Description of action based learning method for teaching English language


Descripción del método de aprendizaje basado en la acción para la enseñanza del idioma Inglés


Descrição do método de aprendizado baseado em ações para o ensino do idioma Inglês


Miguel Patricio Bravo-Yépez I


Sandra Paulina Porras-Pumalema II


Martha Elva Carrillo-Pataron III





Ciencias de la educación

Artículo de investigación


*Recibido: 20 de mayo de 2020 *Aceptado: 17 de junio de 2020 * Publicado: 22 de julio de 2020


        I.            Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación, Profesor de Idiomas: Inglés, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Facultad de Ciencias, Riobamba, Ecuador.

       II.            Magíster en la Enseñanza del Idioma Inglés como Lengua Extranjera, Magíster en Desarrollo de la Inteligencia y Educación, Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación Profesora de Idiomas Inglés, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Facultad de Mecánica, Riobamba, Ecuador.

      III.            Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación Profesora de Idiomas Ingles, Professional Application And Intercultural Communication, Universidad de Almería Carretera Sacramento S/N 04120 la Cañada de San Urbano Almería, España. 



The objective of this research was to determine if the method Action Based Learning is valid in teaching- learning process of English language with ninth year students of "General Vicente Anda Aguirre" Educational Unit; since it was determined that the students are only receivers of knowledge and not active participants. Hence, a descriptive, exploratory, qualitative study was undertaken, through the application of a series of planned activities in an intervention plan, that the teacher applied with an experimental group of 41 students (15 women and 26 men). The students’ attitudes regarding the application of the method referred above were analyzed from the intervention plan. Observation technique through checklist were used to data collection. The information was analyzed and interpreted, it allowed us to conclude that the applied method is valid in the teaching-learning process of English language; since through the use of activities based on the Action Based Learning method, the students increased their participation and performance during the acquisition of English language, due to the good attitudes shown during the application of the method.

Keywords: Method; action-based learning; activities and attitude.



El objetivo de la investigación, fue determinar si el método Action Based Learning es válido en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje del idioma inglés en los estudiantes de novena año de la Unidad Educativa “General Vicente Anda Aguirre”; ya que se determinó, que los estudiantes son solo entes receptores de conocimiento y no participan activamente. Para lo cual, se aplicó un estudio de tipo cualitativo de nivel exploratorio, descriptivo mediante la aplicación de un conjunto de actividades planificadas en un plan de intervención que el docente aplicó con un grupo experimental de 41 estudiantes (15 mujeres y 26 hombres). Del plan de intervención se analizó las actitudes de los estudiantes con respecto a la aplicación del método en mención. Para la obtención de datos se utilizó la técnica de la observación mediante una hoja de cotejo. La información fue analizada e interpretada y permitió concluir que el método aplicado es válido en el proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje del idioma inglés; ya que a través del uso de actividades basadas en el método Action Based Learning los estudiantes incrementaron su participación y desempeño durante la adquisición del idioma inglés, debido a las buenas actitudes mostradas durante la aplicación del método.

Palabras claves: Método; aprendizaje basado en la acción; actividades y actitudes.



O objetivo da pesquisa foi determinar se o método de Aprendizagem Baseada em Ação é válido no processo de ensino da aprendizagem de inglês nos alunos do nono ano da Unidade Educacional “General Vicente Anda Aguirre”; uma vez que foi determinado que os estudantes são apenas entidades receptoras de conhecimento e não participam ativamente. Para isso, aplicou-se um estudo qualitativo descritivo de nível exploratório, mediante a aplicação de um conjunto de atividades planejadas em um plano de intervenção que o professor aplicou com um grupo experimental de 41 alunos (15 mulheres e 26 homens). A partir do plano de intervenção, foram analisadas as atitudes dos estudantes em relação à aplicação do método mencionado. Para obter os dados, a técnica de observação foi utilizada em uma folha de comparação. As informações foram analisadas e interpretadas e permitiram concluir que o método aplicado é válido no processo de ensino-aprendizagem da língua inglesa; já que, por meio do uso de atividades baseadas no método Action Based Learning, os alunos aumentaram sua participação e desempenho durante a aquisição da língua inglesa, devido às boas atitudes demonstradas durante a aplicação do método.

Palavras-chave: Método; aprendizagem baseada em ações; atividades e atitudes.



This investigation pretends the teaching of English Language through the usage of an innovative method named Action Based Learning. The common issue is that students are only acquiring knowledge in a passive way shutting down student`s mind from spending too long in a desk chair. This research will permit to know if Action Based Learning method is correctly being applied by the professor for teaching English language to learners of 9no año de Educación General Básica, class “C”; at Unidad Educativa “Vicente Anda Aguirre” during the academic term 2017.

This investigation aims to highlight that students can learn better English language through the usage of movements involved in activities like: verbs in action, parts of speech, Action based learning ladders and on the ball based on Action Based learning method. The following research will permit students to reach a high performance in this Unidad Educativa, at the same time a necessary instrument will be the observation sheet which permits the researcher to know if this method is properly being applied by the professor into her classroom. This investigation will be useful to the researcher for becoming a good English teacher furthermore this permits to know more about how Action Based learning method will benefit to students of ninth year of Educación General Básica, class “C” at Unidad Educativa “Vicente Anda Aguirre”.

The researcher analyzed the correct application of Action Based Learning method which trough the execution of activities is helping to student´s participation in an active way in the teaching – learning process during English class being able to observe different student´s reactions into that setting for trying to overcome student´s issues in English subject.

This investigation is justified from the scientific field, cultural and social because of Action Based Learning method is applied worldwide in places like United States of America in some educative institutions like: Jefferson Elementary School in Tulsa, Oklahoma; and Hepburn-Lycoming Primary School in Pennsylvania; also this method was used in Tanzania by the Centre for Educational Development in Health, Arusha; but according investigations the researcher did it in our country is not applied nowadays except in Unidad Educativa “Gral. Vicente Anda Aguirre” where a teacher is applying this method; therefore it is convenient to investigate if the application of Action Based Learning Method is a valid one in this educative institution on the teaching – learning process, for that reason the researcher pretends to inquire if this method is a valid one in the teaching – learning process through the observation of the application of the method by the professor in charge of English subject in students of ninth year of Educación General Básica, class “C”.

According to Thompson (2016) “Action Based Learning (ABL) is a pedagogical activity that it based on the brain learning theory which centers on the arrangement and works of the brain in regards to learning.”

Instead of sitting at their desks and watching a teacher teach from the form of the classroom, such as is pretty standard in most schools, students who participate in action based learning actually get to get up and move while they learn the regular parts of their curriculums. For example, children might walk, hula hoop, step in place and more, all while they are learning. (AOK Development Services, 2017).


Action Based Learning is based on the neurological investigation that strongly maintenances the connection between learning and movement. It clear the while student are healthy and active are better learners. So how do we apply this to the classroom? Action Based Learning provides educational training that emphases on creating an ideal learning environments for every learners, through actions. ABL strategies are teacher friendly, time efficient, and most importantly – to make the learning entertaining to students. Students engaged in Action Based Learning show improved memory retention, increased focus and attention, improved grades, and less behavioral issues. (KIDSFIT, 2017).

Every school and every educator has the same dream for their students: well behaved, better engaged, more attentive students- use the latest research to make education more effective. Brain science shows that if a child is sitting all day, they are missing out on vital movements to increase brain function and activity. This training is highly recommended for anyone who wants to become a game-changer in the world of children's health and education. (KIDSFIT, 2018).

ABL is not just a “Physical Education” thing but something you can add into all classrooms and in all grade levels. Here are three quick ways you can start adding kinesthetics into your classroom today:

  • Transitions: During transitions, for example from math to reading, have students do something active for one minute such as jump on one foot.
  • Furniture: Add some different seating options such as yoga balls, wobble stools or allowing them to stand and work.
  • Hands-On: Allowing students to show what they know with hands-on activities such as role playing, plays/skits, building models or experiments. (Thompson J, 2016).


Action based learning objective are the intellects of young learners in a more efficient form than many other teaching styles do. Studies have shown that there is a conecttion between physical activity and academic performance, so instructors that use action based learning combine the two to aid kids learn more efficiently. (AOK Development Services, 2017).

Children from different ages and different knowledge levels have all shown improvement on standardized test scores and overall learning since trying action based learning, and pediatricians and educators alike are beginning to realize just how beneficial this form of learning can be. (AOK Development Services, 2017).


Action Based Learning Labs are created to get ready the brain for learning. Each active learning situation in the lab, applies what they know about the connection of brain body by focusing on the 12 foundations of Learning Readiness. For example, the body’s vestibular system controls balance and spatial awareness. Strengthening these foundations facilitates the student’s ability to place words and letters on a page. When a student walks or crawls in specific patterns, the brain’s ability to encode symbols is increased. Proper development and remediation of these systems are critical to a childs’ ability to learn. (KIDSFIT, 2017).


Activities based on action based learning method

This method proposes some activities but those have been considered convenient to use are the following:

  • Verbs in Action: perform the movements to the song Get Funky by the Learning Station. After the song, have a contest to name and count the verbs in the song. (Blaydes J, 2009).
  • Parts of Speech: divide the students into groups of 4 with each student having a card with a noun, verb, adjective, and prepositional phrase. The different colors also help know if you have a complete sentence.


Play a posse tag format tag game. The verbs are wild, so each verb in each group leaves the group. The other three parts of speech stack hands in the middle of their small circle and say, “I love to read” three items. The three of them then split and all 3 begin to chase their verb until one of them tags the verb. When the verb is tagged the part of speech that tagged him/her goes away and the remaining three stack hands in the middle and repeat the procedure. Play until all have had a chance to be chased. (Blaydes J, 2009).

Action Based Learning ladders: learners can ascend up the Action-Based Learning Ladders while knowledge content exhibited on each rung of the ladder. This ladder can be a paper-based ladder on the floor, so that no climbing is necessary. The mixture of physical activities of ascending or moving while learning and reading content hung on the ladder that strengthens the retaining of the notions. (Blaydes J & Ratey J, 2009).


On the ball: for doing his activity, students must be jumping on a fit ball while they are doing different activities into the classroom, for example: they could be doing some exercises in the ministry book while they are jumping so this way they are going to do exercises increasing learning process. (WDTNTV, 2011).



This research was qualitative because of it the researcher was reveal a target audience’s range of behavior and the perceptions that drived it with reference to demonstrated the topic of investigation.

In this investigation was used field research because of the researcher had collected data face to face and through a direct observation at Unidad Educativa “Vicente Anda Aguirre” of Riobamba city.

By the level of knowledge this research was exploratory. This permitted us to comprehend and reveal our desire to understand what happened in our problem of investigation.

Exploratory research helped us to choose the best way for solving the proposed issue of investigation because the researcher started with a general idea of the topic then an exploratory research, as a tool permitted to identify some possible issues which were the focus of this investigation.

This research used a qualitative case study because the information required for this investigation was taken from a specific situation, in a particular place and with a specific group of people. An ethnographic analysis was necessary for data organization and management, it permitted the researcher to study people in natural settings doing a detailed description of daily life and practice, this analysis permitted the researcher the elaboration of different summaries based on observed activities though the exploration of various sources.

For doing this investigation, the population was integrated by 168 students of 9th año de Educación General Básica, at Unidad Educativa “Vicente Anda Aguirre” and 7 teachers of English language. The example was integrated by 41 students: 15 girls and 26 boys which belong to 9th año de Educación General Básica, class “C” at Unidad Educativa “Vicente Anda Aguirre” and the teacher in charge of English subject.


Observation was the technique used for gathering data about a particular group. Observation sheet was the instrument which the researcher used for realizing what happened into the classroom during the process of investigation. This observation sheet was elaborated based on the proposal theory in the theoretical framework.

As first step, the researcher took notes in the observation sheet then he reviewed that information which was organized according the parameters of investigation. Second, the researcher did an analysis of the obtained results. Finally, conclusions and recommendations were elaborated about the problem of investigation.



This research has been developed in four phases which were:

Preparatory phase; the area of study that the researcher has chosen is Methodology. The researcher has chosen this area due to he observed during his pre professional practices some deficiencies during the teaching – learning process in English language for this reason the corresponding area of study would be Methodology. During this practices the researcher took into account that students did not learn English well even that they want to do it because of their effort, interest and enthusiasm that they have showed for trying to be better in this subject but as they considered that this subject is a bit complicated for them, they only prefer to acquire knowledge in a passive way so they only stayed in their chairs and did not contribute to the learning process, their lack of brain activity did not permit them to be active and participate in English class. Once the problem was identified, the researcher read a lot about a new method named Action Based Learning which was beginning to be used by the professor for trying to overcome lack of learning and student’s participation in English class. This was necessary to the researcher to have an idea about what kind of information he must gathered.

For the problem definition, first, the researcher determined the problem at a macro level; for doing this the researcher investigate how available is Action Based Learning method worldwide, and the researcher could notice through investigation that it is applied in some institutions in foreign countries; second, for the meso level of the problem definition, the researcher investigate in Ecuador if this method is applied in some Unidades Educativas and the researcher could not find any result about it except in Unidad Educativa “Vicente Anda Aguirre” which will be the focus of our investigation at micro level specifically with students of ninth year of Educación General Básica, class “C” where Action Based Learning method is now applying by the teacher through the use of activities which were observed by the researcher during his pre professional practices being the problem to investigate if Action Based Learning method is a valid one for the teaching-learning process within secondary education in the city of Riobamba specifically in this Unidad Educativa with students of ninth year, class “C”.

Field work phase; for gathering information the researcher had access to carry out the investigation in this place because the researcher did pre professional practices there so the rector of this Unidad Educativa, Mgs. Manuel Machado Sotomayor was pleased that this institution was part of an investigation in the area of foreign language so he gave me all access for doing my investigation there.

The researcher stablished a face to face contact with students. The researcher talked with the English teacher in charge of the subject and told her that the researcher is going to observe her during four classes to gather information in an observation sheet about how she applies Action Based Learning method in her classes, and she accepted that request. Then the researcher explained to the students the purpose of this investigation and ask for their collaboration when the teacher is applying the method. The researcher had a non- participative attitude during the application of the method so he did a close observation.

Analytic phase, the researcher processed the whole collected information to elaborate the final report draft, here she contrasted the objectives with the information obtained.

Informative phase, the researcher presented the final report draft to her tutor for the respective revision, and she did the necessary corrections to develop the final report presentation concluding the whole process of this investigation.


Work Field

For developing this investigation, the researcher did a previous observation in grades which was English practitioner in Unidad Educativa “Vicente Anda Aguirre”; with this observation the selected grade was 9th año de Educación General Básica, class “C” which is integrated by 41 students: 15 girls and 26 boys.


The researcher asked to Mgs. Manuel Machado Sotomayor the permission for doing the investigation in this institution and he agreed, the researcher was developed in four hours of English class in the following days: April 19 and 26 of 2018, May 03 and 10 of

2018 from 7:00 am to 8:30 am. Lcda. Ana Jara and students of 9th año de Educación General Básica, class “C” helped the researcher.

The researcher had not problems about collecting data, information was gathered from the facts that the researcher observed during the application of the method and then that information was documented in the observation sheet which was developed in two principal reasons; first, to identify activities that the professor uses for increasing student´s participation in students of 9th año de Educación General Básica “C”; and second, to analyze student`s attitudes at the moment of using activities based on Action Based Learning method in students of 9th year of Educación General Básica “C”.

After the researcher got the permission for developing the investigation, he began it following the four steps which were mentioned in the point 3.4. Finally, all information gathered though direct observation with the observation sheet helped the researcher to describe the usage of Action Based Learning method for teaching English Language to students of 9th año de Educación General Básica, class “C” at Unidad Educativa “Vicente Anda Aguirre”, city of Riobamba, Chimborazo province. At last, the researcher finished the final report on June, and with this he finished the present investigation



With the information gathered, through the observation sheet applied on April 19th, April 26th, May 3rd and May 10th for two hours each class, the investigator obtained the following results which are explained in the following chart







Teacher is applying correctly Action Based learning method

The teacher created a good setting in students learning between content and movement so the teacher applied Action Based Learning method, recommendations, and through the uses of activities she promoted motivation in the whole class so their students could participate actively while they learn English content in a funny way.

Despite the fact that some activities were changed in benefit of students all strategies used by the teacher were well accepted by them due to the increase of the participation during the development of the activities which decreased bad student´s attitudes.

Action Based Learning is based on the brain research that strongly supports the link between movement and learning. (...)

Action Based Learning provides educational training that focuses on creating an optimal learning

environments for all students, through movement. (KIDSFIT, 2017).

The use of Action Based Learning method helped to improve memory retention also because of the brain research that supports the link between movement and content.


“Verbs in action activity” is being applied into the classroom by the teacher


At beginning the teacher only put the video and students only sang the song “Get Funky” omitting that theory recommends; she noticed that activity was not being applied in a correct way so to correct that she explained well what students started to perform the activity according the video and theory, they did it in an outstanding way. Finally, the contest made students could remember the verbs which was listened during the song. The teacher gave a reward of +one extra point for students who could remember more number of verbs.

Verbs in Action: perform the movements to the song Get Funky by the Learning Station. After the song, have a contest to name and count the verbs in the song. (Blaydes J, 2009).

The competition done at the end of the activity is the key for students could remember the verbs were said during the song increasing students’ knowledge while they were in movement.


“Parts of speech activity” is being applied into the classroom by the teacher

Some sentences were given to a group of four students, example. Justin is good at English; they said three times “I love to read” and then the student who had the verb ran inside the classroom and the other teammates tried to catch his/her, when one did it the activity was finished and finally, students must have go to the board and show the sentences to the whole class.

This activity was changed a bit by the teacher at the end because all students of the team must be chased, taking turns and the teacher thought that the activity must be done once by each group of 4 students.

Concluding, this activity was adapted according teacher beliefs and was not developed completely according the theory.

Parts of Speech: divide the students into groups of four with each student having a card with a noun, verb, adjective, and prepositional phrase. The different colors also help know if you have a complete sentence.

Play a posse tag format tag game. The verbs are wild, so each verb in each group leaves the group. The other three parts of speech stack hands in the middle of their small circle and say, “I love to read” three items. The three of them then split and all 3 begin to chase their verb until one of them tags the verb. When the verb is tagged the part of speech that tagged him/her goes away and the remaining three stack hands in the middle and repeat the procedure. Play until all have had a chance to be chased. (Blaydes J, 2009).

The activity must have been developed by all members of the group of four students in each group boosting students´ participation which permits them to acquire a better performance in English language.


“Action Based Learning

ladder activity” is being applied into the classroom by the teacher

Teacher explained well what this activity consist in to their students so she started to apply it. She drew in a big paper a ladder and put the content in the spaces of each rung of the ladder so she adapted this activity according student necessities. The teacher said that this should be done in this way, students could watch better the content because spaces of the ladder are bigger than rungs. She did that one student pass first, then that student walked through the ladder saying the possessive pronouns (those was written in the spaces of the ladder), and when that student finished another one continued the activity. This new student jumped in the rungs and said the possessive pronouns, and then the procedure continues with whole class.

Concluding, this activity was not applied according what method recommends due to the teacher modified it a little bit putting content between the spaces of the rungs of the ladder for students could watch better English content.

Action Based Learning ladders: Students can climb Action-Based Learning Ladders while learning content displayed on each rung of the ladder. This ladder can be a paper-based ladder on the ground, so that no climbing is required. The combination of the physical activity of climbing or moving while reading and learning content hung on the ladder strengthens the retention of the concepts. (Blaydes J & Ratey J, 2009).

The most important thing was the variety in how the activity was carried out by the students due to some of them walked and others jumped, thus avoided boredom and produced a dynamic learning


Another activity proposed by the method is being applied during the class

Another activity used by the teacher is named On the ball and she used it at the moment that students were working on the Ministry book, but as this fit balls have a monetary value that is not accessible to all students, this activity was developed only with students who had bad attitudes or did not want to work on the book increasing their enthusiasm for filling the blanks on the Ministry book. Students could finish while they are jumping on fit balls instead of sitting on their chairs due to their happy faces. Finally, when students had finished to fill the book, they jumped around their own desks.

To conclude, this activity is being well applied at the beginning but at last the teacher thought convenient that students jumped in their fit balls around their desks for encouraging them for doing a good job, having students a little more fun.

On the ball: for doing his activity, students must be jumping on a fit ball while they are doing different activities into the classroom, for example: they could be doing some exercises in the ministry

book while they are jumping so this way they are going to do exercises increasing learning process. (WDTNTV, 2011).

Students in which were applied this activity could be able to do the activities of the book easily. They were able to concentrate on filling the book because they thought that it was funny the way they filled the book (jumping instead of sitting). Those students started to change that bad behavior due to they were included in the learning process.


Students are participating with the teacher during the performance of activities

At the beginning some students refused to participate in ABL activities due to bad teachers’ explanations about what activities consists in. Later, when the teacher explained better, some students was engaged for participating. Other ones began to participate in ABL activities due to they saw how classmates had fun during the development of activities.

As a result of students´ participation during ABL activities, they notice that knowledge acquired during this process was significant permitting them to remember all what they had studied.

Students were able to help another classmates who had some doubts about studied subject being a little bit talkative people in the English language.

Instead of sitting at their desks and watching a teacher teach from the form of the classroom, such as is pretty standard in most schools, students who participate in action based learning actually get to get up and move while they learn the regular parts of their curriculums. For example, children might walk, all while they are learning. (AOK development services, 2017).

When the body brain is out of balance because of poor nutrition student is not in a good learning state. Movement, physical activity, and exercise change the learning state, increasing the ability to retain or retrieve memory. (KIDSFIT, 2018).

Accelerates motivation, increases self-esteem, and promotes cooperation and communication skills. (Blaydes J, 2009).

Students´ participation increased through teacher motivation during the performance of each Action Based Learning activity which permitted to wake up a little bit more students´ interest in learning English language because they were active all time.


Types of attitudes observed during the development of Action Based Learning activities

Behavioral: Students liked to practice English because they participated and did well Action Based Learning activities. They could get good relationships between each other due to the usage of activities which stablished a link among them and the same time they did not feel embarrassed because they were working in teams having fun all time. They were relaxed because they noticed that they could speak more in English language than before.

The behavioral aspect of attitude (BAA) deals with the way one behaves and reacts in particular situations. Kara (2009). stated that positive attitude leads to the exhibition of positive behavior toward studying, absorbing themselves in it, and striving to learn more. Such students are also observed to show more enthusiasm to solve problems, to acquire what is useful for daily life, and to engage themselves emotionally (Shahrzad E, 2016).

Good relationships and students´ enthusiasm generated positive attitudes in benefit of learning English language which will help them every day.



Cognitive: They could acquire more knowledge than they had before starting doing ABL activities and it was significant because they put in practice with their classmates. Students used acquired knowledge in benefit of classmates helping him with English doubts during and after activities. They could comprehend better about English content being communicate each other. They feel satisfied carrying out activities due to they noticed that they could have more performance in this subject.

Cognitive aspect of attitude (CAA) involves the beliefs of the language learners about the knowledge that they receive and their understanding of the process of language learning. The cognitive attitude could be classified into four steps of connecting the previous knowledge and the new one, creating new knowledge, checking new knowledge, and applying the new knowledge in many situations. (Shahrzad E, 2016).

Students could comprehend about English content which was studied and shared among classmates in the developing of Action Based learning activities helping them to solve any doubt about English language.




The researcher could notice some delighted students due to they showed interest in learning English language. At the same time, they feel proud of them because they took into account that they participated more during ABL activities.

As activities were developed according teacher's expectations, students have self- confidence.

 With respect to the emotional attitude, Feng and Chen (2009) stated that “Learning process is an emotional process. It is affected by different emotional factors. The teacher and his students engage in various emotional activities in it and varied results of emotions are yield.”

They felt fine at the moment of performing Action Based Learning activities due to they could realize about their success in learning English language.


You notice some interference in students learning before applying the method

Some students experimented a feeling of worry about English expectations due to they could not understand well English language despite their enthusiasm in that subject. Some students did not want to follow teacher’s instructions at the moment of working into the classroom, they preferred to do homework of other subjects in English classes. A few students screamed when the teacher gave her English classes due to they were not motivated in regard of learning English language.

Concluding, there were a few interferences before the application of Action Based Learning method being those a big barrier in the teaching – learning process.

In most schools and for most teachers, challenging behavior can generally be understood as something that either interferes with the safety or learning of the student or other students, or interferes with the safety of school staff. (…) Disruptive behaviours such as being out-of-seat, calling out in class, tantrums, swearing, screaming or refusing to follow instructions. (DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION & TRAINING, 2018).

Too many factors was observed before the application of Action based Learning method such as: students out of seat, a little bit of bad behaviours and lack of following teachers´ instructions; interfering gravely in the teaching – learning process.


You notice some changes within the students after applying the method

Students got along with others and had the control of their behaviour. They felt more motivated for learning English language so participation increased a lot and they could reach a good academic performance increasing their self-esteem and cooperation. Also, Students could socialize better promoting their selfesteem and decreasing behavioral issues into the classroom.

Students are wellness due to they could express better their ideas in English and looks well physically

Students engaged in Action Based Learning show improved memory retention, increased focus and attention, improved grades, and less behavioral issues. (KIDSFIT, 2017).

 Accelerates motivation, increases self-esteem, and promotes cooperation and communication skills. (Blaydes J, 2009).

The outcome is that students will understand how to learn, how to be physically fit, how to control emotions, how to get along with others, and how to set goals. (Blaydes J, 2009). Students could realize they are very capable of achieving anything. They could reach a high performance in English language after the application of the method due to their attention, comprehension, communication and participation during English classes.

Done by Miguel Bravo. Source: Theoretical Framework and direct observation



The teacher uses four activities based on Action based learning method: verbs in action, parts of speech, action based learning ladder and on the ball which motivated students for learning English language increasing their participation during the teaching – learning process.

All student attitudes were in the most part positive determining student’s ability and willingness to learn English language being this way the key factors for student´s success and performance in the acquisition of this foreign language.

Teacher should train in the use of different Action Based Learning activities to apply during her English class which allow to manage a large number of students at the same time they are motivated during the acquiring of English language.

Students should foster positive attitudes creating good settings at the moment of doing any kind of activity in this way they will be able to reach a high control of English language inside and outside the classroom.



1.      ABL PROVIDES STUDENTS AN ADVANTAGE TO LEARN! (2018). KIDSFIT. South Carolina, United States of America. Retrieved from on-line page; (Accessed 30 - April - 2018).

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