Quichwa Vowel Sound Interference on English Pronunciation in Third Language Learners at Pujilí High School

Segundo Alfredo Rea Cayancela, Cristina Juca Castro


Nowadays, learning English is important, because it allows interacting with different communities worldwide, for this, it is essential to understand linguistic scaffolding, the central platform for acquiring other languages. For the purpose of this research, a triangulation of the socio-constructivist approach in the personal interaction between teacher and student from different authors was carried out, and a qualitative approach was proposed. The population that participated in the data collection consisted of six indigenous students belonging to the second year of high school and studying accounting and electricity specialties at Pujilí High School and that come from communities that belong to the canton of Pujilí located in the province of Cotopaxi, a North American Peace Corps volunteer, and four teachers, of which one is a Quichwa speaker and three are English professionals with experience working with indigenous communities. The instruments applied were semi-structured interviews and non-invasive speaking observations, the results of which allowed analysis of the interference presented by the vowel sounds of Quichwa on English in students of Pujilí High School.

Palabras clave

Multilingualism; Mother language; Globalization; Enculturation.

Texto completo:



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