The use of Assistive Technology to teach English to students with Autism

Christian Fernando Moreno Delgado, Martha Amelia Castillo Noriega


This mixed-method case study aims to primarily provide insights of implementing the Pixton app in the English language teaching and learning process for a student diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) as assistive technology in an individualized intervention. The participant in the study, J., a 14-year-old student attending regular classes at a private school in Guayaquil, has had ASD since birth. The study consisted of implementing a three-week plan. This intervention comprised accommodations in the English language class that demanded the reinforcement of receptive skills (listening and reading) to later show his writing production through the Pixton app. This formative process was measured through an observation sheet, an interview, and a survey over three weeks. Overall results showed that the improvement of indicators like expanded memory, good behavior, and safe learning, while others remained the same. Part of the limitations found during the implementation was related to the communication per se with the student and their peers, and the cost of affording the tools considered for this study. This intervention offers a new view in Ecuadorian scenarios regarding individual interventions related to inclusive education

Palabras clave

Autism Spectrum Disorder; Assisted Technology; English language class, Individual Intervention

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Polo del Conocimiento              

Revista Científico-Académica Multidisciplinaria

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