Learners’ identity, communities of practice and investment in learning english as a foreign language through online teaching

Jorge Alberto Martínez-Arias, David Antonio Ureña-Lara, Marco Antonio Bravo-Montenegro, Luis Oswaldo Guadalupe-Bravo


The present study explored the identity of students as online learners, their communities of practice and investment in learning English and how these dimensions influenced language learning inside and outside the classroom. The research was a case study that considered participants from the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Before applying the pedagogical intervention plan, an interview consisting of ten questions was applied, oriented to the dimensions of the identity and investment of the students and the communities of practice inside and outside the classroom as their dimensions.

Subsequently, an interview was applied to compile the data on the perceptions of the students who participated in the study and finally, a narrative and pedagogical intervention of three sessions was carried out, the data collected from the instruments were analyzed based on the content analysis.

The main findings showed that participants recognized the benefits of learning English through online activities, inside and outside the classroom. In addition, the importance of knowing their identity as virtual learners, how much time and resources they invest and in which communities of practice they participated. A more comprehensive study is recommended to learn more about learning English through online activities.

Palabras clave

Identity; investment; communities of practice; online games.

Texto completo:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.23857/pc.v6i2.2311

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