English Language Teachers versus the problem to write a scientific paper

Luís Fernando Barriga-Fray, Johanna Isabel Barriga-Fray, Jennifer Karina Flores-Galeano, Jessica Elizabeth Guamán-Gallegos


The advent to develop an investigative society, has urged professionals to experience a subit change in the field of higher education in Ecuador. However, the production of academic results in the Language Center at the National University of Chimborazo has been minimized and undervalued. Even though teachers of English are aware of the professional and financial benefits of writing a scientific paper, most of them believe that they were not trained enough to do so. Therefore, this paper pretends to provide the steps, hints or clues in order to assist and encourage novel writers to present their findings within scientific settings.

Palabras clave

English language; teachers; scientific paper; process, steps.

Texto completo:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.23857/pc.v4i11.1177

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