed primarily at emotions, it constitutes a key element in verbal communication since it is the characteristic that makes use of the three aforementioned. Where the individual is manipulated according to his convenience. To argue. What constitutes a logical operation that uses cognitive and rational elements; creating a free and reflective attitude, with the absence of a positive element.

Technique: Letter Soup

They are also a basic playful tool to achieve the goal of developing verbal reasoning. These activities, carried out on a regular basis, bring many benefits to the student. On the one hand, they favor the acquisition of vocabulary, help them organize it around categories and reinforce their cognitive process. They also promote the fluency of oral expression and the development of memory, in addition to serving to progress in such important language skills as writing, spelling or writing. Characteristics of the alphabet soup. “Alphabet soup is a game that consists of discovering a certain number of words by linking these letters horizontally, vertically or diagonally and in any direction, both from right to left and from left to right, and both from top to bottom, as from bottom to top. In the game there are some instructions or clues on how to find the words, in any case there can be a list of words which you have to find.




Technique: Dialogues (Rol Play)

“Dialogue consists of a conversation between two or more people called interlocutors, allowing and exchanging opinions, thoughts. It is characterized by short sentences without complexity. You can omit words or make mistakes since it is done orally. "

The dialogue is maintained orally but it can also be reproduced in writing, for this the narrative genres are used, especially the story or the novel, and it is the medium used to write theater. Written dialogue can be presented in two ways: with direct or indirect style: Direct style reproduces the exact words of the interlocutors, hyphens are placed to indicate this, or textual expressions are enclosed in quotation marks. An example of the previously explained can be found in Eduardo Mendoza's work "The city of prodigies. Indirect style, on the other hand, reproduces the conversation, but not textually."

Dialog Features

This is characterized by the presence and intervention of various transmitters, the use of very different language codes and registers, as well as the inclusion of different types of discourse. In oral language, dialogue takes place through pauses that mark the alternation of the word between the interlocutors who participate. "

The main advantages:

• The narrator disappears and lets the characters speak for him.

• The characters themselves report on the situation, the conflict, the action of the story.

• The reader knows the characters directly, through their words and their forms of expression.

• It is the narrative form closest to the reader.

Technique: Use of The Dictionary (Tuti Fruti)

The publication that includes a wide series of words and terms arranged alphabetically and whose purpose is for consultation is known as a dictionary. This compilation usually includes various types of information about each word, how its meaning (what it means), its etymological history, the way it is written and how it is pronounced. It should be noted, however, that a dictionary does not always present all this information.

• Locating words alphabetically and offering knowledge about them.

• Dictionaries present little data, the meanings of words are explained in a systematic way.

• It is a lexical incorporation (of words, their pronunciation and meaning) that every speaker of a language possesses. It is also called a lexicon.


• They provide a much deeper and richer vocabulary.

• Can provide multiple definitions of a word based on the potential context of its meaning.

• These definitions can help the student in the initial stages of their education.

• Wide vocabulary of words.

Technique: The Story

Simple and short genre, conceived to amuse and to instruct, one of the oldest messages of men, transmitted by the art of a narrator, indicated to promote creativity and the ability to judge, the story appears as an indisputable privileged instrument in didactics and education in general.


• Stories generally have a large part of fantasy and imagination. And that is something that the child who is hearing it perceives and that little by little is developing within him. That is to say, when the child hears a children's story, he imagines the story, he puts himself in the place of the characters, he feels similar sensations to those of the protagonists.

• The children's stories have a clear, slow but at the same time fluent narration and offer a simple understanding.

• Stories are well known for their morals. From all the stories one can extract useful aspects and direct applications for life.


• Children's stories benefit the development of the child's imagination, as well as his sense of perception and sensitivity to it.

• Contribute not only to improving the child's comprehension skills, but also to developing her communication skills. In addition, to increase and develop her vocabulary.

• An obvious benefit of children's love of stories is the development of a hunger for reading. Children will want to know new stories, new protagonists and new legends. In addition, you can also take advantage of this reading to tell the child that later he will be the one to tell the story to you. Thus, their expressive sense will develop, both orally and bodily.

• Children can also learn valuable messages that they can carry out in real life.

Technique: Dramatization

Theater is one of the ways that men communicate and transmit, apprehend and produce meaning. Its very nature defines it as a multisignic artistic expression and as a social and cultural event. Characteristics The approach in educational contexts of theatrical content and procedures has as main pedagogical purpose the formation of educated subjects in the artistic dimension of culture. It is a fundamental purpose that children, youth and adults can be literate in this language, feeling they have the full right to enjoy it, to read the meanings displayed in the shows and to produce them, making a meaning public. By having the other as a reference, I can see the constitutive processes of my own identity and a revision of the collective imagination takes place.

The treatment of theater as production, the appreciation of theater as art and the understanding of theater as an artistic manifestation (immersed and generated in a cultural context), are axes that link the pedagogical with the artistic in a fruitful exchange. The resulting interaction between theater in its educational dimension and theater in its artistic dimension, make possible the enrichment of experiences, the strengthening and growth of Theater as a vital manifestation, and allows us to deepen a posture of resistance against the "disciplinary decontextualization" so typical of schooled knowledge.

• When representing a play, the quality of the drama and the acting skills of those who will interpret it are of equal importance; a good actor can compensate for the poverty of dialogue, just as a masterpiece can be in the foreground with respect to a low-key performance; But both aspects are essential for viewers to come to feel and believe what the characters, who are not always human, feel and believe. An effective dramatization is based on an intense and constant observation of reality, living beings and their relationships with each other and with themselves.

• Often used to describe an exaggerated reaction or attitude, usually as part of a complaint or reproach towards a second person.

• Dramatization is also a widely used resource in documentaries and investigative television programs, to bring viewers closer to scenes that, for certain reasons, have not been captured in video format. When a study on human evolution is presented, for example, the only way to graph the life our ancestors led is through a performance; in the same way it tries to reconstruct the creative process of the brilliant minds of the past, the emotional conflicts of Hollywood stars and the world of music, and even the actions of murderers and rapists.


• In psychology it tends to appeal to dramatizations so that the members of a therapeutic group can express themselves without inhibitions, externalize their feelings and frustrations in a fluid and almost unconscious way, giving rise to a more precise and functional treatment.

Technique: Narrations

Narrating means telling or relating stories, referring to past events, whether they are fictitious or real. In this way, narration is defined as the set of verbal acts or expressions through which a person tells the story of a real or fictional, everyday, scientific or literary event.

Narrative elements

Narrator and point of view

It can be in the first, second or third person. The point of view can be variable: objective, subjective; internal or external.


Commonly, there is a protagonist, who could be accompanied by an antagonist and secondary characters. The fact that there is at least one stable actor throughout the narrative sequence favors the necessary unity of the action.

Activities for the development of Verbal Linguistic intelligence

The activities are a set of actions that must be carried out to meet goals, it consists of executing tasks by processes that refer to developing personal skills to communicate through words, both orally and in writing. Activities are vital to the overall development of students.

Types of activities

Complete information. - This activity allows you to reinforce reading, discover new words and their correct writing. This activity allows you to combine words with images, in order to develop the skill of photographic memory.

Theater.- This activity allows improvisation to be developed, in turn, it helps the student to have self-confidence and to establish a dialogue in an improvised way.

Storytelling.- They are educational activities and enjoyed by students. In them you can get them to spend a good time with their eyes fixed, wide open, as well as their ears, without missing the smallest detail. We can make them laugh, and above all we can teach them the value and power of stories.

Narrations.- A narration is the story of some real or imaginary events that happen to some characters in a place. When we tell something that has happened to us or that we have dreamed of or when we tell a story, we are making a narrative. For oral comprehension.- This type of activity aims to stimulate the imagination and, with it, the desire to express oneself orally (Speak) and listen.

Listening and coloring.- This activity allows to develop the imagination, as well as stimulate the photographic mind and therefore the reminder Follow instructions.- Activity that allows to develop the intellectual and emotional part, in addition to the skills, is useful.

Tutti Frutti.- It is an activity that consists of looking for words from a series of previously defined categories, the game contains topics such as: Proper Names, Fruits, Colors, Animals, etc. The most important thing is to start with letters, this helps to think quickly and above all it is an entertainment activity.

Resources used to stimulate Verbal Linguistic intelligence

Among the resources used in this research for linguistic verbal development we find:

• Writing materials

• Crosswords

• Dialogues

• Instructions

• Stories

• Role plays

• Posters

Writing materials.-

It is a material that helps to develop the logical part, that is to say to reason and have opinion criteria, it facilitates the initiative of help to be able to write, for example a letter that is called a written means of communication. Generally this writing circulates in a sealed envelope.

Crosswords.- They favor the fluency of oral expression and the development of memory. Dialogues.- They serve to stimulate conversation, raise self-confidence, all dialogue in English and increase pronunciation.

Instructions.- They serve to develop activities and know how to do it, that is, to know that they have been detailed and also serves as a mental organizer

Stories.- They are stories that allow the development of creativity, intelligence, emotions, among others.

Dramatizations.-Educate the capacities of mental representation and imagination, educate specific aspects of the body scheme, improve verbal expression, optimize plastic expression and develop their perceptual abilities.

Posters.- It is used to persuade, seduce, announce something, create an environment or climate, and as an awareness of the theme that is going to be developed (“prepare the ground”).



Intelligence according to Jean Piaget

Jean Piaget's theory deals with the development of thought, from two perspectives: From the development process that is linked to the mechanism of action and thought and learning, which is the acquisition of skills.

The key points of Piaget's theory are:

• Is interactionist

• Relate thought and language

• Motivation for development is intrinsic

• Thought and intelligence are synonymous

• Reject the idea of ​​a fixed age for each period.

The study of language, reasoning and the development of thought, thought processes change radically but slowly, from birth to maturity. 9 Development begins from the initial stage, that is, from birth and ends in adulthood. Piaget's perspective explains how the child interprets the world at different ages.

Intelligence according to Vygotsky

Intelligence is a very particular phenomenon insofar as it is not the same as other psychological functions such as perception, memory, thought or language. We say this because intelligence, more than a phenomenon, is a theoretical construct. In other words, intelligence does not exist as such, but rather seems to be more of a property. But it could not be an exclusive property of man as the Greeks conceived it, since animals are also intelligent. Obviously, animals exhibit forms of intelligent behavior, and the closer they are to man, the more likely they are to respond intelligently.

Intelligence is developed thanks to psychological instruments or tools found in the environment, language being a fundamental tool. Within it, mental abilities such as attention, memory, concentration stand out. The lack of these tools directly influences the level of abstract thinking that the child can achieve.


Intelligence according to Howard Gardner

Where he emphasizes that intelligence is not seen as something unitary, which groups different specific capacities with different levels of generality, but as a set of multiple, different and independent intelligences. For Howard Gardner, intelligence is "the ability to solve problems or create products that are valuable in one or more cultures." It was a novel idea because it radically changed the idea of ​​intelligence as something immovable, whether you had it or not. was had. By defining it as a capacity, it opens a door for educators since it can be developed through lived experiences, the environment and the education received. On the other hand, Gardner's research led him to conclude that all human beings have eight intelligences to a greater or lesser degree: musical, corporal-kinetic, linguistic, mathematical, spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic intelligence.



Intelligence has been, and is, one of the most studied phenomena in psychology. Despite this, there are many controversies about its basic nature and its implications in the life of man. The importance of intelligence centers on its adaptive value.

 However, in recent decades, various psychological variables have been investigated, such that constructs such as emotional intelligence (Goleman, 1997) or recent approaches such as positive psychology (Seligman, 2006) have placed greater emphasis on variables of the type emotional.

However, we cannot ignore or minimize the importance of intelligence, since from its thorough understanding we can derive useful applications in various fields of knowledge. Perhaps one of the most favored fields would be education, since within this context intelligence is considered one of the predictive factors of academic achievement (Good and Brophy, 1999).

 Building on the pioneering work of Alfred Binet, intelligence assessment has been used to detect students with poor intellectual capacity and thus provide them with a specialized and individualized education. Except that many times abuses have been committed by segregating students who do not reach an average intellectual capacity or within the limits of normality (Hothersall, 1997).

 It is in this sense that the psychological discourse of the currents and paradigms of positive psychology and emotional intelligence gain relevance and support, because the exclusion of less intellectually gifted students cannot be conceived. Instead, education should be about building on your strengths and abilities. Now, just as intellectual capacity directly or indirectly affects student performance; learning a second language (L2) can be influenced by intelligence.

In this regard, the literature offers us data for and against this assumption. The information from various sources guides us to think that the relationship between intelligence and the learning of a second language can be evidenced in the level of achievement of student learning.















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