The evolution of Flipped Classroom and its immersion in higher education

Martha Lucía Lara-Freire, Wilson Gonzalo Rojas-Yumisaca


The objective of this literature review in the format of reflective writing was to present a critical analysis about the evolution of flipped classroom and its implementation in higher education. The level of the study was descriptive and narrative. The researchers present relevant findings as well as teachers’ experiences which highly contribute to the teaching-learning of English improvement. The main data collection sources were Google scholar, Dspace, digital repositories, Science Direct, SCOPUS, and the web. Considering that, the provided information comes from documents which have gone through an exhaustive revision process such as blind review and peer review. The researchers concluded that reviewing literature, getting trained, and sharing experiences among teachers is a priority since in that way educators can present new alternatives and solutions to students’ learning process which does not necessarily have to be focused only on knowledge or language acquisition, but also to prepare our students with values, skills, and self-awareness to face life challenges in their future workplace. More than a recommendation, the researchers present an invitation for teachers to dig into the flipped classroom model and take advantage of its benefits.

Palabras clave

autonomy; profession; reflection; active learning; flip.

Texto completo:



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