Creative storytelling activities to strengthen English writing skills in high school students at a public educational institution

Marianela de los Angeles González Ponce, Marcia Iliana Criollo Vargas


Creative storytelling activities positively influence English writing skills, revealing their impact on learning English as a foreign language. This research analyzes the influence of creative storytelling activities on improving English writing skills among upper secondary education students in Ecuador. The study aimed to determine whether storytelling could improve the English writing skills that students already possess. A quantitative approach was implemented through pretest and posttest evaluations. Findings indicate significant improvements in students' writing skills, including content generation, organization, and language use. This suggests that creative storytelling significantly improves technical writing skills in the writing process. These results highlight the potential of storytelling as an effective tool for teaching English as a foreign language (EFL).

Palabras clave

creativity; writing; narration; skills.

Texto completo:



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