Characterization of small metalworking industries and diagnosis of the management of physical assets in the company induhorst cía ltda of quevedo canton, year 2022

Miguel Angel Briones Espinoza, Kelvin Diego Moposita Ortega, Walter Joffred Jácome Veléz, Jeyson Patricio Egas Garcia


This research project focuses on the identification and characterization of small metalworking companies, specifically focusing on the company INDUHORT CÍA LTDA located in the Quevedo Canton. The primary objective is to carry out a diagnosis of physical asset management (GAF) in said company and propose improvements consistent with the ISO 55XXX (000, 001, 002) family of standards (Sanchez, 2010). The identification of small metalworking companies in Quevedo was carried out through field research, taking into consideration the number of workers according to the resolution of the Andean Community of Nations. Three companies were identified that meet the established criteria and are regulated by the Superintendence of Companies. The characterization of these companies was carried out through interviews with general managers, revealing that INDUHORST CÍA LTDA presents a more organized maintenance management. The diagnosis applied through interviews in this company indicates that currently only the maintenance stage is being managed, which leads to proposing improvements based on ISO 55xxx standards (000, 001 and 002) (Sola R & Crespo M, 2016). It is suggested to strengthen maintenance management before implementing the management of physical assets from generation to the end of the asset's life, in accordance with the ISO 55000 standard. In addition, it is recommended that INDUHORST CÍA LTDA develop a "improvement of the management of physical assets" by contracting out third parties, after strengthening maintenance management.

Palabras clave

assets; asset Management; small company.

Texto completo:



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Revista Científico-Académica Multidisciplinaria

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