Motivacin Laboral y Desempeo Laboral en los trabajadores administrativos de la Universidad Nacional de Moquegua


Work motivation and work performance in administrative collaborators at National University of Moquegua


Motivao Trabalhista e Desempenho Trabalhista nos funcionrios administrativos da Universidade Nacional de Moquegua


Pedro Jess Maquera-Luque I


Johanna Elena Santa-Cruz Arvalo II


Cynthia Milagros Apaza-Panca III




Ciencias Econmicas y Administrativas

Artculo de Investigacin


*Recibido: 05 de julio de 2020 *Aceptado: 20 de agosto 2020 * Publicado: 28 de septiembre de 2020


        I.            Doctor in Public Management, Doctor in Educational Administration. Principal Professor. Moquegua National University, Per.

     II.            Master in Education. Professor. Frontera National University, Per.

   III.            Master Scientiae in Economics. Research Professor. Frontera National University, Per.


The research aimed the relationship between work motivation and work performance in a specific public university. So, what is the relationship between work motivation and work performance in administrative collaborators at the National University of Moquegua Campus, 2017? A non-experimental, transversal and correlational design study was carried out. Survey was used as a technique and two questionnaires were applied to a stratified random sample of 76 administrative collaborators at National University of Moquegua. Based on the research conclusions, this paper indicates there is a highly significant relationship between work motivation and work performance, with a bilateral asymptotic significance level of p = 0.003 < 0.01; when the administrative staff at National University of Moquegua is better motivated, then there will be a better performance in their tasks. Internal Motivation, is the dimension which has a greater influence in work performance.

Keywords: work motivation; job performance; administrative workers; labor competitiveness.



El estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la relacin que existe entre la motivacin laboral y el desempeo laboral en los trabajadores administrativos de la Sede Central de la Universidad Nacional de Moquegua, 2017. Para ello se respondi a la siguiente pregunta: Qu relacin existe entre la motivacin laboral y el desempeo laboral en los trabajadores administrativos de la Sede Central de la Universidad Nacional de Moquegua, 2017?. La investigacin fue no experimental, transversal y correlacional. Se utiliz como tcnica la encuesta y como instrumentos dos cuestionarios, siendo aplicado a una muestra aleatoria estratificada proporcional de 76 trabajadores administrativos de la Universidad Nacional de Moquegua. Se concluy, que existe relacin altamente significativa entre la motivacin laboral y el desempeo laboral, con un nivel de significancia asinttica bilateral de p = 0,003 < 0,01; de tal forma que cuando el personal administrativo de la Universidad Nacional de Moquegua est mejor motivado, entonces habr un mejor desempeo en sus labores. Siendo la dimensin Motivacin Interna la que ejerce una mayor influencia en el desempeo laboral de los trabajadores.

Palabras clave: motivacin laboral; desempeo laboral; trabajadores administrativos; competitividad laboral.


A efetiva proteo judicial um dos direitos fundamentais mais importantes no exerccio dos direitos, pois seu cumprimento garante o pleno desenvolvimento e gozo dos mesmos. O fato de os juzes constitucionais no determinarem o valor a ser pago a ttulo de reparao econmica, significa que a vtima de violao de direitos no tem, em um prazo mnimo, uma reparao integral e efetiva da pena. O objetivo analisar se o artigo 19 da Lei Orgnica de Garantias Jurisdicionais e Controle Constitucional cumpre o disposto no artigo 86, inciso 3 da Constituio da Repblica do Equador. Os resultados da investigao refletiram que h uma interferncia do artigo 19 da LOGJCC no que diz respeito ao artigo 86, nmero 3 da Constituio da Repblica, o que inadmissvel; nesse mesmo percentual, surge a necessidade de sua reformulao, pois absolutamente nada pode ser legislado que se oponha ao esprito e aos princpios constitucionais. O tipo de pesquisa qualitativo-quantitativo e os mtodos utilizados foram indutivo-dedutivo, histrico-lgico e analtico-sinttico. Alm disso, uso uma pesquisa sob amostragem no probabilstica por convenincia.

Palavras-chave: motivao para o trabalho; desempenho laboral; trabalhadores administrativos; competitividade do trabalho.



At the current time, it is welcomed recent innovations which surround us. It is not surprising, many organizations are, of course, connected with. Innovations cease to exist, others are slowly being lost and only the most efficient and effective remain to make the most of not only their comparative advantages but mainly their competitive advantages (Scott, 2005). In this way, there is interest in jointly working with main partners in the institution in order to channel and strengthen their performance in all areas to the maximum extent possible. So to gain this goal, people must be duly motivated to achieve the expected results and thus be able to face the difficulties and demands of an increasingly changing environment.

In 21st century, dynamic organizations are needed, given the continuous changes our society keeps experiencing rapid growth (Gimeno Navarro et al., 2013; Estrada Meja, 2006). Therefore, it is essential that organizations should adapt and respond to the challenges of a demanding market in a competitive environment, where success lies with their employees (Agudelo et al., 2016). Therefore, their cooperation and contribution in the performance of their functions should not go unnoticed; thus creating a person-organization binomial interaction, so there is a reciprocal expectation between both in relation to the performance of the collaborators that one expects (institution) and in relation to the adequate retribution that the other expects (collaborator) (Ramirez, 2014).

Within this context, the dichotomy relationship influences both the procedures efficiency and the effectiveness in the implementation of the strategies used to achieve better work performance, which is basically one of the main objectives in organizations. In other words, the papers objective is to determine the relationship between work motivation and work performance in administrative collaborators at National University of Moquegua, 2017.


Theorical framework

Work motivation

Conceptually, motivating is to stimulate a behavior in order to obtain a goal. It is convenient to keep in mind that motivating and motivation are close concepts, but at the same time they are not the same. In one hand, motivating is understood as the external action consisting of moving a person to do something that one is interested in doing so in a certain way. On the other hand, the motivation is related more on the inner plane, in peoples internal concept and that makes them move to get what interests (Urcola, 2010).

Chiavenato (2009) argues that attitudes, perception, personality and learning, it ought to be considered motivation as a basic psychological process and as a priority element to understand people in terms of their behavior. According to Maslow (1991) human motivation is oriented towards an intrinsic perspective, hierarchizing it in two categories: primary and secondary; this last one is classified in three levels, where the third level refers to the needs of self-realization, which leads the individual to overcome themselves as human beings.

Work motivation benefits are both for the organization and its collaborators, since it drives a series of behaviors for the achievement of expectations and their interests both internally and externally (Gonzlez & Bretones, 2009).

In their working lives, a motivated worker generally remains a better performance and sense of belonging to the institution, as a result of a collaborator organization interrelationship seeking to achieve the organization's goals, and the employee will seek the satisfaction of their personal needs (Pea Rivas & Villn Perero, 2018). Further, when the company understands the motivational needs of its collaborators, it can develop different strategies to make them feel more comfortable in their workplace, and therefore, transmit a sense of well-being (Daz Olaya et al., 2014).

Work performance

Different factors influence work performance, such as skill and motivation; hence, the work performance evaluation process is essential, where aptitude, training and resources are part of the worker's skills, while desire and commitment concern to motivation, complementing each other (Cubillos Rivera et al., 2014). To strengthen competitiveness, it is necessary to boost and enhance job performance, which is why aim at measurable, continuous improvements in qualities, skills, abilities and/or aptitudes must be promoted (lvarez Indacochea et al., 2018).

On one hand, Stoner et al. (1996), work performance is reflected in the development of a common goal, which may be subject only to the basic rules set out in the organization order to work effectively through its members, whose activities bears a relationship with the collaborators functions. On the other hand, Chiavenato (2011) refers that in a successful personal strategy, collaborators carry it out in order to join efforts to achieve the objectives set. This means due to aim the above, collaborators can freely and autonomously use their own means or resources that they consider necessary in order to ensure the proposed success.

Dichotomy: Work motivation and work performance

The organizations, for not fostering a good work environment leading to a cease to be productive, this is also because they fail to involve in this process senior management personnel and non-management staff, for instance, all collaborators without distinction. Most importantly, it should bear in mind all the enthusiasm and expectations with which new collaborators come in an institution, it may be lost when they do not find an supportive organizational climate (Pelaes, 2010). Unfortunately, when organizations try to modify or improve people's performance, that is, their throughput, they go for the practical ability to apply sanctions regime imposed by the organization rather than to implementing a healthy reward policy. In contrast to positive actions to boost and enhance motivating, there is the negative reaction which consist on reprimanding and imposing punishments. Likewise, corrective action is applied more than prevention, which means correcting after the fact and not before the action (Chiavenato, 2008).

Over years, public or private organizations, people work on conditions that are neither rewarding nor motivating for good work performance and where the only thing that is sought is productivity, results or better profits without consideration of the main resource in an organization: human resources. In view of this, Robbins and Coulter (2010:354) agree that it must be careful to make mistakes of cross-cultural challenges, that is, to think or assume that motivational programs will automatically work optimally without taking into account the differences of geographical areas.

Extending this logic further, it is wondered how the differences between a performance (efficient, moderately efficient or deficient) has its basis on the motivational differences. It should be considered that the human factor is a reprogrammable being in terms of learning skills, there lies the importance of working on the collaborators performance motivation to avoid working in adverse or unreliable environments which prevent the fulfillment of organizational goals (Mayuri, 2008; Pedraza et al., 2010).

As also expressed by Choque (2015), it is of crucial importance to analyze and research how this complex field of motivation influences on collaborators good work performance especially in our local reality where the vast majority of public institutions are organized under almost rigid structures. This form of organization leaves little room for the collaborators to develop their multiple skills and rather becomes an obstacle to achieve their empowerment. Since there are no more spaces for creativity or personal contributions. An unpleasant environment could create apathetic behaviors producing professional nonconformity, as a result, a very bad work performance would be noticeable.

Motivational institutional context and work performance at National University of Moquegua

Since 2017, National University of Moquegua is an institution which is in organizational process, its objectives are clear and defined. Firstly, this university is seeking for the licensing and then the institutionalization to reach finally accreditation in each professional career promoted. However, there are constant changes in university authorities, including the members of the Organizing Committee, which lead to instability and inefficiency that can jeopardize efforts in the work performance of the administrative staff. This sort of dithering has seen as a negative element due to an inadequate policy of work motivation without clear and lasting objectives, causing poor work performance that reflects into excessive bureaucracy.

Attitudes such as conflicts of interest cause working life within the organization to become unpleasant, resulting in rivalries between groups of collaborators. Increasing demotivation and decreasing work performance, reflected precisely in low productivity and inefficiency that unleashes discontent within the institution. This unproductive content goes beyond the university, causing in previous Organizing Committees that this institution has had cannot show concrete, positive and tangible outcomes. Becoming visible results inside and outside the University, generating a total dissatisfaction which ends up by undertaking forceful actions or replacing authorities due to political decision-making.

Such a situation could not only continue, so it is essential to study how people are working to the administrative tasks in National University of Moquegua to what is related to the motivation for a good work performance. Even though these variables have been studied in other contexts, it is worthwhile studying them in the specific local reality of the University so that the results and conclusions reached could be implemented and mainly a question of finding solutions which reconcile and combine expected results by the members of the current Organizing Committee. This could lead to avoid conflicts among the collaborators by strengthening their skills so the University can achieve what has been planned in relation to the institutional objectives and goals set.


Description of data and variables

The research is drawn from a non-experimental, transversal and correlational design. The data were collected at a single and in a defined time, so it is also transversal (Hernndez Sampieri et al., 2014). The study variables have not been manipulated. According to its depth, the research is correlational. According to Carrasco (2016), due to the nature of these studies, it seeks to measure the degree of relationship, as well as the way in which two or more variables relate to each other. They are studies of association without dependence, they do not set causality.

Sample Construction

Data were provided by Human Resources Office of National University of Moquegua, so as 142 administrative collaborators were considered as population. The research sample was 76 which was gathered through a stratified random sample, with a proportional allocation with a sampling error of 5% and a significance level of 5%, the table below shows the distribution of the sample:


Table 1. Research sample


Contract modality



Legislative Decree 276



Legislative Decree 1057 - Administrative Contract Staff (CAS)



Legislative Decree 276 Modality of investment



Rendering of services












Source: Processed by the authors


The two attempts to glean information utilized techniques: survey and document analysis. The survey as a technique used is a procedural tool selected based on its usefulness for this study. It was developed with a series of items or standardized questions to be applied to the representative research sample. The purpose of using this technique is to collect quantitative measurements of both objective and subjective qualities of the research population.

As mention above, two questionnaires were applied. One questionnaire to collect data on the work motivation variable and the other one to collect information on the work performance variable. The documentary analysis was also necessary to obtain information about the National University of Moquegua context, as well as theories and background that supported this study.

Measurement of variables

The work motivation variable was analyzed using a survey questionnaire of 36 items, which were gathered into three dimensions: internal motivation, external motivation and transcendental motivation. Assigning it a value per item: never (1), almost never (2), sometimes (3), almost always (4) and always (5). Achievement scores according to their dimensions were turned into a rate of success by level: low motivated, motivated and high motivated. To analyze the variable, the following scale was used:


Table 2. Descriptors for work motivation variable




High motivated

132 180

The administrative collaborators at National University of Moquegua are highly motivated.


84 131

The administrative collaborators at National University of Moquegua are motivated.

Low motivated

36 - 83

The administrative collaborators at National University of Moquegua are not very motivated.

Source: Processed by the authors


A 22- item survey questionnaire was used to analyze the work performance variable. This questionnaire grouped two dimensions: function performance and individual features. Assigning it a value per item: never (1), almost never (2), sometimes (3), almost always (4) and always (5). Achievement scores according to their dimensions were turned into a rate of success by level: low motivated, motivated and high motivated. To analyze the variable, the following scale was used: Deficient, moderately efficient, and efficient. The following scale shows the analysis of this variable.


Table 3. Descriptors for work performance variable





80 110

The administrative collaborators at National University of Moquegua have been shown to be effective.



51 - 79

The administrative collaborators at National University of Moquegua have been shown to be moderately effective.


22 - 50

The administrative collaborators at National University of Moquegua have been shown to be deficient.

Source: Processed by the authors


Study findings

The results shows the relationships between work motivation and work performance in dimensions: internal, external and transcendental motivation.


Table 4. Cross-tabulation: Work Motivation and Work Performance



Work performance
















Work Motivation



























Source: Database of the research study


Statistical analyses of data were by chi-square test, table 5 highlights it.


Table 5. Chi-square test of the main hypothesis.




Asymptotic significance (bilateral)

Pearson's chi-square test




Correction by continuityb




Likelihood ratio




Fisher's exact test




Linear-by-linear association test




Valid cases in the dataset




0 Checkbox (0%) have expected a count below 5. The expected least count 6.63.

Only calculated for a 2x2 table

Source: Database of the research study

Table 6. Contingency coefficient




Approximate significance level

Nominal by nominal

Contingency coefficient



Valid cases in the dataset




Source: Database of the research study


Table 4 proves administrative collaborators are 37% motivated to work and 16% moderately efficient. Likewise, 63% are highly motivated and 55% shows efficient level in a work performance, resulting in a total of 42 colloborators. To sum up, collaborators who are work motivated will develop between medium and efficient work performance.

According to the gathered results, there is evidence showing a direct positive correlation between work motivation and work performance with a bilateral asymptotic significance of 0.003 < 0.01, so the data provide sufficient statistical evidence to assure that there is a highly significant relationship and correlation between the two studied variable in the administrative collaborators at National University of Moquegua.


Table 7. Cross-tabulation: Internal Motivation and Work Performance



Work performance
























High Motivated















Source: Database of the research study


Table 8. Contingency coefficient



Approximate significance level

Nominal by nominal

Contingency coefficient



Valid cases in the dataset








Source: Database of the research study


In table 7, 30% of the administrative collaborators are internally motivated and also shows they are 24% moderately efficient in their work performance. Furthermore, 70% are highly internal motivated and 59% were efficient resulting in 45 collaborators. Based on these results, it is said that internal motivated staff would perform within a moderately efficient and efficient labor.

Gathered results present evidence on a direct positive correlation between internal motivation and work performance with a bilateral asymptotic significance of 0.007 < 0.01, so the data indicates sufficient statistical proof to conclude there is a highly significant relationship and correlation between the internal motivation and work performance in the administrative collaborators.


Table 9. Cross-tabulation: External Motivation and Work Performance



Work performance


























High Motivated















Source: Database of the research study


Table 10. Contingency coefficient



Approximate significance level

Nominal by nominal

Contingency coefficient



Valid cases in the dataset




Source: Database of the research study


In table 9, there is 47% collaborators who are shown being internal motivated and 18% are moderately efficient. Likewise, 53% of collaborators were highly external motivated and 47% showed being efficient in their workplace, resulting 36 collaborators. Based on these results, we could claim that collaborators who are externally motivated would have between moderately efficient and efficient work performance.

Results prove a direct positive correlation between internal motivation and work performance with a bilateral asymptotic significance of 0.003 < 0.01, so statistical proof indicates there is a highly significant relationship and correlation between the external motivation and work performance in the administrative collaborators.


Table 11. Cross-tabulation: Transcendental Motivation and Work Performance



Work performance















Transcendental Motivated








High Motivated















Source: Database of the research study


Table 12. Contingency coefficient




Approximate significance level

Nominal by nominal

Contingency coefficient



Valid cases in the dataset




Source: Database of the research study


In table 11, there is 34% collaborators who are shown being transcendental motivated and 13% are moderately efficient. Likewise, 66% of collaborators were transcendental motivated and 55% showed being efficient in their workplace, resulting 42 workers. Based on these results, we could assure that collaborators who are transcendentally motivated would have between a moderately efficient and efficient work performance.

Results show a direct positive correlation between transcendental motivation and work performance with a bilateral asymptotic significance of 0.029 < 0.01, so statistical evidence there is a highly significant relationship and correlation between the transcendental motivation and work performance in the administrative collaborators.



Performance in public management carries service off which involves continuous up updating. Working places ought to be spaces for collaborators to develop their skills without any ties and therefore enhanced them to be more committed and involved to meritocracy and service vocation which correspond to a modern and efficient public management. In table 4, the hypothesis: work motivation is significantly related to work performance is accepted. Chi-square statistic is 9,016 and a bilateral asymptotic significance of a p-value = 0.003 and since this is less than 0.05, the hypothesis was accepted due to the statistical evidence found. In other words, labor motivation is effectively a key factor in the throughput, in work performance of the administrative collaborators at National University of Moquegua.

This is also fully consistent with Urcola (2010) who noted that motivation is the emotionally positive situations that collaborators receive when they have stimuli or rewards that fit their needs and allow the development of certain favorable behaviors to better work performance and this is precisely what this research has proved. At the beginning of this research work there was no good work performance because all staff were not properly motivated, a situation that was described. This being so, work motivation of the administrative collaborators at National University of Moquegua, 2017, is within motivated (37%) and high motivated (63%) scales, as in Table N4, since it is appeared with the results shown in the same table. In respect of work performance, the staff is within the medium efficient (24%) and efficient (76.%) scales.

These data essentially support the statement by (Robbins & Coulter, 2010) that performance is the outcome of an activity, which implies carrying it out as efficiently as possible and for this it is necessary that the staff is properly motivated. Stoner (1996) also highlights work performance is the way in which members of the organization work effectively to achieve common goals.



The study shows a highly significant relationship between the variables (work motivation and work performance), with a bilateral asymptotic significance level (p=0.003 less than 0.01), indicating that work motivation is one of the key factors determining the level of work performance of administrative collaborators at the organization.

Administrative collaborators work performance is relatively efficient. It is regard to motivation, more than a half of the staff are high motivated in their workplace, so it is necessary to have sufficient resources to implement all the strategies related for them to be motivated.

Concerning the thematic dimensions, internal motivation has a great influence on the work performance variable of the administrative collaborators of the fieldwork study, with a bilateral asymptotic significance level of (p 0.007 less than 0.01). However, external motivation influences the work performance of the studied staff with a bilateral asymptotic significance level of (p=0.003 0.01). All in all, the transcendental motivation influences the work performance variable, with a bilateral asymptotic significance level of (p 0.029 less than 0.05).

Conflicts of interest

The authors affirm that there are no conflicts of interest.



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