Design Thinking to Facilitate the Development of TEFL Students' Competencies

Gabriela Almache Granda, Jeanelly Aguilar Parra, Elma Ramírez Romero, Vicente Coello Vásquez


In the current challenges in higher education, the disconnection between academic programs and the demands of the global labor market is observed, thus changing the preparation of university students. The importance of developing skills such as assertive communication, digital skills and teamwork is highlighted to improve the competitiveness of students in learning and using the English language. In this context, the Design Thinking approach emerges as an effective methodology to foster creativity and innovation. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of Design Thinking in the development of skills such as listening comprehension, reading comprehension, oral expression, written expression, and vocabulary acquisition, in the context of learning the English language. The sample of this research consists of the selection of six English teachers with experience in the application of Design Thinking in their pedagogical practices, with the purpose of obtaining the frequency of application of the methodology, perceptions and impact in its implementation with their students. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics for quantitative data and thematic analysis for qualitative responses. The results indicate that the implementation of Design Thinking saw moderate improvements in listening comprehension and a significant improvement in vocabulary acquisition, writing, and speaking confidence. These results also highlight the difficulties faced due to limited resources and curricular adaptation. It can be concluded that research on the effectiveness of Design Thinking provides tools for learning and teaching English as a foreign language, considering it an innovative methodology. Future research is recommended based on strategies to implement this methodology based on practical results.

Palabras clave

Design Thinking; TEFL; higher education.

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