Innovative Active Methodologies for Enhancing English Language Acquisition in Higher Education
English is widely recognised as an essential tool in professional and academic contexts, providing competitive advantages in the global labour market and facilitating access to international educational and professional opportunities. In this sense, active methodologies represent an innovative pedagogical approach that encourages dynamic, participatory and meaningful learning by placing students as active protagonists in their training process. The implementation of these methodologies in the teaching of English as a foreign language not only allows students to practice the language in authentic contexts, but also improves their motivation, interest and acquisition of substantial knowledge.
The main objective of this research is to identify the most widely used active methodologies in the field of teaching and learning English and to propose specific teaching activities for each of them. The study, of a documentary nature and with a qualitative approach, is based on a rigorous bibliographic analysis. The results highlight the relevance of methodologies such as Project-Based Learning (PBL), Gamification, Flipped Classroom, Role-Playing Games and Cooperative Learning, which offer multiple benefits in the language training process at the Higher Education level.
Additionally, strategic pedagogical activities designed to optimize effective English learning are proposed. Suggested activities include the creation of brochures, the design of social campaigns, the organization of thematic events, the creation of blogs, word games, contests, challenges, memory games, the development of educational videos, analytical readings, summaries, listening comprehension activities, debates, discussions, oral presentations, monologues, role-playing adventures, dramatizations, video or podcast production, peer tutoring and cascading learning.
Palabras clave
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