Acoustic pollution and its incidence in population health around bus station perimeter in Jipijapa city – Ecuador

Miguel A. Osejos-Merino, Martin V. Merino-Conforme, Monserrate C. Merino-Conforme, Medardo A. Saltos-Bury, Rocío J. Cano-Andrade


This research entitled: " Acoustic pollution and its incidence in population health around bus station perimeter in Jipijapa city - Ecuador. " was carried out during 2017. The methodology used in this work was: observation prior determination of monitoring place, the application of survey, tabulation and interpretation of results. The monitoring was done during the two-month period. The monitoring was carried out on working days (Monday and Tuesday) and non-working (Sunday) at three key points of the perimeter of the bus station. Point 1 (front), point 2 (entry), point 3 (exit). After having monitored the noise pollution, the results were: The highest level of noise was presented in the month of June on Monday afternoon rush hours (12:30 pm to 1:00 pm) at point 1 (front side) ) of the perimeter of the terrestrial terminal with a maximum monthly average of 79.8 decibels dB (A). The month of July presented a higher level of noise pollution in point 1, with a maximum monthly average of 79.9 decibels dB (A), these levels exceed the permissible limits that is 55 decibels dB (A) in a mixed commercial zone according to TULSMA. The main source that generates noise is the horn of rural and provincial buses, cars, motorcycles with defective exhaust pipes, motor vehicles in poor condition, among others. The possible damages caused by the exposure of noise pollution in inhabitants of this area with physiological and psychological effects are: headache, stress, irritability and aggressiveness, hearing loss, nervous system alterations. In addition, the respondents said they do not agree that drivers make unnecessary noises with the horn of their vehicles and agree that noise control standards should be applied; the noise that bothers most is generated by the buses. It also presents a proposal that contributes to finding solutions in noise pollution and its effects on the health of the inhabitants.

Palabras clave

Sound pollution, health, Jipijapa city.

Texto completo:



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Revista Científico-Académica Multidisciplinaria

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