Transnational fatherhood, parenting practices among immigrants from three communities in Ecuador

Jesenia Edelmira Verdezoto-Camacho


Nowadays is common migration from one country to another due to several reasons: to escape from poverty and enhance the economy of the household, to get a better job, to study, etc. For many people, migrate is not an option, their lives in their original countries are difficult, some of them -especially from third world- do not have access to legal documents required in destination countries. This work is about the transnational fatherhood and parenting practices among immigrants from three communities in Ecuador. The results of this work identify different parenting styles adopted for migrant parents and effects in their families, from the point of view of left-behind children through the use of a descriptive and qualitative approach.

Palabras clave

Ecuador; transnational fatherhood; parenting practices; immigrant.

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