Methodological strategies and their incidence in English clases in higher education students


Estrategias metodolgicas y su incidencia en las clases de ingls en estudiantes de educacin superior


Estratgias metodolgicas e sua incidncia nas aulas de ingls em alunos do ensino superior



Mary Thala Cifuentes-Rojas I
Rina Rosalinda Castaeda-Junco II
Miguel Esteban Beltrn-Moreno III
Paola Garca-Len IV








Ciencias de la educacin

Artculo de revisin



*Recibido: 30 de febrero de 2021 *Aceptado: 31 de marzo de 2021 * Publicado: 05 de julio de 2021


                               I.            Licenciada en Idiomas, Magister en Gerencia e Innovaciones Educativas, Universidad Tcnica de Babahoyo, Babahoyo, Ecuador.

                            II.            Licenciada en Idiomas, Magister en Inclusin Educativa, Universidad Tcnica de Babahoyo, Babahoyo, Ecuador.

                         III.            Licenciado en Idiomas, Universidad Tcnica de Babahoyo, Babahoyo, Ecuador.

                         IV.            Licenciada en Idiomas- Master a Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Universidad Tcnica de Babahoyo, Babahoyo, Ecuador.


In this research, a diagnosis and review of the methodologies used in the teaching of the English subject is carried out in order to analyze the incidence of methodological strategies in the academic training of students in the fourth semester in the English subject of the Faculty of Psychology of the Technical University of Babahoyo to, with the results of this study, design a guide of methodological strategies. The research was carried out through a descriptive and analytical study, through surveys conducted with teachers of the same academic area and students of the English subject of the Faculty. It was carried out by means of a field investigation. This project will provide antecedents that, although they correspond to a particular reality, can be applied to different universities in the country, in addition to contributing to know the performance of university students. This research recognizes the importance and need to review these methodological strategies to ensure that students feel highly motivated and committed to learning, thus allowing them to be able to assume their responsibility with clear knowledge of their mission, such as that of improve your academic performance during and at the end of your studies.

Keywords: Strategies; learning; training; academic; methodology.



En esta investigacin se realiza un diagnstico y revisin de las metodologas empleadas en la enseanza de la asignatura de ingls con el fin de analizar la incidencia de las estrategias metodolgicas en la formacin acadmica de los estudiantes de cuarto semestre de la asignatura de ingls de la Facultad de Psicologa. de la Universidad Tcnica de Babahoyo para, con los resultados de este estudio, disear una gua de estrategias metodolgicas. La investigacin se llev a cabo mediante un estudio descriptivo y analtico, mediante encuestas realizadas con profesores de la misma rea acadmica y estudiantes de la asignatura de ingls de la Facultad. Se llev a cabo mediante una investigacin de campo. Este proyecto aportar antecedentes que, si bien corresponden a una realidad particular, pueden ser aplicados a diferentes universidades del pas, adems de contribuir a conocer el desempeo de los estudiantes universitarios. Esta investigacin reconoce la importancia y necesidad de revisar estas estrategias metodolgicas para lograr que los estudiantes se sientan altamente motivados y comprometidos con el aprendizaje, permitindoles as poder asumir su responsabilidad con un conocimiento claro de su misin, como la de mejorar su desempeo acadmico durante y al final de tus estudios.

Palabras clave: Estrategias; aprendiendo; capacitacin; acadmico; metodologa.



Nesta investigao, efectuado um diagnstico e reviso das metodologias utilizadas no ensino da disciplina de Ingls a fim de analisar a incidncia de estratgias metodolgicas na formao acadmica de alunos do quarto semestre na disciplina de Ingls da Faculdade de Psicologia da Universidade Tcnica de Babahoyo para, com os resultados deste estudo, desenhar um guia de estratgias metodolgicas. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de um estudo descritivo e analtico, por meio de inquritos realizados com professores da mesma rea acadmica e alunos da disciplina de Ingls da Faculdade. Foi realizado por meio de investigao de campo. Este projeto proporcionar antecedentes que, embora correspondam a uma realidade particular, podem ser aplicados a diferentes universidades do pas, alm de contribuir para conhecer o desempenho dos estudantes universitrios. Esta pesquisa reconhece a importncia e a necessidade de revisar essas estratgias metodolgicas para garantir que os alunos se sintam altamente motivados e comprometidos com a aprendizagem, permitindo-lhes assumir suas responsabilidades com conhecimento claro de sua misso, como a de melhorar seu desempenho acadmico durante e no final de seus estudos.

Palavras-chave: Estratgias; Aprendendo; Treinamento; acadmico; metodologia.



Learning the English language is of great importance because it has become an indispensable tool in the professional world, since it can be used in various areas and also helps to break down communication barriers between people, thus helping to grow personally and professionally. . In the past, only senior managers in companies were required to know English, but today it is a requirement in almost all jobs.

Studies show the disinterest of university students in learning the English language, which has resulted in their poor academic performance, due to non-compliance with tasks and curricular obligations. English teachers should encourage students to increase their interest in the language, since they will not only achieve that they finish their studies with good grades, but will also allow them to be professionally trained for an increasingly competitive world of work.


Materials and methods

When carrying out the investigation and clearly determining the causes of the problem, it is considered that this project is feasible since its formulation and execution will be supported by documentary-type investigations by investigations carried out in books, brochures, internet, among others.

The research work is also framed in the modality of a field analysis that consisted of obtaining data in direct relation of the researcher with reality without controlling or manipulating any variable, because the observation was carried out and the problem and the environment were verified in It also unfolds because the investigative process allowed the researcher to know more thoroughly and was able to handle the data with more security and could be supported by descriptive designs, to solve the problem posed with the topic: Incidence of methodological strategies in academic training of the students of the fourth semester in the English subject of the Faculty of Psychology of the Technical University of Babahoyo, in the year 2020.

Proposal: Design of a guide of methodological strategies.


Types of research

Bibliographic research: When conducting the research, printed and virtual documents, brochures and texts were used to obtain the necessary information for the solution of the problem.

Documentary research: To carry out the project, all types of documents were analyzed to obtain data with extensive and precise information.

Basic Research: By applying the proposal for the design of a methodological guide, the teacher will have an essential tool that will develop cognitive and procedural skills and abilities of higher education students that will help them actively participate in their educational and social environment.

Field or Mixed Research: The place and resources where the information required to solve the problem is obtained is taken as a criterion.


Descriptive research

Researchers collect data on the basis of a hypothesis or theory, carefully present and summarize the information, and then carefully analyze the results in order to extract meaningful generalizations that contribute to knowledge. Population and Sample The size of the population is finite and corresponds to the students of the fourth semester in the English course of the Faculty of Psychology of the Technical University of Babahoyo, in the year 2020.

A sample of 90 students, 6 teachers and 3 authorities was used for a total of 99 people.


Research Instruments




Observation Results

Only 31.11% of students believe that teachers apply methodological strategies that develop cognitive skills, however despite the fact that, according to the analysis of results, very few teachers do not apply strategies, 71.77% of them agree to provide the necessary support for the application of the Methodological Strategies guide presented in this research.

These two results clearly highlight the research results and show the support that students can provide by following the presented guide.

71.11% of the students consider that the methodological strategies will benefit to develop the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. With this high percentage of agreement, it can be observed that indeed the methodological strategies significantly influence the academic formation of the students of the fourth semester in the English subject of the Faculty of Psychology of the Technical University of Babahoyo. Conclusions. The information and results obtained through surveys of educational authorities, parents and students have provided significant contributions to the research.

Since the main objective is to analyze the incidence of methodological strategies in the academic training of students in the fourth semester in the English subject, the results found throughout this project are detailed:

76.67% of the surveyed students stated that the methodological incidents are of valuable help when enhancing the educational process.

Students agree that Teachers in the English area should be trained in courses, seminars, workshops, etc. on updating the methodological strategies currently used.

The students expressed their interest in supporting the application of a new guide of methodological strategies, in order to improve the teaching-learning relationship between students and Teachers With respect to the diagnosis of the current academic training of the students of the Faculty of Psychology of Babahoyo Technical University, the following results are presented:

44.11% of students are satisfied with the academic training they currently receive at the Faculty of Psychology regarding the teaching of the English language.

43.7% are satisfied with the general study program they receive. It should also be noted that the students being motivated with the methodological strategies used in the classroom, a more active participation was observed and they were able to function better during the class.



The final conclusion is that methodological strategies significantly influence the academic training of students in the fourth semester of the English course of the Faculty of Psychology of the Technical University of Babahoyo.



The recommendations that were presented throughout the investigation were as follows:

Teachers must be in constant preparation and research on the management of active strategies for the teaching of English and in this way achieve greater student participation.

Strengthen the knowledge of the Faculty teachers by using the methodological strategies carried out in this research, in order to improve the inter-learning process.

Raise awareness among students and emphasize the importance of the English language in today's world, always remembering that the English language is not only a subject but also a necessary tool for the professional future of students.

The strategies used by teachers to teach the English language must follow a methodological structure to achieve a better result.

In the process of inter-learning the English language, today it is necessary to use technological resources to improve results, so it is recommended to acquire new computer programs that use these strategies.



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