Differentiated instruction in English classes in the universities of Ecuador: From the theory to practice.

Silvia Elizabeth Cárdenas-Sanchez, Ivonne Lorena Ochoa-Jarrín, Lina Yolanda Morales-Rodas


Differentiating instruction in Ecuadorian educational system is relevant since Ecuador is a diverse country. Diversity occurs in the classes when a teacher finds out that the students bring their personal, social and academic backgrounds that are going to influence in their learning process. For this reason, this paper provides relevant information about differentiated instruction techniques that can be used in classes at college. College students need to learn and find out how to internalize knowledge according to their preferences, interests, and learning styles. Cooperative learning, group formation and surveys are tools that are described in this article and they can be applied during instruction to promote differentiated instruction.  Different book authors and research articles have served to provide with insightful suggestions and conclusion to help college teachers to understand better how differentiated instruction works.

Palabras clave

Instruction; teaching; English.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.23857/pc.v5i01.1240

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